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Best Red White And Black Powerpoint Templates

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Black and White in Black and White

Transcript: Points of Interest For Discussion What is the point: Cinematography/ mise en scene Leitmotif History/ Colonial Ideology Identity What is the significance of Diouana asking for the mask back? Langford argues that we can use these systems to determine the identities of colonial and post-colonial subjects. Looking at the characters, do you agree? Are there any moments when characters move from one economic system to another? How can we interpret the last scene, when Monsieur returns the mask? Do you think cinematography of the movie being black and white emphasizes the microcosm? Give specific examples. How does the interior and the props (of being black and white) important? Do you agree with Langford that it emphasizes microcosm? Group One: Group Two: Group Three: Group Four: Summary: The article was written by Rachael Langford It focuses on the film La Noire de... that touches upon the issues of colonized and post-colonial identity Collaboration!!! Questions Questions Do you side with Mylkus and Armies or Langford pertaining to the voice over? How does Diouana form a sense of identity within the film? How is the act of suicide, the leitmotif of the mask, and themes of money, gift and production central to the film's confrontation with colonial and neo-colonial discourse on African identity In the beginning of the film, it showed a sequence of Diouana and monsieur driving from the port to the apartment. As they were driving, it illustrated them driving through the beach and people having fun. What is the significance of this scene in terms of identity and Diouanna’s perspective of France? In the end of the film, Diouana commits suicide. How did the French media respond? Did her death help link France and Dakar and if so what was that connection? Danielle Lee Mack Lim Danielle Magalhaes Chino Uy Professor. Hoffman May 8 2015 ENGC72 Black and White in Black and White Identity and Cinematography in Ousmane Sembène's La Noire de.../ Black Girl (1966) By: Rachael Langford Thesis Langford argues that through cinematography and narrative content the movie shows the structural power the French had over Africa, thus preventing Africa and African from being equal (from being independent ) and determines their identity Main Points Identity- inferiority/ representation History/False Colonial Ideology Leitmotif of Mask / Gift giving Mise en scene and cinematography reflects the bigger problem between the French and African

Red, White and Black:

Transcript: On July 17th, 1862 President Lincoln declared African Americans could serve in the U.S. military by issuing the Second Confiscation and Militia Act African Americans were not allowed to engange in combat unitl the Emancipation Proclamation The Importance of Different Racial Groups Different racial groups played a key role in the Civil War African Americans fought for the North, which enraged southerners, Hispanics fought for both sides and Native Americans became scouts and giudes. More than 10,000 served in the Civil War Both the Union and Confederate had hispanic Americans fighting for them, but most regiments were in the Confederate Army because most of them lived in the Southwest of the U.S. The highest known rank of a hispanic american was admiral of the Union Navy African Americans Native Americans 200,000 served in the Union army and navy and were paid less than white men and they could not become officers The United States Colored troops suffered discrimination even though they volunteered Most were placed as factory and construction workers and did not see combat They were given wore down clothes and equipment that the white soldiers did not want When used in battle, they were seen as targets and were put on the frontlines Sources Hispanic Americans Most supported the Confederacy because the union troops abandoned the forts in indian territory making them more vulnerable to the confederacy Some Native Americans owned slaves The ones who remained loyal to the Union were only allowed to fight in indian territory for fear they would turn against white men when armed Many were guides and scouts They joined the armies for they were promised to get their homelands back if that side won Race in the Civil War By: Kelsie Owens and Chance Osborne

PowerPoint Game Templates

Transcript: Example of a Jeopardy Template By: Laken Feeser and Rachel Chapman When creating without a template... Example of a Deal or No Deal Template PowerPoint Game Templates There are free templates for games such as jeopardy, wheel of fortune, and cash cab that can be downloaded online. However, some templates may cost more money depending on the complexity of the game. Classroom Games that Make Test Review and Memorization Fun! (n.d.). Retrieved February 17, 2017, from Fisher, S. (n.d.). Customize a PowerPoint Game for Your Class with These Free Templates. Retrieved February 17, 2017, from 1. Users will begin with a lot of slides all with the same basic graphic design. 2. The, decide and create a series of questions that are to be asked during the game. 3. By hyper linking certain answers to different slides, the game jumps from slide to slide while playing the game. 4. This kind of setup is normally seen as a simple quiz show game. Example of a Wheel of Fortune Template Games can be made in order to make a fun and easy way to learn. Popular game templates include: Family Feud Millionaire Jeopardy and other quiz shows. Quick video on template "Millionaire" PowerPoint Games Some games are easier to make compared to others If users are unsure whether or not downloading certain templates is safe, you can actually make your own game by just simply using PowerPoint. add logo here References Example of a Family Feud Template PowerPoint Games are a great way to introduce new concepts and ideas You can create a fun, competitive atmosphere with the use of different templates You can change and rearrange information to correlate with the topic or idea being discussed. Great with students, workers, family, etc. For example: With games like Jeopardy and Family Feud, players can pick practically any answers. The person who is running the game will have to have all of the answers in order to determine if players are correct or not. However, with a game like Who Wants to be a Millionaire, the players only have a choice between answers, A, B, C, or D. Therefore, when the player decides their answer, the person running the game clicks it, and the game will tell them whether they are right or wrong.

Black and White

Transcript: Logical Fallacy: False Dilemma This girl is pushing her father into something without giving him any options or chance to counter with different ideas. Either i get M+Ms, or the Sky falls!!! 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Google images You don't want me to make the sky fall, so you may agree with me because of that. this statement gives you no chance to try to make a compromise or say what you think. You have two choices, make the sky fall, or give me m+ms!!! By Ava Joy Cockey 1st period Mcgregor Example 2 "presenting two alternative states as the only possibilities, when in fact more possibilities exist" from LSAT Blog: Ace the LSAT- Logical reasoning flaws, fallacy list When someone may try to trick you into thinking something by saying its not the other option, so it must be this one The Damage May also be referred to as a Black and White fallacy or Either/ or Fallacy Example 4 When this fallacy is used, it does not give people another option on what to say. The person will feel as if they are obliged to agree with the False Dilemma Sources :D Examples! Example 3: Sydney Has a Tantrum? Either i get my friends over, or i don't help you with your project! Either Sydney goes to the one direction concert, or she has a tantrum!!! speaker. This may damage the person, or their logic, because they may now have a more closed mind, and may not be used to picking or making options on their own.

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