Audio Transcript Auto-generated
- 00:01 - 00:03
Hey class
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so it's smith flores and today we're doing an online lesson
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and today our lesson is gonna be becoming an inventor.
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Now remember last cause we were learning about um brainstorming,
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you remember our word brainstorming?
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We used it in our fourth square
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and what's a brainstorm about ideas of what we want our invention to be for a project
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and what we could do to help someone in the
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So we're gonna read a book um
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and we're gonna do a thinking ticket and a writing workshop. So let's head into it.
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Now remember friends our standards are always here and remember if we don't hit any
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of these standards during class or if we
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just didn't get something about class today,
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always go back to these standards and
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read them,
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examine them and think about what you did learn in
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this class and what we did to hit our standards.
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Now remember friends,
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we need to say I can't statements so these are our objectives not repeat after me.
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I can
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participate in class by completing the work and turning them into our blog.
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I remember
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friends, we have our classroom blog which is on our classroom website
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and I need you all to remember that you
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need to turn in your work for this classroom blog
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so that you get a grade and so that I know how much you're progressing in this class.
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Alright friends now a second, I can't state my repeat after me,
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I can,
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I used to read a lot of book to compare my invention
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from last class.
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Now remember last class we
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had brainstorm inventions. So
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now after we read our book? I want you to think about that.
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Do you want to change your invention? Do you want to do it?
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Tweak it a little bit. Do you want to keep the same invention?
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Do you want to go completely opposite and do something else?
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Alright in our third I can't statements say after me I can
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use the hamburger strategy
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to create a detailed paragraph of my invention.
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Not Friends. We haven't learned what the hamburger strategy is yet.
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So this class you're going to learn what we need to make a detailed paragraph.
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Alright friends for our thinking cast today.
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Remember a lot of you guys are on computers, ipads or phones.
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So if you're on a computer you can hit this link or
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you can take your phone and you can hit the Q.
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R. Code with your camera. Just put the camera up to the Q. R. Code
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and it will send you to the website. Now if it doesn't, the link is always here.
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Now when you get onto this link remember not to exit out of our lesson,
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keep our lesson here
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and then I need you to use this voting code and I need
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you to type it in so you can get into our thinking cloud.
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Now today your question is what is an inventor?
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I remember there's a lot of words that mean inventor and I want you
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to give me one or two words that you think define an inventor.
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What do you think an adventure is?
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What are things that describe an inventor? And I remember we have adjectives.
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We have
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different descriptors that we use
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to describe people and things. Simon I want you to think back to that.
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Remember Friends.
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We also have our four square of our
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word adventure which has synonyms and the definition.
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So if you're having a tough time thinking or remembering,
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go back to that and it should be in our classroom blog.
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and reference that. So when you're done after that we're going to do a read a lot.
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So I read a lot today is Rosie revere engineer.
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Now remember last class we read Violet the pilot
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and remembering Violet the pilot. She actually
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her own airplane
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and her airplane helped save those voice scouts and she became a hero
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And I read a lot today I want you to think about the pilot and I want you to compare the,
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what does Rosie do differently
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that Violet didn't do
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or what did Violet do that Rosie didn't too or did they go through the same struggles.
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Now remember I need you to click the book to hear video.
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It's going to be a different video. It's not going to be
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um this video that you are now watching Friends.
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let's play a little one back on
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And then after you read our book Friends, I want you to remember
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the things that rosie did
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things that she made as she made a couple of things
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the plane that Violet made the hornet.
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And then I want you to think of other books that we've read or maybe you have read about
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inventions now this is another one that we're going
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to read next class called the Most Magnificent Thing.
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But I want you to
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think and compare what your invention is to their invention.
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Now Friends,
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I want you to think about what your invention is and I
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want you to pick the invention that you want to stick to.
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Now it may change.
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We may tweak it a little bit but I want you to get that invention and I want you to write
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your paragraph about this.
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So what we're gonna do is we're going to do hamburger writing
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now hamburger writing is what
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it's hamburger.
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So remember we have the bun
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we have
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filling which is gonna be three details. We have
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12 and three different details which means you should have three sentences
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describing your invention
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and then you have your closing sentence which would be the bun.
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So for our topic sentence we need to tell them readers what the main idea of
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our paragraph is and the main idea of our paragraph would be what our invention is.
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We're introducing our invention
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and then I need you like I said to give three different details
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and then you'll be finishing that paragraph with a closing sentence saying
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what your invention is again or how it can help people.
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Now what I need you to do is your topic sentence.
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Your first sentence is going to be in the stem up. I will be inventing
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blank which would be your invention.
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And then you would say
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to help
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and describe how it would help
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or who it would help.
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And then you use your three sentences to describe what your invention is.
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So for example I would say I will be inventing
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an electric jump rope to help me jump by myself.
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And then my next three sentences could be
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this jump rope
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turn itself so I can jump in
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period. Remember we always need that period. Friends remember
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sentiments always need
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capital letter
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words that are completed words and spelled correctly.
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We need our sentences
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to be
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finger spaces
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so you need to make sure you're spacing as
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well so that they look like the actual words.
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And then lastly you need
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So you need those four things to write your sentences friend.
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So then my second sentence could be
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the jump rope will
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be able
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up by itself.
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And then my closing sentence could be
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this jumper will help me and help other people.
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So friends,
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I need you to do that on your writing paper Now remember you
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should have your writing paper and your pencil right now to do that.
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And then after you do that,
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remember we scan our papers and then we've uploaded to our
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blog which is what friends I'm gonna need you to do
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so remember I need you to use that hamburger strategy if you need to go
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back and reference it and go back and reference are two books that we have red
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and then when you're dead,
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you upload it on our blog and then we'll review it for next class.
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Alright friends.
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Thank you for doing this lesson with me.