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Beyond Powerpoint

Transcript: How to help your child with this weeks math homework! Why are you as a parent recieving this presentation? 1 Why are you recieving this? Education is always changing! We know things aren't always taught the way you learned to do them. We want to provide you with the resources to help your child! Education is always changing! Let's make everyone's lives easier! Let's make everyone's lives easier There is nothing more frustrating then coming home from work and trying to help your child with homework you don't understand. This gets particullarly more challenging when they claim that your ways aren't what they are learning in class. This presentation will show you how we are teaching your students in class and hopefully make everyone's lives easier! The Lesson! 2 The Lesson! This week's lesson involves subtracting numbers 0-10! The Lesson! This week we are going to be working on subtracting numbers 0-10! An example problem would look something like this: Use the provided shapes to help solve the following math problem! 3 - 2 = __ We use the shapes to help children visualize what they are doing! 3 How are we teaching this in class? Here's how we would teach the example problem! 3 - 2 = __ 1. Start by counting the total number of stars shown! 4. Ask your child what the following number in the math sentence is! In this case 2! 2. Indicate that this represents the first number in the math sentence! In this case 3! 3. Ask your child what the symbol between the number means! In this case subtraction! 5. Ask your child to cross out two of the provided stars! 6. Ask them how many stars are no longer crossed out! This will be their final answer! In this case 1! Here's what it would look like! 4 Here's what it'll look like! 3 - 2 = __ 3 - 2 = __ We start with 3 stars and cross out 2. This leaves us with 1 star not crossed out. 3 - 2 = 1 5 Thank You! Thank You! I hope this presentation made both you and your students life easier! Feel free to come to me with any questions regarding the lesson or for more ways you can help your child!

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