The context for literacy and numeracy improvement in further education.
"Literacy and numeracy skills are absolutely essential in order for young people to reach their potential whether they are planning to enter further or higher education or the employment market."
The National frameworks are aimed to enhance, strengthen and build on the language, literacy and numeracy capabilities of all students...
An ongoing challenge for all schools and colleges is to maintain a strong focus on literacy and numeracy education to ensure that every student has every opportunity for success.
Leighton Andrews AC/AM, Minister for Education and Skills, Raising School Standards (2011)
- The frameworks help bring about coherent approaches to developing literacy and numeracy across the curriculum
- To build on the expectations set out in the skills framework, but it will be a statutory curricular requirement
- Provide greater clarity for teachers to assess and track skills progression
- Knowing the demands and embedding Literacy & Numeracy through all subjects
Pre-session testing
- General learning & attitudes
- Snapshot reading
- Context reading
- Context writing
- basic maths/numerical test
Results from pre-session testing
- Highlight learners with positive attitudes
- Highlight learners with very strong literacy/numeracy skills
- Identifys the less able students
Promoting Literacy
Have an extended vacabulary relevant to the subject
Navigate around worksheets and documents and locate and understand key concepts
Discuss different concepts and how they may be applied in real situations
Understand how certain words can help link ideas together in a clear way
Organise and write an event into a logical piece of work
Promoting Numeracy
- Carry out a simple table/graph work
Understand number sequencing
Basic decimal calculations
...during and after the training....
formative assessments
summative assessments
guidance and reassurance
Thank you for listening
Help determine learners progress in literacy and numeracy
Include literacy and numeracy throughout the curriculum
Provide annual reports to parents/carers based on assessments so that everyone is clear on how learners are progressing.
Improve numeracy and literacy outcomes for students
It is not about how good you teach but how successful a student can learn from us
- To help students to understand their literacy and numeracy contents better.
- To help students to develop their skills of using their literate and numerical knowledge to solve problems
Reaching the goal
Acknowledge all the difficulties that may be faced when teaching students literacy and numeracy skills
The need to prepare for different types of teaching strategies
Frustration as may not have results right away as it is a long term effort for both sides