by Sophocles
outdoor theatres
Festival- god of wine Dionysos
no curtains for scene changes
actors wear masks onstage
no violence or irreverence onstage
although both were central to plots
violence offstage:
through dialogue
Prologue: presents
background to
situate the conflict
Chorus' song-
called an ode-
divides scenes
like a modern curtain
interprets the play
Chorus leader- choragos;
talks to the rest of the chorus;
chorus moves around the stage
but do not (often) interact with characters
Greek Theatre
three plays: Oedipus Rex, Oedipus at Colonus, Antigone
Antigone is last, but written first
Oedipus background:
Oedipus was abandoned at birth
by his parents- king and queen of Thebes
fortuneteller claimed the infant
would kill the father, marry the mother
trusted a servant
to kill the baby
gave him to a childless couple
who never told him his identity
killed a man in Thebes (his father)
becomes a hero
of Thebes
widowed queen agrees
to marry the champion
happily raised
four children until...
during an investigation...
Oedipus learns the truth:
he killed his father!
he married his mother!
commits suicide!
Oedipus pokes
his own eyes out!
Creon takes over Kingdom;
Antigone takes her father
to exile and he dies.
civil war between Oedipus'
sons ends with them killing each other.
Eteocles supported Creon
and is buried with honors
Polynieces rebelled against Thebes,
so his corpse is left out to rot
Antigone decides to disobey
Creon's command and bury her brother
set up for another...
The Oedipus Myth
Antigone tells her sister she will defy the King and bury their brother
Ismene begs her not to, claiming they are only women and aren't strong enough to stand against men
"yeah, right"
Creon tries to explain why letting a
royal prince rot in the sun is the
right thing to do; he is "so wise"- he says so himself
and really...
who would defy a King?
the daughter of a different
King, perhaps? Oh, yeah!
of course, this girl is promised
to be married to Creon's son Haimon
Wait, that would make them....
the sentry reports to Creon that the body has been buried against his decree
Who would dare do such a thing?
but why????
"Your edict, King, was strong, but all your strength is weakness itself against the immortal laws of God."
makes sense- what do you think, Creon?
"Who is the man here, she or I, if this crime goes unpunished?"
Wait, what? You think obeying God's laws over your own makes you less of a man? No wonder Ismene thought she couldn't stand against the men- they're crazy!
"There is no guilt in reverence for the dead."
Creon tries to defend himself against Antigone, but her logic outmaneuvers him. He gives up and waits to condemn Ismene, too.
ismene tries to follow her sister into death, but Antigone refuses her offer.
Everyone begs Creon to change his mind- to have mercy- to let Antigone live.
Creon makes fun of both girls- misogynous jerk. He puts them under armed guards.
Chorus begs Creon to reconsider.
Creon mocks them as well... game over.