Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Good afternoon Professor Boyd, Welcome to Reflection# three Happy
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Father's Day.
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I hope you have a great weekend.
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This reflection talks about four different assessments.
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We have the listening self assessment, the emotion based decision
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making, the ru powerful and what is your talents for
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ambiguity? I'm going to talk about my scores and how
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I feel about all of them.
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So for the first test I'm a listening self assessment.
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It's 3 94.
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And it said if you started from 91 I'm gonna
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five good listening skills, uh I believe this is true
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because oftentimes I'm very open people and I'm I feel
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that I'm someone that you can talk to and have
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a good conversation and if you can give me an
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opinion or something, I will always reflect my opinion and
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give you feedback whether it's positive or negative.
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And I think this can be good because sometimes people
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need to hear the honest opinion or something and they
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need somebody that they can talk to and that they
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can hear advice from and that they can give advice
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to and I feel that I am a great listener
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and I was not surprised when my score in this
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section, I believe having a good listening skills is a
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very important thing.
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It's a good habit to have because you don't want
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to be the person that interrupts people and it's good,
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you know, it shows a good sense of character if
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you can sit there and really listen to a person,
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even if you don't want to necessarily listen to what
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they say.
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I think it's a lot about a person if they
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can sit there and manager conversation by just listening and
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you know, being someone that is a good person to
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talk to.
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So for the second section in this reflection, I believe
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it was the emotion Based decision making and it was
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about understanding yourself.
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So in this section I actually scored a 41 And
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uh I said if you scored 36 or above, you
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tend to rely heavily on your feelings and make a
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decision. Mm And I feel like this is definitely true
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for me because I'm always someone that says follow your
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heart and trust your emotions.
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So I wasn't surprised my score on this test because
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instead of in life I act very distinctively.
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And I always kind of fall like my emotions and
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stuff. And you know I know that can be good
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and bad but I know this can be bad because
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I know sometimes if you follow your emotions you may
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act uh instinctively and when you do this, you know
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you don't have all the facts all the time.
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And I know that this has happened to me in
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my life for and this has put me in situations
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where have accused people of something or I've acted out
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and you know what then I learned in the later
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aftermath that what I thought wasn't necessarily true and that
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the facts did not match up with my emotion thought.
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So that's the negatives of it.
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But sometimes I think acting with your emotions can be
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very positive because I think when you act with your
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emotions sometimes you don't have time to know the facts
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and sometimes you have to make an educated guess about
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something, whether it's in school or it's in real life.
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You know sometimes if you have to make a game
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time decision and you have to decide, you know, am
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I going to wait around and wait for someone to
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tell me to do something or I'm am I going
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to make a like a decision based off of my
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own thought process and how I truly feel.
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So I feel like obviously there's pros and cons of
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acting to your emotions, but I've always felt that it's
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good to follow your heart and to let your heart
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decide and your mind decide.
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You know what you think is right and what you
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think as a person is appropriate to say or do
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So in this third section it was are you powerful?
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And in this third section I scored a 24 which
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was towards the top tier with 30 being the highest
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of are you powerful?
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I think it makes sense that I was a person
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who was a little bit more towards the upper scale
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on higher perceived power because I've always felt that things
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are best on the right way and to a perfection.
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I don't really like to believe in half ass job.
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I think that whenever you're willing to Do something or
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whether you're working at something, you always need to give
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your old and put in 100%.
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So I was not surprised my results in this area.
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Also, a lot of the questions, all the questions relate
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to, you know, kind of if I wasn't there, would
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my job be done right or could my manager replace
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me? And I think in my mind set, I think
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in life to be successful, you have to want to
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be successful.
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So I've always thought that in life, you know, I
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always tell myself that I'm the best and that there's
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no one better than me.
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And uh, I think this is very important to work
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field because you should always strive to be number one,
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whether it's in sales or marketing or just your company,
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you should always strive to be the best and to
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outwork your coworkers, not in, you know, a negative competitive
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nature, but in a positive matter.
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You know, you should always strive to set the example
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and you should always strive to be a leader and
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be someone that paves the path through the people below
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you and behind you.
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So that way you can see progress in your growth
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and improvement uh in your craft into whatever you're working
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for. I also think this can bear uh this being
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in the higher perceived um mindset is important because I
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think this this carries over into group work and into
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working with companies and working with other coworkers because I
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think it sets the tone um to be a leader
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and to have leadership qualities and I think it's important
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that you're someone that people can rely on to get
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the job done and to lead by example and you
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know that just goes a long way with, you know
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when it says the whole title is already powerful and
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I just think that the harder you work in life
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the more successful you should be.
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So I think that if you always keep that mindset
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of I'm the best or I need to be the
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best or I need to work to my maximum full
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potential, you're going to see the results you on life
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and you will be more successful.
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So in this fourth section, what is your talents for
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ambiguity? I learned about myself a little bit.
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So in this section I actually scored 79 And it
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said that scores above a 70 to reflect a particularly
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high tolerance for ambiguity.
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And I think this is true for myself because I'm
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definitely comfortable with with change in life and uncertain because
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I'm always open to interpretation with new things and hearing
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other people's opinions.
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And I've never been a person that thinks, you know,
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I'm always right.
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So I think it's good to be open to new
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things and new change.
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And I think that it's an important quality to have
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uh in the workforce and in the work field, because
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it can be very helpful whether it means working with
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other companies, because I may not be comfortable with people
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I don't know, but I think that I could do
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well or it may be working with people from different
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ethnic groups and different um diversity in the workplace.
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And I think that's important because I am an open
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person and I can get along with a lot of
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different types of people.
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I also believe this is very important to workplace because
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you always need to be open to change whether it
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be changing your job or changing a company or changing
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going like a change, a national change going on in
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the world.
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You need to be open to, you know, new opportunities
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and new setbacks and you have to be ready for
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everything. And I think it's important as a person have
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an open mind set and to always be accepting of,
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you know, whether it's a person that celebrates a different
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religious police view or it's a person that dress is
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different from you.
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I think it's very important skill to have to be
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accepting and to be open to people that may not
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be cut from the same cloth from you and you
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know, people that look different than you and uh I
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think these are really important skills to have in the
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work, please, because it all starts with being a good
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listener. That was the first thing, you know, if you
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can be a good listener and you can respect someone's
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opinion, respect you back and a big thing that I
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always think in the workplaces, you know, you should really
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treat yourself and treat other coworkers with the respect that
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you want to have, so if you want to have
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respect and you want to be successful, you'll be accepting
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and we need to be open to other people's opinions
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and ideas and I think this will set you up
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for success in life overall.
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You know, I think that all four of these sections
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that I went over definitely connected because I think they
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all tie into, you know, being skills that you need
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to have to be successful in the workforce.
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And I think that these are important skills that you
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can learn or improve.
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And I think that if you seriously took these tests
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um serious you can learn about yourself and whether you
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scored what you wanted to or you score, you didn't
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want to.
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There's always urine for improvement this world and there's always
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room to get better.
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So I think that I was very happy with my
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scoring today.
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And I think that you know what there was some
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takeaways that I have from doing these different tests.
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And I will definitely look to improve in areas where
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I think that I can improve on in some areas
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where I think I could decrease my knowledge or decrease
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my press on some certain things I'll take a step
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back from.
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So thank you Professor void.
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This is uh my week three.
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I met my Reflection# three and I hope you
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have a great evening and a happy father to that.