Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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going back to our original statement,
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the DNP degree prepares and equipped nurses with
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key competencies to lead and refined nursing profession
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and positively impact health outcomes.
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The statement of the original position
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statement and the
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statement # one has written on the slide.
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The reputation simply said that MSN
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prepared practitioners can provide quality care.
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This is not in this agreement with the original statement.
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The initial point was that the DNP degrees at
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high quality diagnostic reasoning which was not repeated.
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The original statement stands
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statement number two. As written on the slide,
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the reputation argued that nurses at any degree level can accomplish a C. N.
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This simply is not true
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DNP programs specifically prepares
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nurses to accomplish the DNP essentials.
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The entire reputation argument is unrelated to the original statement
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statement number three
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as written on the slide,
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the reputation argued that the DNP
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nor the PhD provide educator competencies. However,
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that was not the original statement.
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The practice focused,
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the NP degree has more in depth understanding
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of nursing practice which prepares educators to support
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students in obtaining practical clinical skills and knowledge
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statement number four, As written on the slide,
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the reputation claimed that MPH and ER
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PH are trained specifically in public health.
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While DNP prepared is not.
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However, the DNP essential specifically speak to population level outcomes
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with nurses being a significant portion of the workforce in health care.
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There is a need for leaders to understand
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that nursing practice and population level health care needs
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DNP prepared nurses are equipped to integrate
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a nursing focus into the public health arena
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statement number five. As written on the slide,
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the reputation focused primarily on health policy and
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the need for nurses to understand health policy making
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the DNP essential specifically include health policy as a core competency of the D.
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N. P. P partners.
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Although this was not the original argument,
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this further supports the need
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for DNP prepared entrepreneurs as they can be
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involved in policy making at the local,
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state and national levels.
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the reputations referenced an article that
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actually calls for more nurses entrepreneurs.
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This further supports the DNP degrees as it provides
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knowledge and skills to take on an entrepreneurial role.
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In summary.
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In conclusion,
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the group remains firm with prodi Mp degree.
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The five original statement provides specific roles.
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That is concrete examples that supports this stance.
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None of the reputation adequately argued against the DNP degree
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as discussed above. The Mp degree equips nurses across a variety of roles to advance
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improve nursing practice and health outcomes through transformational
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leadership and the translation of evidence into practice.