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Copy of Etymology of RaceCopy of Etymology of RaceWWCopy of Etymology of Race
Copy of Over Policing of Working-Class Communities: Soc. 369Copy of Over Policing of Working-Class Communities: Soc. 369WWCopy of Over Policing of Working-Class Communities: Soc. 369
Copy of Symbolic-Interactionism vs. Mechanical BehaviorismCopy of Symbolic-Interactionism vs. Mechanical BehaviorismWWCopy of Symbolic-Interactionism vs. Mechanical Behaviorism
Copy of Structural-Functionalism: The Early YearsCopy of Structural-Functionalism: The Early YearsWWCopy of Structural-Functionalism: The Early Years
Copy of Structural-Functionalism in AmericaCopy of Structural-Functionalism in AmericaWWCopy of Structural-Functionalism in America
Karl Marx-Sociology Karl Marx-SociologyWW Karl Marx-Sociology
Copy of Critical Pedagogy/ Reason Among EqualsCopy of Critical Pedagogy/ Reason Among EqualsWWCopy of Critical Pedagogy/ Reason Among Equals
Copy of How Is Society Possible-Soc. 101Copy of How Is Society Possible-Soc. 101WWCopy of How Is Society Possible-Soc. 101
Copy of Class and Race Stratification and Juvenile DelinquencyCopy of Class and Race Stratification and Juvenile DelinquencyWWCopy of Class and Race Stratification and Juvenile Delinquency
Are Human Beings Free?Are Human Beings Free?WWAre Human Beings Free?
Copy of Is Religion Necessary for Society?Copy of Is Religion Necessary for Society?WWCopy of Is Religion Necessary for Society?
Colonization & ImperialismColonization & ImperialismWWColonization & Imperialism
Copy of Colonization & ImperialismCopy of Colonization & ImperialismWWCopy of Colonization & Imperialism
Copy of Colonization a Pillar of Globalization, Soc. 311Copy of Colonization a Pillar of Globalization, Soc. 311WWCopy of Colonization a Pillar of Globalization, Soc. 311
Womyn, Globalization and Gender RegimesWomyn, Globalization and Gender RegimesWWWomyn, Globalization and Gender Regimes
Why Are People Unequal in Society?Why Are People Unequal in Society?WWWhy Are People Unequal in Society?
Architecture of Subjectivity: Time and SpaceArchitecture of Subjectivity: Time and SpaceWWArchitecture of Subjectivity: Time and Space
The Chicago SchoolThe Chicago SchoolWWThe Chicago School
Critical Theory CrimeCritical Theory CrimeWWCritical Theory Crime
Untitled presentationUntitled presentationWWUntitled presentation
What's In A Name?What's In A Name?WWWhat's In A Name?
Copy of Karl Marx-SociologyCopy of Karl Marx-SociologyWWCopy of Karl Marx-Sociology
Theories of DevianceTheories of DevianceWWTheories of Deviance
Contextualizing Social MovementsContextualizing Social MovementsWWContextualizing Social Movements
Forms of UnderstandingForms of UnderstandingWWForms of Understanding
Race and EducationRace and EducationWWRace and Education
Conceptualizing GlobalizationConceptualizing GlobalizationWWConceptualizing Globalization
Financial CapitalismFinancial CapitalismWWFinancial Capitalism
Global Capitalsim & Neo-LiberalismGlobal Capitalsim & Neo-LiberalismWWGlobal Capitalsim & Neo-Liberalism
How Society is PossibleHow Society is PossibleWWHow Society is Possible
Promise of GlobalizationPromise of GlobalizationWWPromise of Globalization
Capturing GlobalizationCapturing GlobalizationWWCapturing Globalization
Social PsychologySocial PsychologyWWSocial Psychology
Why Sociology?Why Sociology?WWWhy Sociology?
Theories of SubjectivitiesTheories of SubjectivitiesWWTheories of Subjectivities
Introduction to GlobalizationIntroduction to GlobalizationWWIntroduction to Globalization
Introduction to Critical ThinkingIntroduction to Critical ThinkingWWIntroduction to Critical Thinking
Technology, Big Data, & LaborTechnology, Big Data, & LaborWWTechnology, Big Data, & Labor
Race and RacismRace and RacismWWRace and Racism
Globalization, War and Peace: A Historical ViewGlobalization, War and Peace: A Historical ViewWWGlobalization, War and Peace: A Historical View
Globalization, Society, and the Future of LaborGlobalization, Society, and the Future of LaborWWGlobalization, Society, and the Future of Labor
Architecture of SelfArchitecture of SelfWWArchitecture of Self
Sociology: Is It Really Necessary?Sociology: Is It Really Necessary?WWSociology: Is It Really Necessary?
Debates of GlobalizationDebates of GlobalizationWWDebates of Globalization
What It Means to be HumanWhat It Means to be HumanWWWhat It Means to be Human
Sociology of KnowledgeSociology of KnowledgeWWSociology of Knowledge
How Is Society PossibleHow Is Society PossibleWWHow Is Society Possible
Encountering The CityEncountering The CityWWEncountering The City
Globalization: An Historical ApproachGlobalization: An Historical ApproachWWGlobalization: An Historical Approach
The Grammar of the City/ UrbanizationThe Grammar of the City/ UrbanizationWWThe Grammar of the City/ Urbanization
Introduction to GlbalizationIntroduction to GlbalizationWWIntroduction to Glbalization
Copy of Introduction to SociologyCopy of Introduction to SociologyWWCopy of Introduction to Sociology
On-line ResourcesOn-line ResourcesWWOn-line Resources
Rationality, Technology, & LaborRationality, Technology, & LaborWWRationality, Technology, & Labor
Financial MarketsFinancial MarketsWWFinancial Markets
Cosmopolitanism Cosmopolitanism WWCosmopolitanism
Symbolic-Interactionism vs. Mechanical BehaviorismSymbolic-Interactionism vs. Mechanical BehaviorismWWSymbolic-Interactionism vs. Mechanical Behaviorism
Defining GlobalizationDefining GlobalizationWWDefining Globalization
Sociology as Destroyer of MythsSociology as Destroyer of MythsWWSociology as Destroyer of Myths
Globalization DebatesGlobalization DebatesWWGlobalization Debates
Globalization: A ContextGlobalization: A ContextWWGlobalization: A Context
Society as the Object of Study of Sociology.Society as the Object of Study of Sociology.WWSociety as the Object of Study of Sociology.
Feminism, Feminist Theory & EducationFeminism, Feminist Theory & EducationWWFeminism, Feminist Theory & Education
Education, Race and Resilience Education, Race and Resilience WWEducation, Race and Resilience
Policy, Ideology, & Juvenile DelinquencyPolicy, Ideology, & Juvenile DelinquencyWWPolicy, Ideology, & Juvenile Delinquency
Happines? What Does it Mean? How to Acheive it? Happines? What Does it Mean? How to Acheive it? WWHappines? What Does it Mean? How to Acheive it?
Eugenics, Intelligence, & SegregationEugenics, Intelligence, & SegregationWWEugenics, Intelligence, & Segregation
Moral EducationMoral EducationWWMoral Education
Structural-Functionalism: Education and SocietyStructural-Functionalism: Education and SocietyWWStructural-Functionalism: Education and Society
Theories of Juvenile DelinquencyTheories of Juvenile DelinquencyWWTheories of Juvenile Delinquency
The State of Children in the United StatesThe State of Children in the United StatesWWThe State of Children in the United States
Chican@/ Latin@ Urban Spaces & PlacesChican@/ Latin@ Urban Spaces & PlacesWWChican@/ Latin@ Urban Spaces & Places
How to Connect Race, Place and Power?How to Connect Race, Place and Power?WWHow to Connect Race, Place and Power?
Postmodernism/ Postmodern City and GeographiesPostmodernism/ Postmodern City and GeographiesWWPostmodernism/ Postmodern City and Geographies
Incarceration, Capitalism, and JusticeIncarceration, Capitalism, and JusticeWWIncarceration, Capitalism, and Justice
Politics of Crime/ Abandonment/ Social DeathPolitics of Crime/ Abandonment/ Social DeathWWPolitics of Crime/ Abandonment/ Social Death
Career of a ConceptCareer of a ConceptWWCareer of a Concept
The City & UrbanismThe City & UrbanismWWThe City & Urbanism
Copy of Ideology, The City & Urban FormCopy of Ideology, The City & Urban FormWWCopy of Ideology, The City & Urban Form
People on the Move: Living in the ShadowsPeople on the Move: Living in the ShadowsWWPeople on the Move: Living in the Shadows
Collective Behavior, Culture, DisobidienceCollective Behavior, Culture, DisobidienceWWCollective Behavior, Culture, Disobidience
Ideology, The City & Urban FormIdeology, The City & Urban FormWWIdeology, The City & Urban Form
Labor, Subjectivity, and Emotional WorkLabor, Subjectivity, and Emotional WorkWWLabor, Subjectivity, and Emotional Work
A Sane SocietyA Sane SocietyWWA Sane Society
Pillars of GlobalizationPillars of GlobalizationWWPillars of Globalization
Freud and ModernityFreud and ModernityWWFreud and Modernity
Globalization, Politics, and CultureGlobalization, Politics, and CultureWWGlobalization, Politics, and Culture
Language and IdeologyLanguage and IdeologyWWLanguage and Ideology
How to Frame the Question of GlobbalizationHow to Frame the Question of GlobbalizationWWHow to Frame the Question of Globbalization
Colonialization. Sociology 331Colonialization. Sociology 331WWColonialization. Sociology 331
Question of MethodsQuestion of MethodsWWQuestion of Methods
Academic View of Race, coming from the StreetsAcademic View of Race, coming from the StreetsWWAcademic View of Race, coming from the Streets
History, Race and the LawHistory, Race and the LawWWHistory, Race and the Law
Etymology of RaceEtymology of RaceWWEtymology of Race
History & Philosophy of CorrectionsHistory & Philosophy of CorrectionsWWHistory & Philosophy of Corrections
Global Cities/ Urbanization, Development, & (In)securitiesGlobal Cities/ Urbanization, Development, & (In)securitiesWWGlobal Cities/ Urbanization, Development, & (In)securities
Presentation Flow SheetPresentation Flow SheetWWPresentation Flow Sheet
Curriculum VitaCurriculum VitaWWCurriculum Vita
Global Political EconomyGlobal Political EconomyWWGlobal Political Economy
Political Economy IPolitical Economy IWWPolitical Economy I
Rationality, Society and Social KnowledgeRationality, Society and Social KnowledgeWWRationality, Society and Social Knowledge
Why Sociology: A Sociology of Knowledge StanceWhy Sociology: A Sociology of Knowledge StanceWWWhy Sociology: A Sociology of Knowledge Stance
White Board Prezumé by Angel ValdiviaWhite Board Prezumé by Angel ValdiviaWWWhite Board Prezumé by Angel Valdivia
Resistance & Globalization: Soc. 311 Resistance & Globalization: Soc. 311 WWResistance & Globalization: Soc. 311
Gender and GlobalizationGender and GlobalizationWWGender and Globalization
Official Knowledge-Soc.322Official Knowledge-Soc.322WWOfficial Knowledge-Soc.322
Investments & the Disartculation of Demand and Supply Side EconomicsInvestments & the Disartculation of Demand and Supply Side EconomicsWWInvestments & the Disartculation of Demand and Supply Side Economics
Intellectuals, Public Philosophy & Society-Soc.322Intellectuals, Public Philosophy & Society-Soc.322WWIntellectuals, Public Philosophy & Society-Soc.322
Structural-Functionalism in AmericaStructural-Functionalism in AmericaWWStructural-Functionalism in America
Economic Globalization: Global Factory-Soc. 311Economic Globalization: Global Factory-Soc. 311WWEconomic Globalization: Global Factory-Soc. 311
Over Policing of Working-Class Communities: Soc. 369Over Policing of Working-Class Communities: Soc. 369WWOver Policing of Working-Class Communities: Soc. 369
Rise of Cotton/ Racism/ Displacement of Native AmericansRise of Cotton/ Racism/ Displacement of Native AmericansWWRise of Cotton/ Racism/ Displacement of Native Americans
Reforming or Cashing on EducationReforming or Cashing on EducationWWReforming or Cashing on Education
Research CycleResearch CycleWWResearch Cycle
Contradictions-Soc. 105Contradictions-Soc. 105WWContradictions-Soc. 105
Gender & Juvenile Delinquency-Soc. 369Gender & Juvenile Delinquency-Soc. 369WWGender & Juvenile Delinquency-Soc. 369
Globalization & Culture: Exploring the Clash of Civilization Thesis-Soc. Soc. 311Globalization & Culture: Exploring the Clash of Civilization Thesis-Soc. Soc. 311WWGlobalization & Culture: Exploring the Clash of Civilization Thesis-Soc. Soc. 311
I.Q. & Race: The Bell Curve-An AssessmentI.Q. & Race: The Bell Curve-An AssessmentWWI.Q. & Race: The Bell Curve-An Assessment
Master Narrative of American History-Soc. 105Master Narrative of American History-Soc. 105WWMaster Narrative of American History-Soc. 105
Class and Juvenile DelinquencyClass and Juvenile DelinquencyWWClass and Juvenile Delinquency
Supranational Organizations and State AuthoritySupranational Organizations and State AuthorityWWSupranational Organizations and State Authority
Race, Society & EducationRace, Society & EducationWWRace, Society & Education
Structural-Functionalism: The Early YearsStructural-Functionalism: The Early YearsWWStructural-Functionalism: The Early Years
Historical Legacay of Juvenile Justice-Soc.369Historical Legacay of Juvenile Justice-Soc.369WWHistorical Legacay of Juvenile Justice-Soc.369
Emergence of Internationalization and Globalization-Sociology 311Emergence of Internationalization and Globalization-Sociology 311WWEmergence of Internationalization and Globalization-Sociology 311
Education: The Personal Is PoliticalEducation: The Personal Is PoliticalWWEducation: The Personal Is Political
Theories of Juvenile Delinquency Sociology 369Theories of Juvenile Delinquency Sociology 369WWTheories of Juvenile Delinquency Sociology 369
Karl Marx-SociologyKarl Marx-SociologyWWKarl Marx-Sociology
Social Theory & Theories of GlobalizationSocial Theory & Theories of GlobalizationWWSocial Theory & Theories of Globalization
Critical Pedagogy/ Reason Among EqualsCritical Pedagogy/ Reason Among EqualsWWCritical Pedagogy/ Reason Among Equals
Social Theory: Modern Social TheorySocial Theory: Modern Social TheoryWWSocial Theory: Modern Social Theory
Barriology: Spatial History of Panorama CityBarriology: Spatial History of Panorama CityWWBarriology: Spatial History of Panorama City
Subjectivist Approach to Social ProblemsSubjectivist Approach to Social ProblemsWWSubjectivist Approach to Social Problems
Social Problem ProcessSocial Problem ProcessWWSocial Problem Process
Social Problems WorkersSocial Problems WorkersWWSocial Problems Workers
Why Is There Misery in the World?-Soc. 101Why Is There Misery in the World?-Soc. 101WWWhy Is There Misery in the World?-Soc. 101
Policymaking and Political DiscoursePolicymaking and Political DiscourseWWPolicymaking and Political Discourse
Public OpinionPublic OpinionWWPublic Opinion
Neo-liberal Urbanism and Education PolicyNeo-liberal Urbanism and Education PolicyWWNeo-liberal Urbanism and Education Policy
Media's InfluenceMedia's InfluenceWWMedia's Influence
Gender and Juvenile Delinquency &Gender and Juvenile Delinquency &WWGender and Juvenile Delinquency &
Media and Claims (Media Studies)Media and Claims (Media Studies)WWMedia and Claims (Media Studies)
Experts as ClaimsmakersExperts as ClaimsmakersWWExperts as Claimsmakers
How Is Society Possible-Soc. 101How Is Society Possible-Soc. 101WWHow Is Society Possible-Soc. 101
Political Violence/ TerrorismPolitical Violence/ TerrorismWWPolitical Violence/ Terrorism
Class and Race Stratification and Juvenile DelinquencyClass and Race Stratification and Juvenile DelinquencyWWClass and Race Stratification and Juvenile Delinquency
Activists as ClaimmakersActivists as ClaimmakersWWActivists as Claimmakers
Evaluating ClaimsEvaluating ClaimsWWEvaluating Claims
History of the Moral PanicHistory of the Moral PanicWWHistory of the Moral Panic
Claims and the Process of the Social ProblemsClaims and the Process of the Social ProblemsWWClaims and the Process of the Social Problems
Social Theory & What do Sociologists Study SocietySocial Theory & What do Sociologists Study SocietyWWSocial Theory & What do Sociologists Study Society
The Social Problems ProcessThe Social Problems ProcessWWThe Social Problems Process
Sociology 207Sociology 207WWSociology 207
Urbanism: Organizing Social Spaces, The City as a Lived Experience.Urbanism: Organizing Social Spaces, The City as a Lived Experience.WWUrbanism: Organizing Social Spaces, The City as a Lived Experience.
Magnetic Los AngelesMagnetic Los AngelesWWMagnetic Los Angeles
Sociology 185sSociology 185sWWSociology 185s