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Bridging The Gap Powerpoint Template

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Bridging the Gap

Transcript: Someone who has good wellbeing has a clear mind and feels safe, self-confident and happy. They have a sense of purpose and positive connections with other people and the community around them. (Peer researchers definition) New Hope Ralph New Hope Peer Research - recovery - co production What helps and what hinders access to wellbeing support? Gaps - corresponding recommendations Ralph Etti Bev Improving well being Six Gaps Identified Training: For people involved in groups Grants: Clients, staff and commissioner panel, Groups: Personality Disorder Group, Mulberry FC, Speaking Circles training, 12 O’clock club, Creative Individuals, Surfing, Keep Safe, Keep Sane, Tiny Monuments Volunteering: What’s On website; Peer mentoring; WMH day Conference Support: Relevant & Flexible Ralph Why peer research Who - Clients and carers affected by mental health issues What we did – client led, setting questions, training researchers, across B&NES Independent researcher Bridging the Gap This presentation was delivered to statutory services last month. The recommendations were received positively and the following actions agreed: Key Points Improving Well being – is both possible and worthwhile Connections Between People – are important for optimal wellbeing Statutory Services – Communication, Consultation and Cooperation between statutory services, clients, carers and other organisations are key to making services the best they can be We need the bedrock of professional mental health support to rely on - this is not as reliable as people would like Client support networks: Carers feel excluded - want to feel included Statutory & carers working together Crisis Support: Not working Available when needed & clients and carers having a realistic expectation of the service Discharge: People feel abandoned Linking people in with support networks and activities will help ‘Connections with other people’ - helps the most - Loneliness, isolation, disconnection exacerbate, even cause, mental health problems Accessing groups and activities and getting involved is working to improve wellbeing. What we need from you is support to: Promote Client involvement Encourage Accessing Services Introduction To help to improve wellbeing for those affected by mental health issues in B&NES: Motivation – Understand that motivation may fluctuate, be flexible to accommodate this Accessing Services – Should be made as easy as possible for people, consider travel, cost and whether they have someone to go with Finding Out About Groups & Services – Info should not rely on one method of reaching people, carers and clients should know about opportunities and where to get info Connections between people Motivation A Building Bridges to Wellbeing report Motivation can be the result of doing something Recommendations: Flexible –fluctuating motivation Groups/activities designed to overcome low motivation Purpose of the group - is what people are attracted to Develop meaningful involvement and volunteering opportunities Peer Research Information about groups/services should be available at patients discharge Distribute information in various formats about services, groups and activities Pass on information about activities to clients & carers whether they ask for it or not Ensure information about groups and services reaches both carers and clients. Charlie Charlie Presentation Questions Mince pie Break Discussion Etti Etti Etti Bev Wellbeing Key Points Statutory Services Recommendations for statutory services Improving Well Being Connections between people Statutory services Motivation Accessing services Finding out about services Statutory Services Presentation Ralph Bev Finding Out About Services Questions & Discussion Build services on base assumption that improving wellbeing for people living with mental health issues and their supporters is both possible and worthwhile Flexibility and continuity are the key to meeting the needs and aspirations of people who have variable mental health. This is particularly important for people rejecting support because of their low mental health Cost Transport Someone to go with Forum for those affected by mental health issues Members are actively involved in improving services Aim: Use the skills and talents of members to improve the experience of living with mental health issues in B&NES, empowering those who get involved and inspiring others Mission: To reduce stigma surrounding memtal health issues and to be actively involved in improving local services used by those affected by mental health issues Achievements: WMH day, Web calendar, Human Library, Grant panel - Six groups What should statutory services do? What should organsations and people facilitating groups and activities do? What can clients and carers do? Etti Etti Develop closer working relationships between statutory mental health services and community organisations Statutory services to work as closely as possible with the individual’s friends and family

Bridging the gap

Transcript: The world is very important to me because it supports our lives. Health is important to our quality and length of life. I love animals, but I get angry when people are cruel to them. Tennis and soccer players inspire me to try harder. What do I think? I think it is unfair that lots of people around the world do not have the same opportunities as I have. What will I bring with me? I can work well in a group I can edit a film using imovie. I have developed good math skills. I can research a topic and present it in many different ways like prezi, publisher, 3d models, folders and posters. I can cook and I can design and create models. Help Me! I can't think of anything I need help with!!!!!!!!!! Hopes and dreams I hope that middle school will be more independent and that I will be taught by different teachers for each subject. I am looking forward to tech studies because I will be using different tools. It will be great to have a bigger school to walk around. Worries and stresses My worries are that I won't handle the amount of work. About me! To my teachers for next year, I live with my parents, my two sisters and my dog Scamp. My family moved to Australia from England the year I was born. One of my sisters, Lydia, went to Tatachilla. My two favourite sports are tennis and soccer I love playing SAPSASA. I got into district soccer this year and I am hoping to get into district tennis. I enjoy riding skateboards and spending time with friends. My goal is to become a vet when I am older. Looking forward to meeting you, James computers I like to learn doing activities like... enviroment fresh air All about James light I like to learn in a classroom that looks like... James Hodson using my hands maths how things work experiments excursions through games astronomy geography science biology technology relaxed cooking making things I like to learn about things like... windows sports colourful small group learning comfortable

Bridging the Gap

Transcript: Build a bridge between community college and four-year institutions on which these individuals can travel with confidence "Confidence is a primary factor in student success and if we can provide a basic framework of support that can encourage the development of confidence in a deserving but underserved student, then the Bridge will be successful" D. White * Detailed one-on-one orientation advising for prospective students and Major Fair at participating community colleges * Semester Mixers where students can meet each other, faculty, and staff *In depth semester advising schedules with designated advisor *Brown Bag lunches with professors and staff about academic research and university resources * Mentor opportunities between students and students, students and faculty, and students and community How? * These Individuals may not have the emotional, social, or academic support to successfully transition to a four-year program at a large university * Transfer students in general experience difficulty when transitioning to four-year institutions, aged-out foster youth are more likely to struggle with transitional difficulties if they do not have a support network and encouragement * Positive and healthy relationships with adults help foster youth develop strong self-efficacy (Rhoades, 2005) * Only 3% of the the 30,000 children who "age out" of the system earn a college degree (Aging Out, 2012) * No notable transition program exists for these individuals that aids in helping them to be successful in their transition to four-year programs Who? * Program will run one academic year * Use of questionnaires, surveys, academic progress reports, and observational reports from both students and advisors * All assessments to be compiled into a comprehensive report to be presented to executive committee for judgement on success and future of program Why? Pilot Program to Aid in the Transition of Participants of Virginia's Great Expectations Program to Four Year Programs within the School of World Studies Hope Assessment of Success * Foster youth who are aging or aged-out of the system and are participating in VA's Great Expectations Program * Are interested in Foreign Languages, International Studies, Religious Studies, and Anthropology * Are considering or planning to transfer to VCU to complete a bachelors degree in majors listed above Bridging the Gap

Bridging the Gap

Transcript: Guatemala, Bolivia, China, Kentucky, Romania, Haiti, Peru, Uruguay, Loudoun County Virginia, Honduras, Zambia, St. Vincent, Romania, Senegal - Distributed $60,000 in grants and scholarships in the past 5 years - Current assets total approximately $250,000 (growth solely through Capital Gains) - 2013 scholarships and grants budget is $20,000 - Future growth through expanded vision and trusting in God's provision "Give praise to the Lord, proclaim His name; make known among the nations what He has done." Psalm 105:1 Fundraising About God About the Holy Spirit Finance and Auditing History About Jesus Policies and Procedures Board of Directors Board of Directors a. Define the vision b. Approve the budget c. Consider and approve funding applications d. Direct the Foundation through three specialized committees e. Invite people to be involved The Bible is God's Word to us written by human authors, under the supernatural guidance of the Holy Spirit. It is the supreme source of truth Fundraising The purpose of the Loudoun Missions Foundation is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world by supporting mission trips and missionaries in training from Christian churches and organizations in Loudoun County. By providing scholarships and other resources, the foundation helps equip those willing to serve for the work God has prepared for them. Mission Statement Finance/Auditing "If the Great Commission is true, our plans are not too big, they are too small." - Pat Morely "For there are three that bear record in Heaven, the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit, and these three are one." 1 John 5:7 Moving forward... how can we work together? Responsibilities God is the Creator and Ruler of the universe. He eternally exists in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. These three are equal and are one God. "So Christ Himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the works of service so that the body of Christ may be built up." Eph. 4:11 Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He is equal with the Father. Jesus lived a sinless human life and offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice for the sins of all people by dying on the cross. He arose from the dead after three days to demonstrate His power over sin and death. He ascended to Heaven's glory and will return again some day to reign as King of kings and Lord of lords. The Foundation was founded in 1991 with funding from the estate of a local church member with a heart for local and global missions. Originally known as the Purcellville Baptist Church Foundation, the organization has recently become a stand-alone entity and has applied for 501c3 nonprofit status with the IRS. God's Supply "God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supply." -Hudson Taylor Wayne Ruckman, President Kevin Rudy, Vice-President Jennifer Jenkins, Secretary Dondria Culbert Peter Buck Nancy Brown Jaoni Wood "Jesus said to him, 'I AM the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but through Me.'" John 14:6 Statement of Faith -develop plans for ways we can work together God's Work Policies and Procedures -to pray for unbelievers -to pray for missionaries -discuss ideas Salvation is God's free gift to us, but we must accept it. We can never make up for our sin by self-improvement or good works. Only by trusting in Jesus Christ as God's offer of forgiveness can anyone be saved from sin's penalty. When we turn from our self-ruled life and turn to Jesus in faith we are saved. Eternal life begins the moment we receive Jesus Christ. About Salvation Loudoun Missions Roundtable "And let us consider how to stir one another up to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together... but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the day drawing near." ~ Hebrews 10:24-25 We invite representatives from churches in Loudoun County to join together: About the Bible Wayne Ruckman, President Kevin Rudy, Vice-President Dondria Culbert Jennifer Jenkins Peter Buck Nancy Brown Jaoni Wood The Holy Spirit is equal with the Father and Son of God. He is present in the world to make men and women aware of their need for Jesus Christ. He also lives in every Christian from the moment of salvation. He prepares the Christian with power for living, understanding of spiritual truth and guidance in doing what is right. He gives every believer a spiritual gift when they are saved. As Christians, we seek to live under his control daily. Our vision is to help bring area churches together around the shared mission of taking the gospel of Jesus Christ to people in Loudoun County and around the world.

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