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Integumentary System Powerpoint Template

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Integumentary System

Transcript: The system we decided to show you is the integumentary system. The integumentary system is made up of the skin, hair, nails, and sweat glands. Some of the major functions this system carries out for your body are thermoregulation, sensations, protection, healing, and production of vitamin D. The epidermis is the most outerlayer of the skin. It contains four separate layers of epithelial tissue. Keratinized dead cells make our skin waterproof, without it you can not swim. The second and third layers contain stratnum granulosum and stratnum lucidum. The last layer has stratnum germinativum. The dermis is under the epidermis. The dermis has its own blood supply and many complex structures. Sweat glands are in this layer and collect water and waste products from the blood stream. Hair roots also take their place in the dermis. The hypodermis is an underlayer of epithelial cells in arthropads and certain other invertebrates that secretes substances for the overlying cuticle or exoskeleton. The integumentary system works very close with the surface capillaries throughout your body. Your capillaries open and close to keep your body at the temperature it needs to be. Also, you have sensation, or a sense of touch. The nervous system relies on your skin to sense the outside world. Major Functions The skin is carried out with the help of evaporation of the sweat and regulation of the blood flow to the dermis. Everyone please poke or pinch yourself, (not too hard.) You just felt a sensation. Sensation is like a touch, pressure, vibra- tions, pain, cold and hot are all felt by the skin. Epidermis helps prevent diseases, infections, and dehydration When your skin absorbs the sun's UV rays, it helps and increases the production of vitamin D for the body. When the epidermis breaks away due to minor cuts or burns, the cells on the lower layers of the skin go upwards as a sheet. When two ends of the sheet meet, the cells stop growing. This seals the epidermis. Nails are a highly keratinized structure of modified epidermal cells. The nail bed gives rises to nails, that is thickened to form a lunula. The lunula is the moon shaped structure at the base of your nails. They help in grasping things. Your hair has other uses than letting you gel it to death. A human's hair extends to the surface from roots in the dermis. Hair in the integumentary system gives protection and sensation to light. Hair is made out of keratinized dead cells that are stuck together with extracellular proteins. Hair is divided into the hair shaft, a superficial layer to the root that is in the dermis. 1. Every month you have a new layer of skin 2. You shed 40 pounds of skin in your lifetime 3. Your eyelids have the thinnist skin 4. An adult has 20 sq. ft. of skin 5. You have 7 layers of flat stacked cells /bibookintegusys.html Hair Interactions Fun Facts When there is a break in the epidermis layer because of a cut or burn, the cells on the lower layers of skin go upwards as a sheet. When two ends of the sheet meet, the cells stop growing, which seals the epidermis. Epidermis 1. Every month you have a new layer of skin The Integumentary System Healing Introduction Sensations Special Thanks to.... 2. - This is the last layer of the skin. In it you will find adipose tissues, which carry out the main function of the integumentary system. It takes care of cushioning the delicate organs beneath the skin and it also insulates your body. (cc) photo by theaucitron on Flickr Production of (cc) photo by theaucitron on Flickr Information Subcutaneous Fun Facts Thermoregulation of the skin is carried out with the help of evaporation of the sweat and regulation of the blood flow to the dermis. Dermis By Samantha Siskind Simrun Waghray Protection Hypodermis Nails How skin Heals Vitamin D Thermoregulation Thermoregulation

Integumentary System

Transcript: Integumentary System The skin, hair, and nails! The skin provides multiple functions for the body. It repels water, guards infection, helps maintain homeostasis, and senses the environment. It also provides a minor protection to the sun's rays and helps the skeletal system by producing vitamin D when in sunlight. The epidermis is the outer layer of the skin that gives it its tough, protective qualities. Skin cells are made at the base of the epidermis and move upwards as new cells below them form, so every 2-4 weeks, the surface of your skin is new. Consequently, surface cells of your skin are dead, but provide a thick, waterproof layer about 30 cells deep. Blood vessels supply blood to the skin. They enlarge when you're too warm to increase blood flow, which in return helps you cool down by letting the heat travel to the outside faster. The increase in blood flow is why when you are exercising hard, some people's cheeks turn red. This is an example of the skin interacting with the circulatory system. Sweat glands and oil glands are everywhere on the body. Sweat glands secrete sweat that is 99% water onto the skin's surface through pores. The sweat evaporates and cools the body, thereby maintaining homeostasis. Oil glands secrete oil that moisturizes the skin and hair, provides flexibility, and part of the skin's waterproofing. The dermis is the middle layer of the skin. It is made of an elastic - like tissue that is strong. Blood vessels run through this layer and supply nutrients, and this layer also has sweat glands, oil glands, sensory receptors, and the skin begins growing here. Sensory receptors are nerves in the dermis that sense the outside and inform the body. This is one way the skin interacts with the nervous system. Fatty tissue is the bottom layer of the skin that protects the body from extremes and stores energy. The skin consists of three layers: The epidermis (which is the outer layer), the dermis (which is the middle layer), and the fatty tissue (which is the inner layer). The hair grows from follicles located in the dermis. It shields the body from the sun and traps heat. Like surface skin cells, cells in the hair and nails are dead. Fingernails and toenails protect the tips of the fingers and toes from injury. They are made from epithelial cells that grow from the nail bed as the cells that form the bed bond and grow. Two common diseases that can happen in the integumentary system are skin cancer and acne. As previously stated, the skin can provide minor protection against sun rays. This is because of the specialized cells that make a pigment called melanin that absorb its rays. More melanin is produced when the skin's exposed to the sun and in turn causes your skin to turn darker, which is why people get tanned. However, these cells can get damaged easily by continuous exposure to sun without protection. When they get damaged, they can mutate and divide uncontrollably, which is what causes cancer. Skin cancer is treated in the same way that many other cancers are. Surgery can be used to remove the tumor, and radiation can also be used to kill the cancer cells. Chemotherapy can also be used. There are two types of chemotherapy: for cancers only on the top layer of the skin, creams or lotions can be applied, and for more severe cancers, systemic chemotherapy (drugs taken in through injection or swallowing) can be taken. Acne is a disease that affects many people. It can be caused by overproduction of oil, irregular shedding of dead skin which can aggravate the hair follicles of the skin, and a buildup of bacteria. It can also be worsened by hormones from the endocrine system, which occur during puberty, and by a bad diet. However, it is not affected by dirty skin or greasy foods, contrary to the myths. Acne is very treatable. If the acne isn't very severe, regular over-the-counter acne lotions can be used that dry up oil, kill bacteria, or slough dead skin cells. These products could contain ingredients like benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, or salicylic acid. For more severe cases, topical prescription medications, ingested antibiotics that fight bacteria, or light or laser therapy that damages oil glands to reduce oil or target bacteria that cause acne can be used. The integumentary system could be compared to a house. The walls of a house could be viewed as the epidermis, dermis, and fatty tissue as they both provide a protective layering. Water pipes in a house could be compared to the blood vessels in the skin as they both provide important supplies. The air conditioner of a house and the air vents could be viewed as the sweat and pores of a body; they both cool their respective systems. A monitoring system could be viewed as the sensory receptors because they provide information. Finally, the humidifiers in a house could be viewed as the oil glands because they provide moisture. Sources: Hude, Patrice. "Acne." KidsHealth. The Nemours Foundation, n.d. Web. 01 Dec. 2012.

Integumentary System

Transcript: 2 Layers Function: that's it... Protects body from external factors Allows body to maintain homeostasis lets you convert sunlight into vitamin D stores fat for body Function How they work together Layers work together to: provides a shield for the entire internal system create vitamin D through contact with UV rays which is used through the entire body for to use store of water, fat, vitamin D, and glucose, these storages are can provide for the entire body if needed undergoes cell divison in the stratum basale cells differentiates and move upward until it reaches the top layer becomes squamous epithelium dead cells shed from surface (desquamation) Epidermis (Cont'd) Features Thanks for listening to our prezi! protects from external factors cells overlap each other to prevent anything from getting in or getting out has sweat pours that release sweat to keep body cool contains melanin which gives us our skin colour Epidermis Conditions of the Skin Acne (inflamation around the hair follicle) Blisters (small fluid pocket under skin) Eczema (scaly and itchy rashes) Allergic reactions (large variance in conditions) Burns (reddish marks caused usually from heat) Altered pigment (includes albinos) Skin Cancer (tumors on skin, usually from UV rays) Warts (small rough growth caused by HPV) Layers of Skin References: Brannon, H. (07, April 09). Retrieved from Waxner Medical center. (n.d.). Skin conditions. Retrieved from Hypodermis outermost layer of skin composed of 5 layers squamous epithelial tissue Dermis Thickness of skin varies: thinnest at eyelids (0.05mm) thickest at palms (1.5mm) Organ(s): Papillary region: contains papillae (finger-like bumps) attaches to epidermis and provides blood supply through capillaries made of loose connective tissue Skin Also known as the Subcutaneous layer This layer contains: hair follicle roots fat storages blood vessels sweat glands sebaceous glands nerves thin layer of muscle in some areas Also, drugs are often inserted into this area due to thicker blood vessels (ex. insulin) Reticular region: irregular connective tissue the proteins give the dermis its stretchiness and flexibility Integumentary System Cell Division By Aaron, Imran, and Yasir

Integumentary System

Transcript: The Integumentary System Functions Descriptions of Organs Epidermis- Outer layer of the skin. Has melanin (coloring), and keratin (toughness) Dermis- Middle layer of your skin, contains collagen and elastin, blood vessels, and glands. Subcutaneous layer: The intermost layer of your skin, shock absorber, and insulator Working Together Cuticle Works Cited Science Period 4 12/10/12 Nail Bed Diseases: Acne: Increased levels of androgens caused by excessive amounts of sebum into hair follicles. You can get acne on your face, neck, chest, and back. Skin Cancer: Too much exposure to the sun without protection, not checking moles. Label the diagrams: By Elizabeth Ann, Rachael, and Sydney Nail Walls 1) Skin regulates the body's fluid balance. 2) Skin is one of the body's defenses against poisons and diseases. 3) It keeps in all of your internal organs and other important necessities. 4) Expresses individuality. Working Together: One of the first defense mechanisms in the immune system Works with the digestive system to absorb vitamin D. Works with the circulatory system because some substances can come into the bloodstream through the capillary networks in the skin. Works Cited Biology 4 Kids. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2012. <>. Master Learning. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2012. <>. Master Tanning. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2012. <>. Naugher, Paige. "Notes." Lecture. Nursing Crib. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2012. <>. 101 Questions about Your Skin. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print. Proactiv. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2012. <>. Science Kids. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2012. <>. Texas Science Grade 7 Textbook. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print. The major functions of the Integumentary (Skin) system are: 1) Provides a barrier to viruses and bacteria this keeps diesease away 2)Provides a thick barrier that protects your body from physical damage 3) Contains internal organs 4) Stops objects, like a rock, from entering your body Diagrams The Most Important System: Treatments: o Acne: Proactive uses micro crystal benzoyl peroxide which penetrates pores to begin killing bacteria that causes acne on contact. o Skin Cancer: Cures are surgery, chemo therapy, and radiation Fun Facts: o Skin is your body’s largest organ o The color of your skin depends on the amount of pigment. o You start tanning right when you walk outside.

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