Transcript: Bull fighting is called Corrida de Toros. It is watched in Spain, Portugal, Mexico, and southern France. To start of, these countries treat bull fighting as a sport while in America it is frowned upon. There are many organizations against this and trying to make this sport illegal. Bull fighting in spain is considered a celebratory sport. It is between March and October. The person that is the one to kill the bull is called a matador. This person will pull maneuvers that are performed by the matadors at close range. The matadors will eventually, after a round of manuevers, kill the bull with a spear or knife and stab it in the back. If the matador has performed particularly well, the crowd may ask the president to award the matador an ear of the bull by waving a white handkerchief. Very rarely, if the public or the matador believes that the bull has fought extremely bravely, they may petition the president of the event to grant the bull a pardon and if granted the bull's life is spared and it is allowed to leave the ring alive and retuen to the ranch where it came from. During the sport season ranchers consider it an honor to have one of their bulls in an event. They will spend years raising bulls. the arena requirments are the bull must be four years old or older and have minimum weight of 1,000 pounds. The killing of the bull after the fight is very brutal. This is the reason why there are organizations to stop this sport. In some countries, thanks to these organizations, it is illegal to kill the bull in the arena. Bull fighting attracts spectators from all over for the fiesta patronal, named ferias taurininas. This festival is held in spanish cultured countries. It is usually held for a saint who holds the fiesta. The streets are usually decorated with bright colors like the inside of the arena. The corrida de toros or running of the bulls is a brutal sport the atracts thousands of people every year. The sport is slowly coming to an end because of the killings of the bulls. Bullfighting BY: Annabell, Anthony, Kayla, and Morgan.