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Byod Powerpoint Template

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Transcript: B.Y.O.T - WHAT ABOUT SECURITY? BYOT doesn't have to be a headache How to prevent BYOT from being "Bring your own Threats" BYOT/BYOD issues How to manage them "BYOD shunned by British Defence" SC Magazine "Tablets to be a bitter pill for infosec" SC Magazine "Are BYOD Workers More Productive?" CIO Magazine "Define Irony: A medical device with a Virus?" Internet Storm Center Android and iPhone are most popular in Australia Blackberries are most popular in Indonesia Android is currently the most popular for malware devs Android App stores allows anonymous Apps to be published Apple apps requires identity verification and a review process Trend Micro claim there could 120,000 malicous Androids apps by the end of the year Trojan-SMS.AndroidOS.Stealer.a. is targeting online banking credentials Android/DougaLeaker.A grabs Contact List: Gets the name, telephone number, and email of every person in the contact list. Both of these are obtained from App stores under the guise of something else, problem is App stores don't validate the Apps and people can install them clicking ok to all the prompts Active Sync Is the traditional method of connecting Mobile Devices to corporate email Has some basic control over Mobile Devices Remote wipe of device capabilities Amount of control varies depending on phone platform Does have its limitations but is sufficient in many cases MDM: Mobile Device Management Wikipedia says it is: software that secures, monitors, manages and supports mobile devices deployed across mobile operators, service providers and enterprises There are a number vendors Gartner Magic Quadrant Leaders April 2011 were Good Technology Sybase Airwatch MobileIron MDM: Gartner Evaluation Criteria Device Diversity Policy Enforcement Security and Compliance Containerization Inventory Management Software Distribution Administration and Reporting IT Service Management Network Service Management Integration Delivery Model MDM: Mobile Device Management Cost Training Which team will manage it Post Sales support Deployment method Inhouse or SAAS BYOD Policies: Separate policies and management for personal devices vs Company supplied Lots of examples on the Web: Include clauses such as Jailbroken devices will be detected and disconnected Report a stolen phone right away The policy will depend on whether you have an MDM or Active Sync. With an MDM enforcement is easier BYOD and Data Loss Prevention BYOD devices adds a whole new dimension to DLP Depends on how devices are allowed to connect to the network Smart Phones can bypass endpoint DLP products detecting data being copied to them Forwarding email from Corporate email to personal email without an audit trail Dealing with BYOD DLP Issues iPhones only - Provide and manage them internally Deploy an MDM solution that prevents Corporate data from leaving the device Use device control on corporate desktops to control how Smartphones connect to corporate desktops Complete list of Vendor and Device IDs Wireless Network Considerations Separate device classes into different VLANs Basic URL filtering, Torrents etc QOS/Throttling - Quality of Service Isolation of infected devices by making use of the Firewall Events Defence Signals Directorate (DSD) IOS Hardening Guide iOS Hardening Configuration Guide An excellent guide and contains all you need to know in deploying a fleet of iPhones Includes: Policy Guides Suggested device settings Good explanation on how to use Apple Configurator Trend Micro, Enterprise Readiness of Consumer Mobile Platforms Report Good comparison of the 4 main Mobile Operating Systems Rates each on a number of categories News Articles in the past week Taplogger Android Trojan can send input data to a remote server Ratings - Trend Micro April 2012 Network Access for BYOD


Transcript: Presented by: Shelby Jones, Wes Paul, and Jessica Foust BYOD means "bring your own device." Students provide their own device or technology in school for an educational purpose, directed by a trained educator. What is BYOD? Our Opinion We support the use of BYOD; however, in order for it to work properly it must be well prepared prior to any steps being taken to implement it. Also,it should be monitored and adjusted accordingly. How do you feel about BYOD? Devices like iPhones, iPads, Tablets, Laptops, and any other device you could imagine that could be used to store information would work great. One main reason students love BYOD, is that they are able to record lectures and then play it back come time studying for a test. Textbooks are a thing of the past and if BYOD is used correctly, it requires more engagement and interaction among students. Would you use it in the classroom if the school allowed it? Bring Your Own Device We're not just letting students go with it. Typically the student must sign an agreement saying they will only use the device when asked to by the teacher. Make at least three pros and three cons of BYOD in the classroom. Students benefit from BYOD because the use of their own device allows them to be more efficient opposed to taking time to learn a new device that they are unfamiliar with. Teachers will benefit from this because it will allow them to reach the students on a different level to keep the students interested. But this is not just all fun and games. What if a child does not have a device? If the school is going to install the BYOD program, it is also up to them to make all things equal. Children that do not have devices must have an equal device like the other students. Break into groups of three.


Transcript: Remembering: Evernote Peek, Word Seek Understanding: Coaches eye Apply: Poetry Creator, Visualize Analyze: Explain Everything Evaluate: Flip Board Creative: iMovie So what are the benefits? What is a flipped classroom? BYOD Students are able to work at their own pace at any destination Students are more interested and engaged when they have access to technology Teachers were able to help students out individually and help fill any knowledge gaps students have Experiential learning with technology in the classroom. experimental learning Things we thought to be unfathomable are now possible with a click of the button. we are able to explore the world through Facebook, google. Blooms Taxonomy How has technology changed the way we teach? learning through experiencing •“Learning by doing” •Thought that schools were disengaged when it came to the lives of students and their experiences •Learning should be about teaching children skills that they are able to apply to real life •Experiential learning •Experimental learning How does ‘BYOD’encourage and support John Dewey’s theories? And the concerns... How can we link it though? back then and now... Apps *Engaging with interests of learners. *Students are able to work at own pace. *Students learn in different ways, as future teachers we have to take this into consideration. *Students become proactive and creative. *Teaches student skills that they are able to apply to real life. (Life Long Learners) it is about teaching students to develop their higher thinking capabilities through different stages. we are able to exploit students creative aspects. by linking blooms theory we are able to make useful links between technology and education what is BYOD? trend of employees bringing their own devises such as laptops and smart phones into the work place for the use for related ventures. what about in education? it was about students bringing their own lap tops or hand held devices to aid with school work, that was either funded by the school or by the parents themselves. •Learning through experimentation •Developing skills and understanding through discovery, driven from thought and question Some students do not have access to technology on a regular basis therefore becomes unfair There is no way to monitor student learning eg, video watching A flipped classroom doesn’t always engage all students- are students really learning anything? “It doesn’t make a bad teacher into a good one” BYOD, Apps Tablets Flip Classrooms, John Dewey What is Experimental Learning ? What is Experiential Learning? A flipped classroom is when students learn through the use of technology to further enhance and develop their learning; opposed to the traditional style of teaching Students use a variety of devices (tools) to gain knowledge through the classroom Students are encouraged to bring their own devices to further develop their learning The student is in control of his/or learning, which allows the teacher to be a facilitator rather than a “instructor” Students are taught through various methods such as videos, PowerPoint slides, presentations with voice overs and printable PowerPoint slides Apps are used on computers, mobile phones and hand held devices. Today there are millions of apps that teachers are using to educate students with the idea that students today learn through interacting with their devices. Coaches eye: allows you to video a student performing a skill and then play it back in slow motion, backwards or frame by frame. Evernote: can be employed as a teaching resource. the app enables you to sync up multiple messages and notes across all devices that you use such as pictures, notes, documents ensuring you don't lose track of good teaching ideas. John Dewey's main ideas •Process of making meaning from direct experience •Learning should be through experience •Experiential learning places students at the center of the teaching and learning, to explore ideas and issues in authentic, relevant contexts using personal experience combined with reflection and feedback to develop a deeper understanding

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Transcript: Nobody knows babies like we do! Quality products . Good Customer service. Every Kid really loves this store.. BABYLOU ABOUT US About Us BabyLou was established in 2004. It has been more than a decade since we started, where we have ensured to take care of every need and want of every child and infant under one roof, true to the caption “NO BODY KNOWS BABIES LIKE WE DO”. Our benchmark is to provide 100% customer service and satisfaction and continue to deliver the same with a wide range of toys, garments and Baby Products. Play and Create We Are Best 01 02 03 Block games Building Blocks help Kids to use their brain. PLAY TO LEARN in Crusing Adventures Our Discoveries Enjoy a sunny vacation aboard a luxury yacht with the LEGO® Creator 3in1 31083 Cruising Adventures set. This ship has all the comforts you need, including a well-equipped cabin and a toilet. Sail away to a sunny bay and take the cool water scooter to the beach. Build a sandcastle, enjoy a picnic, go surfing or check out the cute sea creatures before you head back to the yacht for a spot of fishing. Escape into the mountains Disney Little Princes in Also available for your Babies..... Also... Out of The World… Our reponsibility BABYLOU…. Our Responsibility All children have the right to fun, creative and engaging play experiences. Play is essential because when children play, they learn. As a provider of play experiences, we must ensure that our behaviour and actions are responsible towards all children and towards our stakeholders, society and the environment. We are committed to continue earning the trust our stakeholders place in us, and we are always inspired by children to be the best we can be. Innovate for children We aim to inspire children through our unique playful learning experiences and to play an active role in making a global difference on product safety while being dedicated promoters of responsibility towards children.

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