Disability Discrimination Act 1992
Statute Law
Why Was the Act Created?
- Eliminate discrimination against people with a disability in areas of work, accommodation, education, sports.
- To protect people from judgement
- To Allow people with a disability to have equality
- Involve and benefit the wider community
- Have a more diverse working community
Subtitles of the Act
Division 1 - Discrimination at work
Division 2 - Discrimination in other areas
Division 3 -Discrimination involving harassment
Division 4 - Offenses - victimization
Division 5 - Exemptions
Statute outline
Disability in relation to a person includes:
- Total or partial loss of bodily or mental functions
- Total or partial loss of the body
- The presence in the body of a organisms causing disease or illness.
- Imprisonment 6 months - 2 years
- Fined 'penalty units -10 points.
For the love of bones