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Group members:
Yue Bai 203552
Ke Chen 203580
Noma Zemer 700390
Guo Chen 700695
Wai Ching 203518
Even through urbanization is beneficial to our society and economic growth, it is a two sided blade. It must be carefully planned, increasing new policy to restrict any activity violating the principle of creating a sustainable city.
What is Urbanization
Causes of Urbanization
- Rural to Urban Migration-result of push and pull factors
- Natural Increase
- Urbanization is the process in which the number of people living in cities increases compared with the number of people living in rural areas.
- A country is considered to be urbanized when over 50% of its population lives in urban places.
Presentation date:December 6, 2013
Natural Increase
- Natural increase = birth rate –death rate
- The people that migrate into towns and cities tend to be young resulting in high birth rate
- Falling death rates due to improved medical care means more babies are born than people dying, further increasing the urban population
Solutions and Case Study
Rural to Urban Migration
LEDCs - Solution
MEDCs- Solutions
Improving shanty towns
- local communities, charities and government departments
- improvements in the residents’ quality of life.
Schemes of improvement
- Site and services scheme
- Self help scheme
- Rural investment
Inequalities(housing, unemployment)
- Redevelopment of inner city
Traffic congestion and air pollution in town
- Park and ride scheme
- Congestion charging schemes - London
- Car pooling – USA
- Permit holder parking
- Out of town retail centres
Ultimate solution to Urbanization
- Balance between Environment, Economic and Social, a sustainable city
Case Study - Curitiba
- Capital city of the Parana state in Brazil.
- With nearly 2 million people living here
- Urban plan since the 1968
- Social, economic and environmental programs.
Key feature of a sustainable city
Case Study - Curitiba
Case Study, Masdar City in Abu Dhabi
- Resources and services in the city are accessible to all
- Public transport is seen as a viable alternative to cars
- Public transport is safe and reliable
- Walking and cycling is safe
- Wherever possible, renewable resources are used instead of non-renewable resources
- Waste is seen as a resource and is recycled wherever possible
- New homes are energy efficient
- There is access to affordable housing
- Community links are strong and communities work together to deal with issues such as crime and security
- Cultural and social amenities are accessible to all
- A sustainable city will grow at a sustainable rate and use resources in a sustainable way.
- Creating and retaining parks and green space beside the rivers .
- Urban growth is restricted to corridors of growth
- A bus rapid transit system operates with triple section bendy bus
- "Lighthouses of Knowledge "
- A green exchange programme
- COHAB, the public housing programme
- Ensuring a low carbon footprint
- Being completely powered by renewable energy.
- Reducing waste
- Leading research and education
- Design the city, create a comfortable environment
- Educating Sustainability
- Full pedestrianisation within the city
Comparison Between MEDCs and LEDCs
Urbanization Progress
Developed countries
- The United States, Japan, Germany, Britain, etc…
Main characteristics
- Start early
- High level of urbanization
- Counter urbanization phenomenon
Developing Countries
- China, Brazil, India, Russia, Thailand, etc…
Main characteristics
- A late start but development rapidly
- Lower level of urbanization
- Unreasonable development of urbanization
Rapid Urbanization
Modernization and Industrialization
- Pull people to cities at the same time that they push people from rural homes.
- Farm living depends on unpredictable environmental conditions,survival is difficult. In modern times, industrialization of agriculture has negatively affected the economy of small- and middle-sized farms and strongly reduced the size of the rural labor market. Which is called “rural flight”
- More and more people leave villages and farms to live in cities, urban growth results
- I.E(Chicago and Mumbai)
The Development of Urbanization in Developed Countries
The Development of Urbanization in Developing Countries
Generally speaking, the urbanization can be divided into 4 stages in developed countries.
- Urbanization- started in the 1950s, it is a period with economic growth rapidly and with fastest growing urban population in developed countries.
- Suburbanization- started in the 1960s, the outward growth of town and cities to engulf surrounding villages and rural area.
- Counter urbanization- A process in 1970s to 1980s that involving the movement of population away from inner urban areas to new town, new estate, rural-urban fringe, etc…
- Re-urbanization- the re-urbanization appeared in the 1980s to 1990s, it is meaning the counter urbanization was terminated, the population densities in rural area or town is below to the urban area. The population centralizes to the city again.
There are 3 main characteristics of the development of urbanization in developing countries
- Started late but develop rapidly: started in 1950s, after the Second World War, the urban population increase rapidly, the growth rate even exceed the developed countries, with 4. 68 percent per year (1950-1960).
- Lower level of urbanization: because the base of rural population are more than the urban population, the level of urbanization in developing countries is lower than developed countries.
- Unreasonable development: the main reasons are the deformation of the economic development, rapid population growth and rural labor surplus, etc…
Developed Regions and
the Less Developed Regions
Significant differences in urban population change between the more developed regions and the less developed regions
Table of Content
Impacts of Urbanization
- Urbanization Definition
- The Causes of Urbanization
- Urbanization Progress
- Comparison between MEDCs and LEDCs
- Impacts of Urbanization
- Solutions and Case Study
- Conclusion
Social Effects
Red text means it is specially in LEDC
Economic Effects
Red text means it is specially in MEDC
- Social Effect
- Economic Effect
- Environmental Effect
Environmental Effects
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