In conclusion:
Get excited when
students do
excellent work
Emotionally constant teachers gain
their student's trust by keeping their
emotions under control.
Emotionally constant teachers
understand that a calm classroom
will support productive, orderly
and respectful behavior which will
prevent their students from bursting
into the emotional flames.
Don't show your dissapointment
if they don't!
To student achievement.
Tell them you expect more.
don't you hate it when a
student tries to
get under your skin?
You Should
tie your emotions...
Teach like a champion
Doug Lemov suggests 2 ways
to keep this from
getting to you...
Technique 47
Emotional Constancy
Modulate your emotions
model appropriate self control
and restraint
You need to show the students
that you are in control and
that there is nothing that they
can do to shake you.
The students need
to perceive that you
are ready for anything.