- Houses were conical shaped.
- They were made of poles, wood, and bark.
- The would dig down in the dirt, build the house, and put mud along the bottom.
- This kept out the water.
- Houses had a firepit in the middle of the room.
The main food for the tribe was acorns. They also gathered berries, tubers, clover, seeds, and nuts.
- Fishing Nets
- Baskets
- String
- Coil woven baskets
- Decorated ones used for cooking and storing food
- Undecorated baskets used for seed beaters, hoppers, and sifters.
- Mush paddles
- Skin scrapper
- Fishing spears
- Fire drills
- Bows and arrows
- Women wore their hair long, not braided.
- Fringed deerskin skirt with pine nut or shell decorations.
- Short capes for warmth.
- Tattooed their faces.
- Jewelry made of abalone shell or mussels.
- No shoes.
Clothing Ceremonial
- Deer
- Small Animals
- Rabbits
- Squirrels
- Birds
They used nets and spears to catch salmon, steelhead, and trout,
- Yuki had many ceremonies in which they wore special outfits.
- Head dresses were made out of eagle and owl feathers.
- Capes were also decorated with feathers.
- Paints made out of soot, and clay were used to paint their faces.
The Yuki were hunter
gatherers and fisherman.
- Flat mortar and pestal
- Mauls
- Knives
Round Valley
Important resource
used for shelter and
making tools.
- Found between mountain ranges
- The valley had many resources for Native Americans.
- Lots of trees, wildlife, and streams to support the tribe.
- Had mild, rainy winters and cool, dry summer.
Provided fresh water and food for the tribe.
- Didn't wear anything or only a deer skin around their middle.
- No shoes
- Bone piercings through the sternum of the nose.
- Wore their hair in a topknot.
- Deer skin short cape to keep warm
- Tattooed their faces.
They didn't eat panther, fox, wolf, coyote, snake, weasel, lizard, or beaver.
These were spiritual animals.
Do not eat bears, but do hunt them for their pelts.
Northern Territory
- Coastal was a smaller group
- Valley Group had the largest population.
The Yuki tribe also
built larger buildings
for ceremonial use
Southern Territory
- Mountain group had a very small population.
They made shelter based on what
resources were available.
War Chief
Tribe Social
- Lead any war activities.
- Had no real power within the tribe.
- Didn't do any labor.
- Stood on attendance in his hunt and accepted gifts.
- Directed all activity, when to hunt,when to gather.
- Settled disputes.
- Often succeeded by a
family member
- Chief
- Chief Assistant
- Shaman
- War Chief
- Families
- Lived together in their huts with little contact with families they married into.
3 Distinct Groups
- Coast
- Central Valley
- Mountain
Chief Assistant
- Presided over spiritual ceremonies.
- Provided medicines and cures for the people.
- Was the religious adviser for the tribe.
- Messenger and adviser for the chief.
- Made sure the everything ran smoothly on a day to day basis.
- Go between guy between the people and the chief.
- There were 9 local bands.
- There were often at war with each other or their neighbors.
- They spoke a distinct language from the tribes around them.
- They were very independent, but would band together if necessary.
- About 150 people made up
one village.
Daily Life
- The Yuki tribe were hunters and
- They had chores to do to prepare for the summer and winter months.
- When they were not working they held performances or played games.
- Dancing
- Music
- Distance and accuracy shooting with bows.
- Wrestling
- Dice
- Roll ball
- The Yuki believed the Earth was created
by Taikó-mol, "father above."
- His companion was a coyote.
- Prayed to him before they ate, or before any major action.
- The belief in one god made for a fairly easy transition later to European religions.
- The Yuki had ceremonies that were part of their traditions.
Yuki Language
One - Pa'wi
Two - Opi
Three - Molmi
There were many for different occasions.
- Acorn harvest ceremony
- Coming of age ceremonies
- For both boys and girls
- Feather dance
- War dance
- Green corn dance.
Man - Iwop
Woman - Musp
Dog- Ha'som