- An ideology which distinguishes a minority group inferior based on their characteristics and abilities is known as racism
- Racism still exists in Unites States, it being multi-racial and multi-ethnic country
- Racism is usually associated with prejudice and discrimination
- There are various types of discrimination prohibited by law
- Age discrimination involves treating someone less favorably because of his age
- Disability discrimination occurs when an employer or other entity treats a qualified individual with a disability unfavorably because she has a disability.
- Race/color discrimination involves treating someone unfavorably because he/she is of a certain race or because of skin color complexion
- Other types include discrimination against Ethnicity, gender, religion, pregnant
- Prejudice is a preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience
- It's a prejudgment and illogical attitude towards certain people
- Prejudice is a beginning factor for discrimination
Consequences of Discrimination
- Discrimination is a behavior of unjust or unequal treatment of people because of their affiliation with a certain group
- Affects life chances due to decline in SES status
- Higher rates of illness, injuries and death
- Negative self concept and low self esteem
- Creates tension and hostile environment which can erupt in destructive violence
Gender Inequality
- Gender inequality is prevalent in USA
- Women are discriminated against in every extent of socioeconomic status
- Women experience unequal treatment in areas such as education, occupation, income, military and courts
In it Together - Gender Equality
Irina Mkchyan
Social Inequality:
Sociology 1
Dr. Harris
Sex is a biological role that each of us plays in reproduction
Blum, D. (1997). Sex on the brain: the biological differences between men and women. New York: Viking.
Feagin, J. R., & McKinney, K. D. (2003). The many costs of racism. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield.
Silveti, Bebu (1996). Barroco [Recorded by Raul Di Blassio]. Grandes Exitos [CD]. Miami: RCA (2006)
SentisDigital. "In it Together - Gender Equality." N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Aug. 2013. <http://youtube.com>.
Sullivan, T. J. (2009). Sociology: concepts and applications in a diverse world (8th ed.). New York: Vango Books.
Wood, J. T. (1994). Gendered lives: communication, gender, and culture. Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth Pub..
- Social inequality is due to dissimilar treatments to minority groups
- Ascribed statuses such as race & ethnicity serve as the prime elements
Social inequality refers to the ways in which socially defined categories of people have unequal access to a variety of social goods, such as:
- the labor market
- income
- education
- healthcare systems
- politics
These categories are according to characteristics such as gender, age, race, ethnicity and class.
- Gender Inequality refers to unequal treatment or perceptions of individuals based on their gender
- It is justified by sexism - belief that one sex is essentially superior than the other, therefore can dominate
- Gender is a socially constructed roles, behaviors, activities, and attributes that a given society considers appropriate for men and women
- It's an ascribed & a master status
- Learned behavior
- Ethnicity is a state of belonging to a social group that has a common national or cultural tradition
- Ethnic group is a people who share a common historical and cultural heritage and sense of group identity and belongingness. (Sullivan, 2009)
- They share a common language, history and religion
Learning occurs through
- Race is a biological notion to identify people based on their genetic & hereditary traits
- Race is a social category because the society makes important distinctions between people
Socialization process by way of:
- Family
- School
- Media and electronic world
Feminist Movements & Organizations