Audio Transcript Auto-generated
- 00:01 - 00:04
Hi lucy, here's my monday message.
- 00:05 - 00:10
Um So no doubt um the weekend has been difficult
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for you on the thought of coming back and I'm
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sure you're feeling very anxious wanting to be here.
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Um But on your return okay it's going to be
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you know, we'll meet and we'll try and get you
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back into a routine okay, You know, taking you to
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the you know, the safe places in the school um
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getting you back into the swing of things um and
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you know trying to get back into uh focus on
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schoolwork because that's the main thing.
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If you can focus on that then that will help
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you significantly I think okay?
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Um now this week um the weather is not great.
- 01:00 - 01:03
Um So I'm not sure how that's going to affect
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your cricket this week, but hopefully it doesn't affect it
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too much and that you can still do your cricket
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this week.
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Hopefully you were successful last week's only and a few
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matches, but you can tell me all about it when
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you're in school, Okay.
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Um, so yeah, and I've said this before okay.
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But you know, every day is different and well, you
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know, approach every day.
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I'm sure it will be a challenge for you.
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But you've got the support of me and support of
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the other members of staff, your circle, uh, to help
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you during your day.
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Okay? Take care.
- 01:48 - 01:48
Bye bye.