Audio Transcript Auto-generated
- 00:02 - 00:07
Good evening teacher Karen uh these are the answers to
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the video cuts kids and potato bus work from home
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fails on full pop.
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Okay the first question from that video is uh have
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you had much experience of online meetings for work or
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study? Uh would you say that these experiences have been
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positive, negative or mix?
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Um tell me why.
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Okay, I have had plenty of experience with online meetings.
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Most of those experiences have been very positive, I have
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had a small technical difficulties with a few of them,
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but most of them have taken place without a glitch.
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There have been positive because I have been able to
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teach english and use several applications um the World wide
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web to engage the students in their learning moreover during
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online meetings we can't share the screens, use a white
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board for examples or explanations, make many different quizzes and
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tests have fun singing songs as part of the learning.
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Also, the second question is uh um that many things
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can go wrong during an online meeting, I give us
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three choices um to talk about each one of those
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uh things that can go wrong and I chose uh
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the technical issue uh in a few occasions I have
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not been able to share my screen while in others
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dart block appears preventing the other person from seeing what
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I'm sharing in other occasions?
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The online connection is slow and the transmission becomes very,
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very choppy.
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Um the third question would be, how do you think
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working arrangements will change in the next few years or
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What about in the next 20 years?
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Um I think that the in the near future in
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order to save money and resources, many businesses would have
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their employees regularly working from home by operating online businesses.
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Who would be able to save money and use their
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resources efficiently.
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Okay, let's go to the next question.
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Do you think that having a pet on your lap
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during an online meeting is very unprofessional and say why?
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Yes, I think it's very unprofessional because working from home
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doesn't mean that you must disregard business etiquette.
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Besides the employee may have may make mistakes or overlooked.
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Keep Fox during the business by having to give part
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of the attention of his attention to the bed in
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his lab.
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Yeah. Okay.
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The next one is what can parents who are working
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at home due to avoid fails and prevent MS hubs
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mm. And part of the question is think of at
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least three steps they can take.
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Okay first they can lock themselves in a room so
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neither persons nor pets would interrupt what they work.
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The second step that they can take is they should
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make sure that they have plenty of internet bound with
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to avoid a slow or interrupted online communication.
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Finally, the third step that they can take is that
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they should thoroughly familiarized with the video platform in order
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to know how to rapidly solve any inconvenience with the
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tools used during the meeting.
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So that would be that would be the end of
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my presentation teacher.
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Have very good night.