- First major Protestant sect
- Began in Germany in 1521 after Martin Luther was excommunicated
- Luther was Catholic priest and scholar
- He taught scripture and theology
- He was condemned by the church so he started Lutheranism
Lutheranism Cont.
Calvinism Cont.
- No one had authority over anyone
- The Bible was the only true religious guide
- They combined their own practices with Catholic ones
- Luther wrote hymns for his followers to sing
- Their prayers were written and spoken in German instead of Latin
- They only had two sacraments: baptism and the Eucharist
- Those were the only two sacraments clearly named in the Bible
- Believed that God controlled everything
- Believed that the Bible was the only source of religious guidance
- They made laws from the Bible
- Their religious rules became the law of the government
- Sinning was considered a crime
- They were first punished by Calvinist clergy then by the local court
- Blasphemy, a crime which someone disrespects God, were punished harshly
Anglicanism Cont.
- Their communities varied depending on their class
- High Church communities were mostly made of wealthy people
- Low Church communities were mostly made of workers
- Queen Elizabeth I, who was King Henry VIII’s daughter, said that no one had to practice a specific type of Anglicanism
Anglicanism Cont.
- They had two types of services
- The High Church service was like the Catholic Mass, which was very formal
- The Low Church service was like the Lutheran service
- All of their services were held in old Catholic churches
- They only had two sacraments; Baptism and the Eucharist
- The official prayer book was published under King Edward VI
- It was called Book of Common Prayer
- It had prayers in English that most people could do on a daily basis
- In the early 1600’s King James had the Bible translated into English
Anglicanism Cont.
- Founded by John Calvin
- He was a French humanist
- He did most of his work in Geneva, Switzerland
- He took over the reformation of a church in 1543
- He wanted to turn Geneva in to a Christian state
Calvinism Cont.
- They based their beliefs on how their monarch interpreted the Bible
- The Archbishop of Canterbury would help the monarch
- Other clergy helped spread the monarch’s ideas
- They attended services up to five times a week
- Their services lasted hours
- They taught how to live according to the Bible
- Everyone had to attend services
- Their churches were very
- Women and children sat apart from the men
- The Preacher preached from a pulpit
- Children had to be ready to answer any question the minister were to ask them
- If they didn’t answer correctly they would bring shame or even punishment
- They had the same rituals as Lutheranism: baptism and the Eucharist, which they called Communion
- The songs that they sang were verses from the Bible that were set to popular tunes
- King Henry VIII founded it in 1534
- He didn’t want to share his power with anyone
- He also wanted to marry another woman but the church wouldn’t let him divorce
- He made himself the head of the churchIt blended Catholicism and Protestantism
Calvinism Cont.
- They believed that each community should be governed by God through religious leaders
- They tried to build communities where church and state were united
- They had strict laws based on the Bible
- They had to name babies Christian names from the bible
- People who stay at ins had to be in bed by 9:00
- They weren’t allowed to swear, dance, play cards, or insult any of the guests at the inn
Lutheranism, Calvinism,
and Anglicanism
Calvinism Cont.
- They had the same thoughts as Lutheranism about salvation
- They believed that God chose certain people to be saved
- Anyone that God didn’t choose would go to hell
- They believed that God knew who would be saved from the beginning of time
- God chose them according to their behavior
- People who followed their rules would most likely get chosen
- Singing, dancing, playing cards, and wearing fancy clothing were all forbidden
By Fay Shen
Period 4-5
Lutheranism Cont.
- They had strict rules on how to live
- Luther preached mostly about building strong families and discipline
- Fathers should teach their children to pray before meals and bed
- Women should get married and have as many children possible
- Lutheranism ministers were allowed to marry
Lutheranism Cont.
- Disagreed with Catholic church
- Believed that people couldn’t earn salvation
- Salvation was God’s gift to them
- Their sins were taken away by Jesus Christ if they believed in him