- Forging a nation in exile.
- The exile, a blessing in disguise.
- The exile, the 8th Province.
- From ethnic to civic nationalism.
- Christian democracy and the European Federal Movement.
- The appearence of ETA: The stablishment of two different version of nationalism.
- Internal exile and violence.
Lectura Tesi doctoral:
Forging nation from exile: International recognition, political alignment and ideological constraints in Basque nationalisms (1956-1977)
Doctoranda: Aurora Madaula i Giménez
Juliol 2017
Parts of Thesis
1.- The World Basque Congress (1956)
2.- Manuel Irujo in Munich. The IV Conferences of the European Movement ( 1962)
3.- Manuel Irujo vs Eli Gallastegi and ETA in the evolution of the radical Basque nationaism. From "ecumenical therapy" to "Patriots and Hooligans". (1962)
4.- The Burgos Trial (1970) . The trial from exile.
5.- The end of the "Eighth province"? The end of the exile and the evolution of Basque traditional nationalism. (1977)
Plantejament i estat de la qüestió
Plutarc / Plutarch's approach
- Manca d'estudis del periode cronològic
Benedicció amarga / Blessing in disguise
L'exili com a refugi / Exile as a refuge
Manuel Irujo Ollo (1891- 1981)
Archives visited:
- Sabino Arana Fundazioa
- Euskadiko Artxibo Historikoa
- Lazkaoko Beneditarren Fundazioa
- Koldo Mitxelena Cultural Center
- Center for Basque Studies (University of Nevada, Reno)
- National Archives for Records Administration (NARA)
- Pavelló de la República (Universitat de Barcelona )
- Archives: Primary sources
- Books and articles: Secondary sources
- Is it possible to forge an develop a nation being in the exile?
- Is the exile a blessing in disguise, a refuge, for Basque nationalism?
- Can Basque nationalism in exile be considered as the "eighth province" of the Basque political national imaginary?
- Has Basque nationalism developed from ethnic to civic nationalism?
- Which are the political patterns followed by Basque nationalisms?
- Which are the strategies followed to get international recognition of Basque nationalism?