Werewolves are creatures that are said to not know what they do the moment after their transformation. They could kill their best friend and not know it.
Werewolf can also be known as Lycanthrope. from the greek words: lukos meaning wolf and anthrōpos meaning man.
Werewolves look diffirently depending on who you talk to. Werewolves can look more like wolves then people or more like people then wolves. Sometimes Werewolves actually take form of an actual wolf.
There are a whole bunch of different myths about werewolves, all of them talk about what causes the change.
Some people think anger can cause thier change.
Werewolves can be changed either by being bitten or scratched by another werewolf or by being cursed.
and others are affected by the full moon
Werewolves are mostly known by being killed with silver, whether its a silver bullet or silver stake. There are other cases in which the curse can be lifted with an antidote.