To consolidate our understanding of different types of memory and apply it to different models of memory such as the Multi-store memory and working memory models.
Outline and evaluate the key features of the working memory model
Strengths and weaknesses of the multi-store memory model
Over the last few lessons we have looks at different types of memory
Outline the key features of the mutli-store memory model
(6 marks)
Using your... MEMORY... draw & complete the table outlining the differences between STM & LTM memory!
In order to attain maximum marks your answer needs to include the following information:
(8 marks)
What are they called?
Psychology in action!
The case study of Clive Wearing
- The 3 memory stores
- How information is transferred from one stage to the next .
- How information can be lost
Case studies prove that there is a distinction between STM & LTM in terms of Capacity, duration & encoding
Question time!
Match the key term with the correct definition!
How to improve your memory!
A prompt that helps us to recall information
The process where memories are obscured by other information
Atkinson & Shiffrin (1968) Multi-store memory model
Multi-store model (Atkinson & Shiffrin 1968)
This model is based on the 'Information processing' approach which characterises memory as a flow of information through a system through a series of stages.
Information within the STM is pushed out to make room for new incoming information
Memories fade away with time if attention is not paid to it.
Rehearsal Transfer
Short-term memory
Recoding Process
Sensory Memory
How much do you remember about the picture at the beginning of the lesson!
Information stored cannot be accessed because there is no suitable retrieval cue.
Stores acoustic or visual information for several seconds
Stores uncoded sensory information
Stores mainly semantic information for unlimited periods
A model of memory is a way of explaining how the process works.
Information can be lost through DECAY
Information can be lost through decay, RETRIEVAL FAILURE or INTERFERENCE
Information can be lost through decay or DISPLACEMENT after 30 seconds
- Suffers from a particularly profound case of amnesia
- Clive has been left with severe brain damage after contacting a viral infection.
- As well as not being able to recall most of his memories he is unable to create new ones.
Central executive
There are several theories as to why Clive cannot remember thing that happened 30 seconds ago....
- Explains how we can store information whilst actively process it (mental arithmetic)
- Evidence supports the existence of the phonological loop
- Evidence supports the existence of the visual-spacial scratch pad - its is hard to carry out 2 visual tasks at the same time than a visual and verbal task. This proves the limit capacity of the VSSP.
Controls attention & controls the subsidiary systems
So how does the curious case of Clive support the Multi-store memory model?
Weaknesses of the WMM
Watch the video and make notes on Clive and how his profound memory loss impacts on his life
His sensory stimulus never registers
LTM cannot be retrieved
Working in pairs can you come up with as many bullet points to answer this question
Episodic Buffer
Phonological Loop
Visuo - spatial scratch pad
Strengths of the WMM
His STM faded too quickly
Storage for spatial and visual information
Controls the verbal rehearsal system - the 'inner voice'
Phonological store for acoustically coded information - the 'inner ear'
Temporary storage system that allows information from the subsidiary systems to be combined with information from LTM
The 'inner eye'
How does Clive's case support the Multi-store memory model?
- There is not much research into the most important component, the central executive. No one knows its exact capacity.
Lets test out the theory!
Skim read your notes, paying particular attention to the subheadings. Read summaries in your text book.
Your brain starts to organise the info!
Weaknesses of the multi-store memory model
In pairs, one of you needs to construct a random 6 digit number. Read out the number to your partner and then read out the list of verbal reasoning questions. Your partner needs to answer true or false. Ask your partner to recall the 6 digit number.
Are they able to?
Most of you will have either visually imagine the outside of your house or will perform a walk through.... either way you have just accessed your
The central executive
The working memory model (Baddeley & Hitch 1974)
Visuo - spatial scratch pad
- Involved in problem solving and decision making
- Planning, synthesising information
- Flexible as it can process information from all modes
- Limited in capacity
Tallying up the windows will have involved the use of the
- People use different strategies to remember
- To simplistic
- People can remember without conscious rehearsal
- The working memory model!
The WMM looks at the idea that the STM consists of multi-component, flexible systems that process and store information for short periods of time.
Phonological loop
- Stores speech based sounds
- Contains 2 different stores - phonological store (inner ear) and the articulatory control system (inner voice)
Question the headings.... 'What does STM mean?'
Elaboration is part of the encoding process
The whole exercise would have been controlled by the
The visuo-spatial scratch pad
Central executive
It also shows that people have the ability to multi-task... Different components that work independently of each other.
- The inner eye
- Responsible for mental images
- Visual and spacial stores act independently and have limited capacity
As it allocated the task to the correct components and recognised that a conclusion had been reached
For example....
Episodic Buffer
- Capable of integrating information from different sources in to episodes
- limited capacity
- Allows information already present in the LTM to associate with the working memory to make sense of new scenarios
How many windows are in your house?
Read your notes to ensure you have the correct understanding. Highlight key features.
This process lays down your retrieval ques
Read out allow the key points to what you have just read. This will allow you to recognise gaps in your understanding as well as allowing your memory to organise information better.
Put your knowledge and skills to the test
Your task is to construct a poster on one of the topics below:
Test what you know by retrieval... Try linking topics together. Test yourself at regular intervals over periods of time
- Types of memory
- Capacity, Duration, Encoding
- Multi-store memory model
- Working memory model
You will need to include A01 (Knowledge and Understanding) and A02 (analysis and evaluation)