Valerie Thomas (Illusion Transmitter)
Getting Older (College and Early Adult)
Getting older Valerie finally got to do what she wanted once she got to college at Morgan State University (MSU) She majored in physics. Being one of the only two girls there it was clear that she didn't fit in, but she didn't care what she looked like Being were a 'boy' should be. She did what she wanted to do and with that type of thinking she excelled in her studies.
In conclusion Although not very famous Valerie Thomas was an amazing inventor and scientist. She retired in 1995 and held a position at many other jobs. She received a number of awards and medals and was an amazing scientist overall. In addition to her work at NASA, she mentored youths through the National Technical Association and Science Mathematics Aerospace Research and Technology Although not encouraged she is now known as a successful black scientist.
Working at NASA
Once she graduated form college she started working for NASA as a Data Analyst. Thomas became a very valued NASA employee. In the 1970s, she managed the development of the image-processing systems for Landsat, the first satellite to send images to the Earth from space.
Young Life
Illusion Transmitter
In 1976 Thomas learned how to concave mirrors to make it look like there were 3-D images appearing in front of you. She decided that it could be revolutionary if a little technology was added to it. As she worked on it more and perfected it she was able to receive a patent for it. Her invention was adopted and used by NASA.
Born May 1943 Valerie Thomas had big dreams of being a scientist and inventor. Although she loved math and science and all the other things that her family thought was for young boys, it was extremely frowned upon by her family and her school. In fact There was one time where she checked out The boys 1st book on electronics and her own father refused to help her despite being interested in it himself. She went to a high school (all girls) where math and science were extremely downplayed.