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Beer Powerpoint Template

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beer beer beer beer beerbeerbeerbeerbeerbeerbeerbeer beerbeerbeerbeerbeerbeerbeerbeerbeerbeerbeerbeerbeerbeerbeerbeerbeer beerbeerbeerbeerbeerbeerbeerbeerbeerbeerbeerbeerbeer

Transcript: Brewing Beer: The Six-Step Process 1) Malting is the first step to making beer. It is the process of making the barley ready. Barley is a type of grass that is particularly large; it has seeds on top of its stem. Steeping is the first stage in malting. The barley is soaked for 40 hours in a tub of water. Germination is the next step. It is when they spread the barley out on the floor of the germination room for three to five days. During that time, the rootlets begin to form. The reason for the germination process is to begin breaking down the starches within the grain so it becomes soft. The barley grain is now called green malt. The next step is drying. Drying is when you stop the germination by drying the green malt in a kiln house. 2) Milling means to crack the grain which means to grind or crush. This allows it to absorb the water to get the sugars from the malt. 3)The next step is mashing. Mashing is when you take the cracked grain and put it in a tub of hot water. This makes the sugar rich water called wort. 4) Brewing is the next step. The grains get filtered out and the wort is ready for boiling. Many chemical reactions occur during this process. Important decision will be made to affect the color, flavor, and smell. 5) Cooling is the next step. The wort is moved to be cooled. Once the wort is cooled the yeast is added. 6) Fermentation is the next step. The cooled wort goes to the fermentation tank. The brewer adds yeast to the tank and the yeast eats the sugar in the wort. This turns it into alcohol and carbon dioxide. This process takes ten days. Then it finally becomes beer. Beer contamination Chilled haze If your beer gets cloudy when you refrigerated it is probably because it is chilled haze. Chill haze is the result of a combining reaction between proteins tannins. Chemical taste If your beer has a weird chemical taste that is because bacteria contaminate it. This is caused by wort spoilage bacteria. This means your beer became infected before the fermentation got started. These bacteria cannot survive in fermented beer. So it is good to start the fermenting early. The most common form of contamination is bacteria, which grow faster than yeast. The most common cause of contamination is pediococcus or lactobacillus bacteria. Some people are worried about wild yeast. They exist, but their growth rates are slower than bacteria. So concentrate on bacteria. They will give you sauerkraut and cheese smells. The most common reason a bacterium develops is because lines are not clean. The heat exchanger has the greatest potential for harboring bacteria. We rinse our heat exchanger with 180° F water for half an hour. That will kill everything. Either use heat or chlorine (bleach). I use heat because we already have hot water in the brew house that we use to mash in with and sparge with. And of course, we make sure hoses and fittings are sanitary. The most common form of contamination is bacteria, which grow faster than yeast. The most common cause of contamination is pediococcus or lactobacillus bacteria. Some people are worried about wild yeast. They exist, but their growth rates are slower than bacteria. So concentrate on bacteria. They will give you sauerkraut and cheese smells. The Solution For Insects/Rodents Getting Into Beer BEER IS COMPLICATED One Solution If Your Home Making Beer Would Be To Place Small Amounts Of Flour Around The Barley, Ash Also Works Like Flour And Stops The Insects Dead In There Tracks. For Rodents Once Again If Your Home Making The Beer, Put Wire Mesh Around Your The Crop Of Barley And Multiple Bird Feeders Outside Of The Wire Mesh And You Can Kiss The Rodents Goodbye. Rodents Also Don't Like Heat So If You Heat The Crop Mice/Rats Will Flee, But Cockroaches And Other Bugs Are Attracted To Heat So Its a 50/50 Situation, Also Placing Sticky Traps And Insect Powders Around The Area Would Help Too. For Rodents Like Squirrels The Scent Of Moth Balls Seem To Repel Them Not Confirmed On Other Rodents. "Grain protestants are insecticides added to grain as the Bin is being filled. These products kill insect pests as they crawl or feed on treated grain. Grain protestant treatments are recommended for grain in extended storage, storage in flat structures, or under conditions favorable to pest development. Protestants may take the form of Liquids or dusts; they are generally applied during auguring or loading. Chemical formulations should not be applied before high-temperature drying. If using these products, keep bin temperature and humidity levels low. Heat and moisture shorten the residual life and efficacy of most chemical grain Protestants". Some Natural Insecticides Such As Bay/Neem Leaves Can Be Used, Cloves, Having An Open Match Book Near The CropWould Also Help Because Insects Hate The Smell Of Sulpher, Mint Leaves Or Mint Chewing Gum


Transcript: BEER BEER BEER What is Beer? Ice Beer - Frozen during aging process, purifying and increasing strength. India Pale Ale - Heavily hopped beer, origionally designed to withstand long journeys from Britain to India in the 1800's Lager - Bottom Fermenting yeast, at a colder temperature. Cider - Using apple juice in the brewing process rather than hops. Malting - Barley being prepared for brewing Mashing - Staraches into sugars Lautering - Separating mash into clear liquid wort, and the residual grains. Boiling - Chemical processes begin Fermenting - Carbs to Alcohols Conditioning - Aging of the beer Filtering - Polishing stage Packaging - Bottles, Cans, Kegs Types of Beer Ales - Brewed with a top fermenting yeasts, at temperatures between 10-20 degrees celsius. Dry Beer - Longer fermentation, turing more sugar to alcohol - Higher percentage Ginger Beer - Low or non alcohol flavored with root ginger. Honey Beer - Adding honey as a sweetener. Mead was fermentend Honey More Beers - The brewing process includes malting, mashing, lautering, boiling, fermenting, conditioning, filtering, and packaging. Factors Affecting Pours Huh? How its Made - Beer is an alcoholic beverage produced by the saccharification of starch and fermentation of the resulting sugar. What does this mean? - What Kind of Carbs? Malted Barely or Malted Wheat - Most beer is flavored with Hops, which also acts as a preservative. - The ingredients in beer include - Water, Yeast, Hops, and a Startch Temperature of Beer Type of Cup Temperature of Glass Pressure of beer tap Distance from Keg to Tap Distance of glass to tap Type of Beer


Transcript: Materials Used for Beer Cereal Grains Highest quality Barley, corn, rice 35 pounds (16 kg) of barley malt and 15 pounds (7 kg) of grain are used to make each 31-gallon barrel.*ZQhBo8inG*KdpW3nHed7-V5N26K7kF7mUMMfce5TsMzjXv7GuheVHBqDWtcrI5Lg/hops21.jpg General History How to Brew Hops Flower clusters, a form of cultivated perennial hemp Pure Water Important as an ingrediant and maintain the cleanliness of the brewing equipment Boiling The boiling process serves to terminate enzymatic processes, precipitate proteins, isomerize hop resins, and concentrate and sterilize the wort. (liquid after mashing) Steps to brew: malting, milling mashing, lautering, boiling, fermenting, conditioning/racking, filtering and packaging. Malting can be broken down to three main stages: Steeping Germination Kilning Conditioning Bibliography Filtering Mashing! This process converts the starches released during the malting stage, into sugars that can be fermented. Carbonation Brewer's Yeast Reduce sugars to alcohol Type of fungi After the wort goes through the heat exchanger, the cooled wort goes into a fermentation tank. A type of yeast is selected and added, or "pitched", to the fermentation tank. When the yeast is added to the wort, the fermenting process begins, where the sugars turn into alcohol, carbon dioxide and other components. Milling: Grains are cracked to make water absorption and sugar extraction from the malt easier. Fermented Product - Beer Seems to stern from the Celtic word "beor" Brewed for centuries Evolved from a cottage craft into a modern industry First occured around 7000 B.C., Mesopotamia Immigration spread beer around the world from the European market

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