American Civil War
Transcript: July, Union and Confederate forces engage in the first significant battle of the war, the first battle of Bull Run (Confederate Victory). Union Blocks entire coastline of the Confederacy, Choking the South's valuable trade routes to Europe, the Union will retain naval dominance for the remainder of the war. Confederate troops enter Kentucky, ending the state's neutrality Many small skirmishers/Battles are fought in the opening months of the war. The Southern states seceed. The American Civil War First Battle of Bull Run 1861 July-September January 27, President Lincoln issues a war order authorizing the Union to launch a 'unified aggressive action' against the Confederacy. General McClellan ignores the order. March, General McClellan is removed of his position as commnader of the army of Virginnia, and instead was given command over the army of the Potomac. He then is ordered to launch an offensive on Richmond, this begins the Peninsular Campaign. Confederate engineers create a ship completely encased in Iron, The first appearence of an iron clad vessel in the war. War Begins 1861 War Ends 1861 March-June "America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." The American Civil War Events & Time line Jack Murphy Lincoln orders War. The confederacy elects a President. 1862 January-March 1862 April-June 1861 1862 Violence begins 1861 October-December Abraham lincoln comes to office April, Confederate forces attack Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor, This is the first battle of the war. Four more states join the confederacy, Virginnia, Tenesse, Arkansas and North Carolina. The States of Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, and Missouri remain in the union, West virginia joins the union. 1861 January-February After the election of President Abraham Lincoln, the South fearing changes to slavery and the southern economics, South Carolina seceeds from the Union followed quickly by Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas. Newly founded Confederate States form a government and create the Confederate Constitution. 1865 Several more minor battles and skirmishers along Confederate-Union Border. Both sides experience similar sucesses and defeats. November, Jefferson Davis is elected President of the Confederate States. England threatens war if two Confederate officials sailing to England are not released, Lincoln Agrees stating "One war at a time". December, Missouri is admitted to the confederacy despite having not having seceeded from the Union. inconclusive battles at Camp Allegheny and Rowlett's Station. The peninsular Campaign