Safe Facilities and Pest Managment
Emergencies That Affect the Facility
How to respond to a crisis affecting the facility:
- Determine if there is a significant risk to the safety or security of your food
- If the risk is significant
- Stop service
- Notify the local regulatory authority
- Decide how to correct the problem
- Establish time-temperature control
- Clean and sanitize surfaces
- Verify water is drinkable
- Reestablish physical security of the facility
Designated storage areas:
- Store waste and recyclables separately from food and food-contact surfaces
- Storage must not create a nuisance or a public health hazard
Installing and Maintaining Equipment
Emergencies That Affect the Facility
Once equipment has been installed:
- It must be maintained regularly
- Only qualified people should maintain it
- Set up a maintenance schedule with your supplier or manufacturer
- Check equipment regularly to make sure it is working correctly
Imminent health hazard:
- A significant threat or danger to health
- Requires immediate correction or closure to prevent injury
Possible imminent health hazards:
- Electrical power outages
- Fire
- Flood
- Sewage backups
Dishwashing Machines
Dishwashers must be installed:
- So they are reachable and conveniently located
- In a way that keeps utensils, equipment, and other food-contact services from becoming contaminated
- Following manufacturer’s instructions