Present Day Monopoly of Knowledge in Hong Kong???
Facebook and social media
- one of the main choices for social networking
- headlines, information, and links found on social media
- collecting data: recommended pages, ads, and friends
- monopolies of knowledge occur when knowledge/power is centralized
- exists in different ways and aspects in current day society
Effects of the printing press
- many reforms
- spread of new ideas that challenged old ones
- sudden emergence of beliefs in certain freedoms
Facebook and social media
- different interpretation of ideas
- different views
- new beliefs that challenge old ones
- economic advantage
- monopoly of knowledge:
- one of the only free-to-air channels that provides news
- one POV
Free-to-air TV licensees
Information that could be refused
- Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK)
- Television Broadcasts Limited (TVB)
- HK Television Entertainment (HKTVE)
Code on Access to Information
- Defense and security
- External affairs
- Nationality, immigration and consular matters
- Law enforcement, legal proceedings and public safety
- Damage to the environment
- Management of the economy
- Management and operation of the public service
- Internal discussion and advice
- Public employment and public appointments
- Improper gain or advantage
- Research, statistics and analysis
- Third party information
- Privacy of the individual
- Business affairs
- Premature requests
government records
- information that must be provided for the general public by civil servants
- routinely published/released
- can be requested (must respond in 21 days)
- free-to-air services (includes news)
- April 1 2015: Executive council announced that license will not be renewed
- April 1 2016: transmission ceased
- judicial review not provided
- does not apply to administrative tribunals and courts
- information may be refused
The Church and State in the 1400s
What is a monopoly of knowledge?
- church and state were one
- monopoly of knowledge in the case of religion
- texts were in Latin
- priest sold indulgences (papers that will reduce time in purgatory)
Invention of the Printing Press
- knowledge: information, literacy, science
- centralization of power
- power to control information flow
- often uses dominant media
- often has ability to decide what is legitimate
- define monopoly of knowledge
- 1400s monopoly of knowledge and the printing press
- monopolies of knowledge in HK
- Facebook
- disruptive technology?
- at first, welcomed by the church
- put to use for the church's means:
- indulgences
- pamphlets
Monopoly of Knowledge