Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hello. The oral form is proud to present to you
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a presentation on or a whole.
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Let's explore the ways on how to improve our world.
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Hold on why it is important to do so.
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We will be covering the basics of dental care such
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as brushing and flossing, and there will also be some
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unique tips to further help you prevent cavities.
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Let's get started.
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Rise. Oral health Important.
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The health of her mouth offers clues about our overall
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health. Like other areas of the body, your mouth is
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full of bacteria, most of them being harmless.
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Normally, the body's natural defenses and good or ill health
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care keep bacteria under control.
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However, without proper aural hygiene, bacteria can reach levels that
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might lead toe oral infections such as tooth decay and
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gum disease.
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I was our mouth connected to the health of our
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body. Well, there's an overwhelming amount of evidence linking gum
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disease toe, a higher risk of heart disease.
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Some researchers think that mouth infections, like any infections, can
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increase the levels of inflammatory substances in the blood, which
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can promote blood clots in slow blood flow to the
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heart. What do we protect our teeth from a cavity
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is a hole on your tooth that is caused by
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the buildup of plaque.
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A pack is the buildable bacteria and sugar.
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This turns into an asset and burns a hole through
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the tooth.
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Cavities that are not fixed can cause pain and can
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even cause you to lose your teeth.
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Some symptoms of a cavity include two takes.
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Spontaneous pain tooth sensitivity.
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Mild to sharp pain when eating or drinking something sweet,
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hot or cold.
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Visible holes or pits in your teeth and pain when
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you bite down.
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Heavier cavity could be extremely painful and uncomfortable, so it's
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important to recognize the symptoms and work towards solutions.
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So how can you fix a cavity?
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Is it possible to reverse a cavity?
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Well, not on our own.
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The only way to fix the cavity is by visiting
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a dental office during filling procedures didn't just clean away
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the decayed inside the cavity, usually with a drill before
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filling the hole.
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Most interest today make fillings from composite resin.
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Many tenders still use over amalgam as well.
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Be sure to visit the dental office twice a year
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to prevent cavities as well as filled the cavities that
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need to be filled.
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Brushing, brushing our teeth helps to remove plaque.
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Prevent cavities, and it also simulates the gums.
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Didn't just recommend that we brush at least twice a
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day, once in the morning and once at night.
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Brushing our teeth at night is very important otherwise, that
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bacteria can stay on our teeth for long periods of
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time and can cause cavities.
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Always use florid, ated toothpaste, and you can read the
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ingredients on the back of the label off the to
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face to check to make sure it has Floridian it.
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What sort of toothbrush should you use?
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The American Dental Association recommends you use a toothbrush with
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soft bristles.
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It's important to replace toothbrushes every three months in case
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you've gotten sick.
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Or maybe the bristles have started to week.
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Either use manual or electric toothbrushes to be effective in
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brushing brushing tips.
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Brush for two minutes.
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Every time you brush twice a day, it's important to
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brush two minutes.
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People use timers, and even some electrical toothbrushes can turn
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off after two minutes.
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You also want to aim the tooth brush at a
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45 degree angle towards the gum line and use a
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gentle circular motion.
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Repeat this process on all surfaces of the tooth, especially
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the insides.
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Glossing, flossing removes plaque, clean small spaces and prevents gum
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diseases. You should floss at least once a day after
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all your meals in the evening.
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Time. Gum disease is an inflammation of the gums.
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It commonly occurs because of film, a plaque or bacteria
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and sugar accumulates on the teeth.
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Luckily, some gum diseases like gingivitis is reversible and preventable,
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but untreated gingivitis can progress to period on Titus.
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This disease can lead to the loss of teeth.
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Symptoms include red and puffy gums that bleed easily when
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the person brushes their teeth.
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Let's look at a picture.
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Here are the stages of gum disease number one.
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We see healthy gums and a healthy tooth.
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Healthy gums have no inflammation, and the tooth has a
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little to no plaque.
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Number two gingivitis.
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Ginger Vitis begins in the information off the gums, as
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well as plaque beginning to build up on the tooth.
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Gingivitis is reversible, however.
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Stage three period on Titus is not.
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Periodontist is an inflammation that causes the gums to separate
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from the tooth.
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Not only that, there becomes more plaque on the tooth
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as well as bone destruction and, lastly, advanced period on
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Titus, where there's AH, high amount of inflammation in the
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gums, as well as a huge separation between the gums
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and the teeth.
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In this picture, we see there's a lot more plaque
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and the tooth is at risk off falling out.
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It's important to make sure you brush correctly and floss
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every day.
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We'll help the flaws properly.
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First, tear off a piece of flaws about an arm's
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length. One.
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The false around both of your middle fingers.
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You can use your thumbs to guide the flaws as
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well. Place the floss in between two teeth.
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Gently glide the flaws up and down as if the
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flaws were hooking the tooth in a C shape motion.
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You do not want to use a seesaw motion because
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this could cut your gums.
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Repeat the steps as you move from two to tooth
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with each tooth.
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Use a new clean section off loss for flossing for
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braces. Talk to your dental office about how to do
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so to use the proper methods to do what type
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of loss should you use.
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Where there are a lot of options you can use
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a kn waxed or wax loss that usually comes in
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a dispenser.
- 07:01 - 07:04
You can use pre cut flaws or a floss pick,
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and usually, ah, floss pick has, ah line off loss
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already provided.
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However, if you use a floss pick, you want to
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make sure to clean the floss pick after every section
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off Los ing.
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You can also use a water flosser, which uses water
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in force to remove food and bacteria in between the
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teeth eating healthy eating a healthy diet supports our world
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health. Here we see the U.
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S. Food plate.
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We see dairy, grains, protein, vegetables and fruits.
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The biggest portions are greens and vegetables.
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We want to focus on eating whole wheat grains, such
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as brown rice or even whole wheat pasta or wheat
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bread. Vegetables are also very important because they give us
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vitamins as well.
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Focusing on eating vegetables as snacks is a really good
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way to make sure we don't have lots of sugar
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on our teeth throughout the day.
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Eating vegetables also contains lots of water to promote a
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healthy digestive system.
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Fruits are also important for a diet because they also
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contain things like vitamin C.
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It's good to eat fruits every day.
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However, we want to make sure we limit fruits as
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well because they have natural sugars in them that actually
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can stay on our teeth.
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So it's good to eat fruits, but in moderation, proteins
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are good as well.
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There are many different types of proteins, such as nuts,
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beans, eggs and meat.
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There's also the option of dearie.
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There is a smaller option, however.
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There are many different ways to have dearie such as
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cheese, yogurt and milk.
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The best thing to drink is water, and we'll talk
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about that in the later section.
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Was it good and the bad good things to have
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in our body or some fruits, but shovels, whole grains
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and drinking lots of water?
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The not so good things are sweets, juices, white bread
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and carbonated drinks, which have lots of sugar in them.
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Chewing gum going sugar free gum can help to prevent
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tooth decay.
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Chewing sugar free gum causes your mouth to produce more
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saliva, which house to neutralize and rinse away some of
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the acid that forms in your mouth After eating, it's
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good to to sugar free gum after a meal or
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on the go when you can't brush in between meals,
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However, it is important to know that chewing sugar free
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gum should not replace your brushing.
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If you are not sure if the Goma sugar free,
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you can read the package and make sure it says
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sugar free drinking water Drinking top water can support RT.
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Fluoride is a natural occurring mineral that is used to
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strengthen the enamel.
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Some benefits of fluoride is that every builds weaken tooth
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enamel and prevents the growth of harmful Orel bacteria.
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Chicago step Water is florid ated.
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Top water is water that comes from our sink.
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Chicago's top water comes from Lake Michigan and goes for
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filtration process to clean it.
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The Environmental Protection Agency and the Chicago Department of Water
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Management stayed.
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The Chicago's water is safe to drink mouth guards.
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A mouth guard is a soft plastic or limited device
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used in sports to prevent world injuries to the teeth,
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mouth, cheeks, tongue and jaw.
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The use of a mouth guard for collisions force can
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prevent more than 200,000 oral injuries to the mouth each
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year, So if you are playing a contact sport, it's
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important to make sure you always wear a mouth guard
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to protect your mouth and your teeth.
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This concludes our presentation.
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We hope you've learned new information on the importance of
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oral health by brushing flossing, chewing sugar free gum, eating
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healthy and drinking tap water.
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We can protect ourselves from cavities.
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Cavities are impossible to fix on our own, but it
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is important to visit the dental office twice a year
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to fix cavities and, most of all to prevent them.
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If you have any further questions, you can contact your
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dental office regarding your oral health.
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A special thanks to our funders, the Mars Wrigley Foundation
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in the Ortho Sprayed Memorial Institute.
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I got our website www dot total to Truth or
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GE, for video demos on brushing and flossing quizzes and
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fun activities.
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Thanks for watching.