Transcription audio Généré automatiquement
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Hello, my name is rosa Madero
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and this is my philosophy of health.
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So a little background about myself,
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I am hispanic.
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I was raised in a catholic religion where God is actively involved in the world
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and my family believes in healing through natural remedies like tees for example,
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camel and through certain rituals.
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So what did my family believe?
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These are some things that I can remember
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from my childhood and my personal experiences,
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One of the biggest things
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that I remember was the evil eye, which was a form of bad energy.
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Now this is mostly shown within babies and toddlers.
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If a baby was fussy or irritated or if they became ill,
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it was usually due to the fact that somebody had given them the evil eye.
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Now how would we protect these babies?
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We will protect them through jewelry,
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whether it was a bracelet or a necklace
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and the jewelry will usually have a little charm on it that was shaped like an eye.
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For example, in the picture down below
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is the I that the charm usually had a picture of
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or it was a little sphere that looked like an eye.
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the bracelet or necklace would soak up any bad energy
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before it could reach the baby or the toddler.
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Many, many adults still follow this tradition. For example, myself,
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I still wear a bracelet that has this charm
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and the saying goes that once it rips,
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it has soaked up a lot of bad energy and you need anyone.
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We also thought that you will get sick if you go outside with
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wet hair or if you walk around barefoot due to the cold floors
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Now, this was because of the temperature imbalances within our bodies.
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We also believe that we needed protection from evil spirits entering our home.
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My mom would make crosses made out of palm leaves and put them at every door
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to protect from any bad spirits.
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what is health and wellness to me,
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To me, health and wellness is the positive balance between your body and your mind.
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Mental health is important because it includes your social,
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emotional and psychological well being,
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but also, But being healthy also means being physical,
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physical health.
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It's important to have physical health because your body is your home.
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Now, you can go to the gym, you can work out,
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you can have six pack,
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but if you're mentally exhausted and mentally drained, you are unhealthy.
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Why is it important?
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It is important because in order to fully experience life and happiness,
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you must learn to balance both your body and your mind.
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A healthy body allows you to live a longer and more
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active life and you can achieve a healthy body through exercise.
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Doctor checkups and healthy diets.
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But a healthy mind allows you to experience life to its fullest
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and you can achieve a healthy mind through meditation
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through stillness and their therapy.
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Now on the other side of the spectrum,
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what is illness
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for me,
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illness is the imbalance of your of your physical body and the state of your mind.
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Now your body can be physically ill
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with a disease or a flu
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For example, the pandemic that we're going through right now with COVID-19
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but your mind can also be sick and be mentally exhausted.
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And usually when your mind is tired, your body will follow.
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In my tradition. We believe something called the hot coat syndrome.
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In hispanic tradition,
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illness is often attributed to the imbalance of heat and cold in the body.
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This is why we were always told to wear shoes and
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not walk on cold floors to always wear a sweater when it
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was cold outside or else you will get sick or to
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not walk outside with wet hair because you will become ill.
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If you had a cold, they would,
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we would put hot veggies on your stomach or in the bottom of your feet.
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In my personal experience,
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my mom would put warm tomatoes and warm onions on my stomach and on
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my feet to make me feel better and to regulate my body temperature.
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Now, how do I keep healthy?
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I tend to follow both. Traditional and Western medicine.
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Medicine is always changing and I trust
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modern medicine and modern medical procedures.
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I do think that some healing practices can still
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be done like acupuncture or cleanse of the spirit.
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A little history of my tradition was, we always followed something called,
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which was a holistic
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Anyone who practiced coronavirus mo was either called
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which translates to a healer.
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They would focus on healing three levels material,
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and spiritual.
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They would use natural herbs like chamomile or
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rose petals to cure things like a poncho,
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which is indigestion.
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There you go. So
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how can the world be healthy?
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I think a healthy world starts with healthy minds
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in order for
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everybody to be healthy.
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There needs to be less criticism and
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judgment and accepting that everyone is different,
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but we also need to take care of our
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of our bodies.
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In the US alone, close to half of its residents are considered obese.
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Now, a healthy world also starts with an access to healthcare
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our health care system.
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It's crazy and chaotic,
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but access to health care is a right.
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They argued that a right of healthcare would stop medical bankruptcies,
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improve public health, reduce overall health care spending,
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help small businesses and the health care
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should be an essential government service.
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Many people will leave many people face outrageous medical bills due to
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out of network billing that puts them in mental and emotional stress.
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So then at the end of the day who is responsible for our health.
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I definitely believe everyone is responsible for their own health.
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Everybody's responsible for their own mental health as
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well as their own physical well being.
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But there will be times where you become physically
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injured and you need help to maintain your health.
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The government,
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this is where the government walks in.
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The government is responsible for keeping people healthy.
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And the way they can do this is affordable health insurance plans,
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affordable pharmaceutical prices
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to be able to give the public resources to be able to live a healthy lifestyle
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I believe that healthy mind and a healthy body
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is a healthy well being,
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and that is my philosophy of health.
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Thank you.