on personality .
on knowledge .
on bodies .
On Plato's philosophies...
objective values.
This one's for you, Socrates!
reasoning through dialogue.
What is Justice?
The justice of an ideal republic does not reside in any particular part of the republic but rather in the structure of the republic as a whole. Justice is tripartite, and resides in the proper structuring of these parts.
Our knowledge of the visible world is imperfect and changing: true belief.
The abstract principles that govern the intelligible world, however, are perfect and unchanging: knowledge- more than true belief
abstract thought
concrete thought
What is most real is what we can grasp by means of the intellect.
The Theory of the Tripartite Soul
The Importance of Education for the Health of the State
moderation (and justice)
What is virtue? Can it be taught?
Virtue is neither something innate nor can be taught. "Socrates" muses that perhaps it is simply a “gift from the gods” that we receive without understanding.
Knowledge vs. True Belief
"Learning is not a matter of discovering something new but rather of recollecting something the soul knew before birth but has since forgotten."
This one's for you, Socrates!
“The unexamined life is not worth living.”
Our duty as humans is to use our rationality to question ourselves and others in order to live more justly and truthfully.
On Plato's works...
Plato: 427 BC - 347 BC
Affluent Family & Upbringing
Politics in Athens
Socrates’ Apprentice
A Vilified Socrates
On Plato's life...
Athens vs. Sparta
The Academy
Plato goes to Italy.
- Dorbolo, Jon. "Great Philosophers: Plato." Great Philosophers: Plato. Oregon State University, 2002. Web.
- Evans, Jules. "How People Use Platonic Philosophy Today." Philosophy for Life. 2013. Web.
- Proffitt, Brian. Plato within Your Grasp. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Pub., 2004. Print.
- SparkNotes Editors. “SparkNote on The Apology.” SparkNotes.com. SparkNotes LLC. n.d.. Web.
- ThinkQuestTeam 18775. "Plato." The Philosopher's Lighthouse. Oracle Foundation, 1998. Web.
- Three Minute Philosophy: Plato. Dir. CollegeBinary. Three Minute Philosophy: Plato. YouTube, 05 Aug. 2010. Web.
Three Minute Philosopher: Plato