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Agile Powerpoint Template

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Transcript: Conclusion S/W development is : Incremental - Small S/W releases with rapid cycles. Co-operative - Customer and developers working constantly. Straightforward - Methods must be easy to learn and modify. Adaptive - Able to make last moment changes. Agile Software Development: Intro Most prominent Agile Software development method Prescribes a set of daily stakeholder practices “Extreme” levels of practicing leads to more responsive software. Changes are more realistic, natural, inescapable. Agile software development is a conceptual framework for software engineering that promotes development iterations throughout the life-cycle of the project. Software developed during one unit of time is referred to as an iteration, which may last from one to four weeks. Agile methods also emphasize working software as the primary measure of progress Agile --readiness for motion, nimbleness, activity, dexterity in motion Agility The ability to both create and respond to change in order to profit in a turbulent business environment Companies need to determine the amount of agility they need to be competitive Chaordic Exhibiting properties of both chaos and order The blend of chaos and order inherent in the external environment and in people themselves, argues against the prevailing wisdom about predictability and planning Things get done because people adapt, not because they slavishly follow processes Characteristics of Agile Software Development -- Light Weighted methodology -- Small to medium sized teams -- vague and/or changing requirements -- vague and/or changing techniques -- Simple design -- Minimal system into production Phases of AUP Inception Elaboration Construction Transition Agile Software Development Topics Model Implementation Test Deployment Configuration Management Project Management Environment Disciplines of AUP Characteristics Presented By: Neha Sonawane What Is Agile Extreme Programming (“XP”) Agile Unified Process Scrum Extreme Programming Introduction Terminology The Agile Manifesto Some Agile Methodologies Summary References It is an Agile S/w development method for project management Characteristics: Prioritized work is done. Completion of backlog items Progress is explained Agile Software Development Scrum Agile Unified Process Modularity Iterative Time-bound Incremental Convergent People-oriented Collaborative Existing Agile Methods


Transcript: Ekstremalna rozmowa kwalifikacyjna Satysfakacja Nowe kontrakty Developerzy: estymacja Klient: Wybór rozwiązania Core: Zespół w jednym miejscu Współpraca z klientem - show co tydzień - iteracje Klient priorytetyzuje funkcjonalności HTA - obserwacja użytkowników, konsultacje Ann Arbor, Michigan, the USA, since 2001 Dobrze jest! Klient: zapoznanie z działaniem Szybka zmiana Zwiększona produktywność i jakość Wczesna eliminacja ryzyka Wczesne uzyskiwanie wartości Zwiększona świadomość odnośnie aktualnego stanu prac Ograniczone marnotrawstwo Funkcjonalne produkty zdobywające rynek Poprawa relacji z klientami/odbiorcami Zaangażowani i zmotywowani pracownicy Obniżone całkowite koszty realizacji (produkcji, wdrożenia i utrzymania oprogramowania) Nasz serdeczny przyjaciel... stand up O co chodzi z tą żarówką? Marketing Klient Spotkania dla iteracji Zespół projektowy Project manager High-Tech Antropologyst (HTA) Developer QA boards Focused on results? HTA: Obserwacja, symulacja użytkowników Developerzy: cotygodniowy build Menlo Innovations LLC Ending human suffering in the world as it relates to technology Zespół $$$ :) Chcemy być TU HTA zatwierdza wykonane zadania developerów tworzy nowe karty zadań (znalezione bugi) cotygodniowe testy regresyjne zbiera bugi i przedstawia klientowi Project Manager <=> Proces Fajny software U nas się nie da bo: mamy takich klientów, że... brak PO fixed price musimy mieć dokument analizy bo nie mamy tych całych Scrum Masterów gdzie PM? gdzie BA? developer musi wiedzieć co ma zrobić HTA pets/babies at work Developerzy: Realizacja zadania Nie u nas! Focusing on three key stakeholders in our industry: Software project sponsors who traditionally have had little hope of steering projects to a successful conclusion before money and executive patience is exhausted. End users of the software who, far too often, have no voice at all in the design yet must ultimately live every day with decisions of people they have never met. The software teams themselves, who typically labor under years of overtime, missed vacations and family celebrations, broken relationships and unrealistic expectations only to have the projects they work on never see the light of day. Our goal since 2001 is to return the joy to one of the most unique endeavors in the history of mankind: inventing software! pairing Wzór: Thomas Edison - innowator CRy uratowały projekt... ale Przykład pewnego banku... Przykład pewnej firmy na literę C Przykład z 3C Użyteczność Developerzy: Projekt rozwiązania testowane są: zdolności komunikacyjne, osobowość analityczne myślenie, zdolność uczenia się umiejtności programistyczne są drugorzędne pokazuje sie srodowisko pracy 1 dniowe praktyki 3 tygodniowe praktyki 40h / week QA: Testowanie + potencjalne bugi 50 członków zespołu 11 projektów 8 dzieci estimation without fear Quality Assurance Pracują w parach Estymują zadania (1,2,4,8,16,32,64h) Realizuje zadanie zgodnie z kartą zadania Tygodniowe iteracje Tworzą i prezentują design zaplanowych zadań Test Driven Development Wdrażanie dobrych zasad (wzorce projektowe) The Menlo Way Po co nam Scrum? open collaborative Czy ten soft rozwiazuje problemy klienta czy stwarza tylko nowe? Innowacyjne rozwiąazania High-Tech Antropology: job shadowing, use cases, personas, hand-drawn screens, object models, workflow assessments, high-level screen designs Project Manager <=> Zespół Przypisuje zadania najbliższej iteracji Wspomaga współdzielenie się wiedzą Unikanie "tower of knowledge" Estimation Dba o proces Organizacja spotkań Fascynacja produktem? Oprogramowanie, które działa Czego brakuje? Klient: Priorytetyzowanie (określenie iteracji w której zadanie ma być wykonane) HTA: Przedstawienie rozwiazania (alternatywnych rozwiązań) Scrum? Nie da się! Badania potrzeb rzeczywistych użytkowników systemu Obserwacja pracy użytkowników Tworzenie użytecznych rozwiązań Projektowanie rozwiązań (zwykle screen + opis) Wynik prac HTA to story (karta zadania) Konsultują projektowane rozwiązania z rzeczywistymi użytkownikami Po implementacji rozwiązania weryfikują czy rozwiązanie zgodne z designem Developer iteration kickoff projektowanie, dyskusja rozwiazan, wymiana wiedzy, pytania do HTA (cel zadania) pytanie do QA (co będą testować) stand-up spontaniczne (ad hoc) estymacyjne show&tell - spotkanie z klientem Klient Menlo Co tydzień ogląda aplikację Zatwierdza projekt nowych funkcjonalności Nadaje priorytety (widząc estymaty) Wybiera 1 z zaproponowanych rozwiązań Zarządza tablicą bugów: wpływ/prawdopodobieństwo czy klienci amerykańscy są inni? jak Menlo sobie z tym radzi? tour -> cennik, ale też bezpłatne wystąpienia nagrody Magiczny skrót: CR Dobre praktyki Agile Jan Rachwalik, Software Mind, 2013 Od potrzeby biznesowej do oprogramowania: PM: Przydział zadania Czy ONI umieja używać naszego softu? HTA: Testowanie Co to znaczy? ?? Scrum Making mistakes faster workspace Project Manager utrzymuje równowagę: 8 Menlo kids / 6 years Dba o zakres, budżet,


Transcript: Executive summary Agile software development (also called “agile”) isn’t a set of tools or a single methodology, but a philosophy put to paper in 2001 with an initial 17 signatories. Agile was a significant departure from the heavyweight document-driven software development methodologies—such as waterfall—in general use at the time. While the publication of the “Manifesto for Agile Software Development” didn’t start the move to agile methods, which had been going on for some time, it did signal industry acceptance of agile philosophy. A recent survey conducted by Dr. Dobb’s Journal shows 41 percent of development projects have now adopted agile methodology, and agile techniques are being used on 65 percent of such projects.1 serena Scrum is a lightweight agile project management framework with broad applicability for managing and controlling iterative and incremental projects of all types. Ken Schwaber, Mike Beedle, Jeff Sutherland and others have contributed significantly to the evolution of Scrum over the last decade. Scrum has garnered increasing popularity in the software community due to its simplicity, proven productivity, and ability to act as a wrapper for various engineering practices promoted by other agile methodologies. In Scrum, the "Product Owner" works closely with the team to identify and prioritize system functionality in form of a "Product Backlog". The Product Backlog consists of features, bug fixes, non-functional requirements, etc. - whatever needs to be done in order to successfully deliver a working software system. With priorities driven by the Product Owner, cross-functional teams estimate and sign-up to deliver "potentially shippable increments" of software during successive Sprints, typically lasting 30 days. Once a Sprint's Product Backlog is committed, no additional functionality can be added to the Sprint except by the team. Once a Sprint has been delivered, the Product Backlog is analyzed and reprioritized, if necessary, and the next set of functionality is selected for the next Sprint. is an iterative agile methodology originally developed by Mary and Tom Poppendieck. Lean Software Development owes much of its principles and practices to the Lean Enterprise movement, and the practices of companies like Toyota. Lean Software Development focuses the team on delivering Value to the customer, and on the efficiency of the "Value Stream," the mechanisms that deliver that Value. The main principles of Lean include: Eliminating Waste Amplifying Learning Deciding as Late as Possible Delivering as Fast as Possible Empowering the Team Building Integrity In Seeing the Whole Lean eliminates waste through such practices as selecting only the truly valuable features for a system, prioritizing those selected, and delivering them in small batches. It emphasizes the speed and efficiency of development workflow, and relies on rapid and reliable feedback between programmers and customers. Lean uses the idea of work product being "pulled" via customer request. It focuses decision-making authority and ability on individuals and small teams, since research shows this to be faster and more efficient than hierarchical flow of control. Lean also concentrates on the efficiency of the use of team resources, trying to ensure that everyone is productive as much of the time as possible. It concentrates on concurrent work and the fewest possible intra-team workflow dependencies. Lean also strongly recommends that automated unit tests be written at the same time the code is written. Kanban is an agile methodology for managing the creation of products with an emphasis on continual delivery while not overburdening the development team. Like Scrum, Kanban is a process designed to help teams work together more effectively. Kanban is based on 3 basic principles: Visualize what you do today (workflow): seeing all the items in context of each other can be very informative Limit the amount of work in progress (WIP): this helps balance the flow-based approach so teams don’t start and commit to too much work at once Enhance flow: when something is finished, the next highest thing from the backlog is pulled into play XP, originally described by Kent Beck, has emerged as one of the most popular and controversial agile methodologies. XP is a disciplined approach to delivering high-quality software quickly and continuously. It promotes high customer involvement, rapid feedback loops, continuous testing, continuous planning, and close teamwork to deliver working software at very frequent intervals, typically every 1-3 weeks. The original XP recipe is based on four simple values – simplicity, communication, feedback, and courage – and twelve supporting practices: Planning Game Small Releases Customer Acceptance Tests Simple Design Pair Programming Test-Driven Development Refactoring Continuous Integration Collective Code Ownership Coding Standards Metaphor Sustainable Pace In XP, the “Customer” works very closely with the


Transcript: Product Owner Development in an Agile Team Business Logic Sprint RetrospectiveMeeting Scrum cross-functional team (includes all skills required) self-organizing / managing negotiates commitments with product owner most successful when located in one room (particularly for first sprints) most successful with long-term membership Small team size, between 4 and 9 What did I do yesterday that helped the Development Team meet the Sprint Goal? What will I do today to help the Development Team meet the Sprint Goal? Do I see any impediment that prevents me or the Development Team from meeting the Sprint Goal? eXtreme Programming Scrum Master Connectivity Layer Persistence scrum team (including product owner) attends time boxed to 3 hours inspect how the last sprint went identify major items that went well and potential improvements create a plan for implementing improvements Lean Scrum Master Force-ranked list of desired functionality Visible to all stakeholders Any stakeholder (including the Team) can add items Constantly re-prioritized by the Product Owner Items at top are more granular than items at bottom Development Team iteration is 1 month regular checks for completeness regular opportunities for adapting to changing requirements Development Team Daily Scrum single person responsible for product vision prioritizes backlog considers stakeholder interests accepts or rejects each product increment decides whether to ship, continue development Sprint Backlog facilitates Scrum process shields the team from external interference enforces timeboxes keeps Scrum artifacts visible promotes improved engineering practices no management authority over the team References development team attends talks about the last 24 hours, and the next Product Owner Crystal Clear Scrum Meetings Sprint Backlog Rational Unified Process Questions User Interface Agile Methodology alternatives to traditional project management emphasizing adaptability help businesses respond to unpredictability Persistence Product Backlog Feature Driven Development product owner and team attend time-boxed to 8 hours negotiate product backlog items to commit to the sprint team decides what to commit to, not product owner a sprint goal is created, "the selected Product Backlog items deliver one coherent function, which can be the Sprint Goal" once the goal is set, team determines how to achieve the goal (system design, decomposed into tasks) Business Logic Specifies how to achieve the PBI’s what Requires one day or less of work Remaining effort is re-estimated daily, typically in hours During Sprint Execution, a point person may volunteer to be primarily responsible for a task Owned by the entire team; collaboration is expected Kanban Daily Scrum Sprint Review Meeting Sprint Planning Meeting Connectivity Layer improve communications, eliminate other meetings, identify impediments to development Agilility Development in an Waterfall Team Scrum Reference Card - Scrum Guide - Agile Methodology - Scrum Training Series - Sprint Tasks Sprint Review Meeting Sprint Retrospective Meeting Scrum Roles Sprint Task whole project length hard to judge completeness hard to meet changing requirements Scrum Artifacts Sprint Planning Meeting User Interface consists of committed PBIs negotiated between the team and the Product Owner during the Sprint Planning Meeting scope commitment is fixed during Sprint Execution initial tasks are identified by the team during Sprint Planning Meeting team will discover additional tasks needed to meet the fixed scope commitment during Sprint execution visible to the team referenced during the Daily Scrum Meeting Product Backlog product owner, team and stakeholders attend time-boxed to 4 hours explanation of what's been done and demonstrates discussion of the product backlog, with revisions discussion of what to do next

Office PowerPoint Template Guide

Transcript: Designing Effective Templates Color Schemes and Fonts Choose a color palette that aligns with your brand identity while ensuring legibility. Pair fonts effectively by selecting a readable typeface for body text and a complementary font for headings, limiting to two or three fonts. Layout and Structure An effective layout organizes content logically, improving comprehension. Use a grid system for alignment, prioritize key information through hierarchy, and maintain consistency across slides for a unified look. Incorporating Branding Office PowerPoint Template Guide Integrating brand elements like logos, colors, and fonts creates professional consistency. Ensure that all slides reflect your organization's identity and values to reinforce recognition and trust with your audience. Designing Effective Templates Creating a well-designed PowerPoint template can significantly enhance the effectiveness of presentations. Focusing on layout, color schemes, and branding ensures clarity and promotes engagement. Content Creation Strategies Visuals that Engage Effective presentations incorporate visuals that complement the message. Use charts to illustrate data trends, and images to evoke emotions. For example, a before-and-after image can powerfully highlight the success of a project. Structuring Information Captivating Headlines Organizing content logically guides the audience through your presentation. Use bullet points for quick insights, and follow a clear progression from introduction to conclusion. This helps maintain audience focus and enhances retention. Headlines should grab attention and summarize key points. Using action verbs and clear language helps create intrigue. For instance, instead of "Company Performance," use "Driving Growth: Our 2023 Performance Highlights" to stimulate interest. Content Creation Strategies Creating compelling presentations requires effective content strategies that enhance clarity and engagement. Focusing on headlines, visuals, and structured information can significantly elevate the impact of your presentation. Creating Effective Presentations for the Workplace Mastering Presentation Techniques Mastering Presentation Techniques Effective presentation skills are crucial for conveying messages and engaging audiences. Proper rehearsal, audience interaction, and adept handling of questions can elevate the success of any presentation. Handling Questions and Feedback Rehearsing Your Presentation Encourage questions at appropriate times, fostering an open dialogue. Acknowledging feedback shows receptiveness and can enhance audience connection, along with providing valuable insights for future presentations. Rehearsal is essential for ensuring clarity and confidence. Practicing multiple times enables presenters to polish their delivery, address timing, and refine transitions, leading to a smoother presentation experience. Engaging Your Audience Engagement can be fostered through relatable content and interactive elements such as polls or questions. Connecting personally through storytelling increases audience investment and interest in the presentation's objectives. Introduction to Office PowerPoint Templates Benefits of Using Templates Templates save time and resources by minimizing the design process. They enhance brand consistency and improve audience engagement through polished visuals, allowing presenters to focus on content delivery without getting bogged down by format issues. Purpose of Templates Types of Office Templates The primary purpose of Office PowerPoint templates is to provide a structured framework for presentations. Templates help standardize visual elements, ensuring that all slides maintain a cohesive look and feel, which is critical for effective communication in professional settings. There are various types of Office templates including general presentation templates, specialized templates for reports, charts, and infographics, as well as industry-specific templates. Each template type serves different needs, facilitating tailored presentations for diverse audiences. Introduction to Office PowerPoint Templates Office PowerPoint templates streamline the creation of professional presentations, ensuring consistency and visual appeal. By utilizing templates, users can focus on content while saving time on design elements, making them indispensable in the workplace.

Now you can make any subject more engaging and memorable