Az Ön új prezentációs asszisztense.
Minden eddiginél gyorsabban finomíthatja, fejlesztheti és szabhatja testre tartalmait, találhat releváns képeket, illetve szerkesztheti vizuális elemeit.
Népszerű keresések
1. Too many
2. Too long
3. Often contradictory
4. Lack structure
5. Have language identity
6. Silent or static
1. IR, Question Answering
2. Automated Summarization &– Abstraction
3. Multi-Document Summaries
4. Layered analyses – rely on linguistic insights or probabilities
5. Machine Translation, Cross-Language IR
6. Text-to-Speech, Speech Recognition, Conversational Agents
Know (a bit) about
Delegate some tasks to
Ls - have a mandate of Knowledge Organization & Access
I - is not restricted to Ls
S - brings new methods
&T! - not too be ignored as computing of the methods
use of computers
to represent & analyze human language,
or different kinds of information encoded in a free text form
1. Select
2. Shorten/digest
3. Reconcile
4. Structure
5. Translate
6. Communicate
Know your
Be aware
of automated text solutions
Be prepared
to be employed outside of libs
to make sense of information