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Breast Cancer Awareness Template Powerpoint

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Breast Cancer Awareness

Transcript: Hair dyes, especially dark permanent dyes which can contain nonylphenol Liquid hand soap containing triclosan Nail polish with formaldehyde, DBP, or toluene Heavily scented products Moisturizers and lotion with petrolatum Shaving creams, hair gels, hair spray, mousse, or shaving cream that contains isobutane Sunscreens that contain estrogen-like compounds (some safe sunscreeens are Burt's Bees and Eco) Breast Cancer Prevention Old furniture often contains fillings with harmeful flame-retardants called PBDEs. When the filling is exposed, PBDEs are released in the air increasing your risk of many cancers. Chlorine bleach and bleached products are commonly used in many places and products around the house. Try to find products that either say bleach-free or processed-cholorine free. Seafood can contain mercury and also be contaminated with high levels of PCBs and dioxins. Buy farmed fish if possible and try not to eat too much of fattier fish, like lake trout, or bottom dwellers, like wild catfish.When you do eat fish, remove as much fat as possible. Frying can actually contain some of the toxic chemicals within the fish, so either bake it or broil it instead. Helpful Prevention Tips Many pesticides have been linked to human diseases, including breast cancer. They are usually very hard to get out of your system and can stay there for years. Much like pesticides, weed killers are also a culpret for cancer. The safest way to get rid of weeds is by hand and frequent mowing. Eat Hormone-free Meat and Dairy When an animal eats plants, it usually has pesticides, hormones, and contaminants on it. When we eat dairy or meat products, we end up eating the residue from chemicals that the animal injested. Try to choose beef or dairy that is hormone-free and organic. Soy Products Soy has many benefits, but if eaten too often, it can lead to a higher risk of breast cancer. Try to stay away from concentrated or isolated forms of soy such as genistein pills. Bibliography The lining of cans can leach chemicals like BPA into the food. BPA can increase the risk factor of not only breast cancer, but many others. Fresh vegetables are a better choice, but if you can't get it fresh, buy frozen or look for brands that have BPA-free cans. Also look for organic produce, because it is grown without harmful pesticides/ herbicides. Look for antioxidant-rich foods that are high in vitamin E, vitamin C and beta-carotene. Breast Cancer Prevention Fragrance can contain dozens, even hundreds, of harmful, hormone-disrupting chemicals. The law states that the formulas for fragrance do not have to be avaliable to the public so, until the law changes, it's best to avoid synthetic fragrance and try to buy products that contain only natural fragrances. A good example is essential oils. Some beauty products contain carcinogens and other chemicals that increase the risk of breast cancer. The best way to avoid these chemicals is to use less products that contain them. The less makeup you use the less of a risk you have. Through Food Breast Cancer Prevention Things to Avoid Vegatables The aluminum in antiperspirants can build up in breast tissue, so try to buy a deoderant that is aluminum-free. Check for safer alternatives or try a home-made solution like diluted baking soda. Some common brands are Adidas and Tom's. Seafood Around the House by: Natalie Roe and Caitie Clifford Exercise daily for at least 40 minutes. It's a good idea to spend sometime outside each day, to boost your vitamin D levels. Keep electrical devices, such as a cell phone, at least 3 feet from where you sleep and don't turn on a bright light at night so you keep your melatonin levels high. Meditate, or practice slow, long, deep-breathing exercises for at least 10 minutes before bed to increase melatonin levels. Take relaxation breaks throughout the day for about 20 minutes to alleviate stress. Drink water stored in glass rather than plastic so the chemicals don't leach into the water Maintain a healthy weight. Breat Cancer Prevention In Teens

Breast Cancer Awareness

Transcript: Dash for Ca$h <-- Cameron Mikayla Spradlin interviewed Mike Payne, the husband of a breast cancer victim , and also was involved in the Dash for Ca$h event. What we did to spread awareness Why we chose this topic. What Mikayla did “After months Amy got way worst and we knew her time was coming sooner than we expected. I had prepared the kids and told them that; mommy won’t be staying with us any longer. The next day I took Amy to the hospital and after a few more months of her suffering, our kids and I were in the room with her and that night she died in our arms. Since then nothing has been the same around the house. We all as a family have moved on but we still have not forgotten and never will.” Breast Cancer Awareness We chose this topic because we wanted to raise awareness to the people of William Monroe High School about breast cancer. <-- Seth Seth Brett made posters to spread the awareness of breast cancer around our school. Cameron Chiumento made the Prezi presentation, and I am a cheerleader and the whole teem took part in the Dash for Ca$h event going on. In conclusion Next I got Mikey’s story his was more to the point and short. He got emotional as well when he told me his story. I totally understood his situation. His interview didn’t take as long as his dads but that was because his dad got into details and was more specific about what happened. I started the conversation with Mikey by saying” hey Mikey how are you doing? May I ask you some questions about your mom?” He said that was fine and then we started talking. Mikey explained what happened by saying” Yes it was a terrible lost and I don’t stop thinking about her for a minute. I miss her so much and I wish she were still here and my family would be perfect again. I was about 10 when my dad told me the news. We had just come home from church and they told my brother and me to sit down on the couch and that we needed to have a talk. They waited for us to get comfortable I could tell it was bad because my mom was already crying. My dad told us that our mom had breast cancer. At first I didn’t understand but then it hit me. My mom was dying before my eyes. It took a good 5 – 10 minutes for my brother to catch on. We were upset for days and we stayed quiet towards everyone. We kept to ourselves. Every day when we got home from school we did our homework and went to our rooms and stayed there. We didn’t know how to take the pain in, to know that our mom is dying before us. All of the information was hard to take in at once. Everyone asked me how my mom was doing and how I was doing and how my family was getting along. All I told them was that, we are having a rough time taking everything in at once. What Seth did First Person At this point in time I started to feel what he was feeling just threw his emotions and facial expressions. It was also hard for the both of us because I knew Amy. She was a wonderful person. “I was truly hurt and I knew it wasn’t going to get any better due to what stage of breast cancer she was in. We as parents had to find a way to tell our kids. We knew that after we told them we would have to explain what all was going happen within the next 1 to 2 years. Amy my darling was in so much pain and I could tell. As Sunday rolled around we decided to sit the kids down and tell them what was going on. Our words to them were very sorrowful. When we told them they didn’t quite understand. That when we explained breast cancer to them and that’s when tears ran down their faces. We told that their mom would be going through chemotherapy. After about a week the kids got out of the crying stage and were very quiet at home and at school.” ” When I came home from work I could tell Amy wasn’t feeling well. She hadn’t been feeling well for a while now. We finally decided to take her to the doctor after about 2 weeks. It took a few hours for her appointment to finish up. I asked her what was wrong and she didn’t respond. She said she was fine and that she just had a bad cold. After about a week or so I finally realized that it wasn’t a cold it was much more than that. I could tell she was hiding something from me, something important. Finally after a day or 2 of me trying to figure out what was wrong I sat her down and asked her. At last she told me. I was devastated I didn’t know how to deal with the situation and how our kids would take it.” What Cameron did <-- Mikayla Interview by Mikayla By: Cameron C Seth B. Mikayla S. Mike Payne-Husband and father Amy Payne-Wife and mother Mikey and Kevin-two sons We spread awareness to the people of our school. We made our school more aware of how severe breast cancer can be. We also made money for cancer reasearch. The Dash for Ca$h event is a event that you pay a certain amount of money for 1 ticket and if you get picked then you get to run around trying to pick up cash. All the money goes to breast cancer research. Next I got Mikey’s story his was more to the point and short. He got

Breast cancer awareness

Transcript: Breast cancer Facts Breast cancer is the most common cancer among American women after skin cancer. Today, about 1 in 8 women (12%) will develop breast cancer in her lifetime. Breast cancer is the second-leading cause of cancer death in women (lung cancer is first). The American Cancer Society estimates that in 2012, about 226,870 women will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer and about 39,510 will die from breast cancer. Only 5% to 10% of breast cancers occur in women with a clearly defined genetic predisposition for the disease. The majority of breast cancer cases are "sporadic," meaning there is no direct family history of the disease. The risk for developing breast cancer increases as a woman ages. Symptoms The symptoms of breast cancer include: •Lump or thickening in or near the breast or in the underarm that persists through the menstrual cycle. •A mass or lump, which may feel as small as a pea. •A change in the size, shape, or contour of the breast. •A blood-stained or clear fluid discharge from the nipple. •A change in the feel or appearance of the skin on the breast or nipple (dimpled, puckered, scaly, or inflamed). •Redness of the skin on the breast or nipple. •A change in shape or position of the nipple •An area that is distinctly different from any other area on either breast. •A marble-like hardened area under the skin. Common types The most common types of breast cancer are: • Invasive ductal carcinoma . This cancer starts in the milk ducts of the breast. Then it breaks through the wall of the duct and invades the fatty tissue of the breast. This is the most common form of breast cancer, accounting for 80% of invasive cases. • Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is ductal carcinoma in its earliest stage (stage 0). "In situ" refers to the fact that the cancer hasn't spread beyond its point of origin. In this case, the disease is confined to the milk ducts and has not invaded nearby breast tissue. If untreated, ductal carcinoma in situ may become invasive cancer. It is often curable. • Infiltrating (invasive) lobular carcinoma. This cancer begins in the lobules of the breast where breast milk is produced, but has spread to surrounding tissues or other parts of the body. It accounts for about 10% of invasive breast cancers. • Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) is cancer that is only in the lobules of the breast. It isn't a true cancer, but serves as a marker for the increased risk of developing breast cancer later. Thus, it is important for women with lobular carcinoma in situ to have regular clinical breast exams and mammograms. In addition, there are several other less common types of breast cancer. stages of breast cancer • Early stage or stage 0 breast cancer is when the disease is localized to the breast with no evidence of spread to the lymph nodes (carcinoma in situ). • Stage I breast cancer: The cancer is 2 centimeters or less in size and it hasn't spread anywhere. • Stage IIA breast cancer is a tumor smaller than 2 centimeters across with lymph node involvement or a tumor that is larger than 2 but less than 5 centimeters across without underarm lymph node involvement. • Stage IIB is a tumor that is greater than 5 centimeters across without underarm lymph nodes testing positive for cancer or a tumor that is larger than 2 but less than 5 centimeters across with lymph node involvement. • Stage IIIA breast cancer is also called locally advanced breast cancer. The tumor is larger than 5 centimeters and has spread to the lymph nodes under the arm, or a tumor that is any size with cancerous lymph nodes that adhere to one another or surrounding tissue. • Stage IIIB breast cancer is a tumor of any size that has spread to the skin, chest wall, or internal mammary lymph nodes (located beneath the breast and inside the chest). • Stage IIIC breast cancer is a tumor of any size that has spread more extensively and involves more lymph node invasion. • Stage IV breast cancer is defined as a tumor, regardless of size, that has spread to places far away from the breast, such as bones, lungs, liver, brain, or distant lymph nodes. How Is Breast Cancer Diagnosed? During your regular physical exam, your doctor will take a careful personal and family history and perform a breast exam and possibly order a mammogram or an ultrasound of the breasts. In certain women who are at increased risk for breast cancer, an MRI may be ordered. Based on the results of these tests, your doctor may or may not request a biopsy to get a sample of the breast mass cells or tissue. After the sample is removed, it is sent to a lab for testing. A pathologist -- a doctor who specializes in diagnosing abnormal tissue changes -- views the sample under a microscope and looks for abnormal cell shapes or growth patterns. When cancer is present, the pathologist can tell what kind of cancer it is (ductal or lobular carcinoma) and whether it has spread beyond the ducts or lobules (invasive). Lab tests such as hormone receptor tests (estrogen

Breast Cancer Awareness

Transcript: National Breast Cancer Awareness Observe: Breast Cancer is abnormal growth that forms in tissues of the breast. Things causing Breast Cancer: *age -the chances of developing breast cancer increases within age. *race Caucasian women are at an higher risk of developing Breast Cancer. Ways to treat Breast Cancer Ways to donate Organizations supporting the cause about 230,480 new cases of invasive Breast Cancer about 57,650 new cases of caranoma about 39,520 deaths from Breast Cancer Resources: Random Facts About 77% of Breast Cancer cases occur in woman past the age of 50 By the age of 40, women should anually have mammograms and breasts exams by a physician as well as monthly exams. The End By: Imani Woods =) Number of people affected by Breast Cancer Surgery Medicine Radiation Therapy It is important to observe Breast Cancer because there are two stages pertaining to it. Known as: - the tubes that carry milk to the nipple Cause -Black women are at a greater risk of more invasive Breast Cancer and dying from the disease. -Other races, such as, Asian, Hispanic, & Native American are at a lower risk of Breast Cancer. -the glands that make the milk lobules -you may donate at different store locations -donate online -sponsorships -Breast Cancer walks ducts

Breast Cancer Awareness

Transcript: The Susan G. Komen sixty mile, three day walk raises awareness and funds for breast cancer. This walk was organized in 2002 as a two day, thirty-nine mile walk and has grown over the last nine years. The walk raises a minimum of $2,300 towards the fight against breast cancer. Since it started, the walk has raised over 400 million dollars towards the cure. 1 in 8 women in the United States (12%) will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime. Besides skin cancer, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among U.S. women. More than 1 in 4 cancers in women (about 28%) are breast cancer. About 5-10% of breast cancers can be linked to gene mutations inherited from one’s mother or father. A woman’s risk of breast cancer approximately doubles if she has a first-degree relative (mother, sister, daughter) who has been diagnosed with breast cancer. About 20-30% of women diagnosed with breast cancer have a family history of breast cancer. The most significant risk factors for breast cancer are gender (being a woman) and age (growing older). Seymour Pink was founded by Mrs. Deming as a way to "See More" Pink and spread awareness about Breast Cancer. It is "a community's fight against breast cancer". Fall 2011 Events: 10-18: SHS Girl's swim team first annual Pink Swim Meet 10-19: Third annual Seymour Pink Day Celebratoin at Lanza's Restaurant and Pizzeria Oxford Academy is offering free haircuts with a $10 donation 10-20: Downtown Seymour Night out for the Cause 10-21: Candy Coburn Concert 10-22: Zumbathon at Peak Fitness 11-4: Winetasting at Villa Bianca Miss Kazo is an art teacher in the elementary level who shared her personal story in her battles with Breast Cancer with us. She explained that her first time diagnosis was at Stage 1 in which she got a lumpectomy, and recieved chemo treatments. She described the whole process as "surreal". After taking medicine in remission for 5 years, cancer was located again in a different breast, and this is where her struggles continued. She underwent many surgeries, including a full masectomy, where they had to fuse her skin cells together keeping them alive. When asked who and what supported her in her fight against Breast Cancer, she said that her family and friends helped her the most. She also talked about the relationships with her doctors and nurses, who were part of her support system, and her weekly routine. "I could not believe how much people actually cared for me", she said. When asked about the financial situations involved in her fight with Breast Cancer she said she didn't understand how people got through the struggle without a good handle on their insurance. She said that she had to be very aware of every co-pay, and every doctor's bill involved, and without her knowledge of her insurance system she believed she wouldn't have recieved the proper treatment. "Stand your grounds, and get what you need". Miss Kazo emphasized on the mental and emotional change that comes about when a person has cancer. She said that it was no longer just a disease, but it "became a way of life". She compared herself to the character Sally in The Nightmare Before Christmas, saying that she has thousands of stitches holding her together. To her, Breast Cancer will always be "the shadow over her shoulder", but her admirable strength in her fight is something to be cherished and celebrated. The History Of Breast Cancer 2011 1600 B.C. Breast cancer Statistics An interview with Miss Kazo. By: Francesca DelPrete, Emily Dieckman, Kelly Ferris, and Caitlin Slotter In loving memory of The 17th Century Benjamin Bell and Jean Louis Petit became the first surgeons to treat breast cancer by removing the underlying chest muscle, breast tissue and lymph nodes. The start of the Susan G. Komen foundation. Made in honor of Komen who was diagnosed with breast cancer at 33 years old. The foundation still thrives, raising money for the cure. Donate Participate in a run / walk Become an advocate Participate in events (golfing, bowling, concerts, etc.) Attend a conference Buy ribbons Wear PINK ! How to get Involved The egyptians are said to be the first to discover breast cancer. In this time there was no set cure for the disease, and it was treated by cauterization. In the present day, we are more aware of breast cancer. Women and men alike get their breasts examined, and people are more aware of the causes, symptoms and dangers of breast cancer. Treatments range from breast augmentation to chemo-therapy. People are more strongly than ever fighting for a cure. 1882 - 1970 Breast Cancer Awareness Cindy Morosko Theodosia K. McEnerney Erin Coughlin Lorraine Petrocelli Susan Judd Laura Rogers Howard B. King Elizabeth F. Dinan Angelina Lydiksen Louis and Jane Mascolo John Holmes Renee Greer Jean Gucciardo Grandma Tucker Lucille Robillard Marie Wrinn Wanda Neville Amelia Kozlowski Marie Dechane Mary Jane Bowersox America 1982 (cc) image by jantik on Flickr In this period, radical

Breast Cancer Awareness

Transcript: Breast Cancer Awareness Why is it important? Is life important? Are men important? Are women important? The answer is, yes. So now ask yourself, who is affected by breast cancer? Answer.. we all are. Breast Cancer Factors.. Age Race Family History Only the old are affected by breast cancer..right? Wrong.. Breast cancer can affect women & men as young as the age of SEVENTEEN. Those who contract breast cancer in their twenties have the lowest survival rate? ..A survival rate dating to 5 years Doctors do not stress breast cancer screening until women hit 40? Each year 1.2 million women will be diagnosed with breast cancer world wide In 2011, 192, 000 US women were diganoised with breast cancer Of those 192,000 women, 40,610 will die. Leading to notion that over 40% of women diagnosed with breast cancer will DIE. DID YOU KNOW Women are not the only sex to contract breast cancer 2,140 men are diagnosed each year 450 men die from breast cancer each year Now thats absurd.. SO What Can YOU ? START by.. BE AWARE Only YOU can SAVE YOURSELF breast cancer is fought and won by the strong. Start Young. Live Long. Get Active Stay Active Cancerous cells build in fatty tissue Eat healthy. Be healthy Put YOUR LIFE in YOUR HANDS PREVENTION IS KEY PREVENT CANCER! Learn how to self-examine Be familiar with your body BE PROACTIVE Know your family history Know your personal medical history Get tested early. DONT be AFAIRD to ask QUESTIONS! See your doctor regularly Catch breast cancer in the early stages Before it is too late. Now what? Help those who need it. GIVE back.. FIGHT back.. JOIN the cause.. Get involved BE AWARE. BE PROACTIVE. BE CANCER FREE. Celebrate life ? Do wow

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