Transcript: This amazing project deals largely with internationalism. 47 internationals, from countries like Brazil, Japan, Canada, Pakistan, China, Egypt, Russia, Serbia, Croatia and many other countries from the European Union will help us to create a promo campaign for the partner entities. The ReBranders offers a fantastic multicultural experience for both internationals and Timisoara. AIESEC Timisoara will organize Global Village events, where people from Timisoara can imagine themselves visiting one of our guests country thanks to their presence and their countries presentation. Within each school you have the opportunity to attend trainings held by specialists, that regard the latest areas of interest, and afterwards to apply your knowledge and practice your skills in an internship at some of the most relevant companies on the market. The ReBranders Engineering School IT School Grow Winter Vitamins Entrepreneurship School Programele noastre Cultural Mix Proiectele Noastre experienţă de muncă internaţională dezvoltare personală şi profesională reţea de socializare internaţională photo (cc) Malte Sörensen @ flickr GCDP - Voluntariat Exchange Fair GIP - Programe de practica platite AIESEC University A World Of Internships