Audio Transcript Auto-generated
- 00:02 - 00:03
Good morning scholars.
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today we're gonna get started by reading a read
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aloud story and after listening to the story,
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you have this form that talks about the story elements in your folder.
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You are going to fill this paper out and be ready to turn it in on monday.
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One side has the empty boxes where you can draw
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the pictures in and the other side has the writing lines
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where you are going to write them in
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second grade friends,
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please begin by filling this side out and then if you want to try this side,
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first grade friends
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begin filling this side out and then use your words to fill this side out.
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Challenge yourself. See if you can complete this side in complete sentences.
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Remember a sentence needs to start with a
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capital letter.
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You need
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finger spaces between your words and it needs to have
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in punctuation. Nice job.
- 00:59 - 01:04
We've been talking about fairy tales in class and today I am going to read the story.
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The bremen town musicians think about what we know about fairy tales.
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They usually have something magical in them.
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Maybe some talking characters
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happily ever after.
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See if you can find or hear
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some of the things that we talked about with fairy tales in this story.
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Here we go.
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There was once a donkey who carried sacks to and from the mill for years.
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But now the donkey was too old to work.
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I'm sorry, said the miller,
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but your donkey didn't stay to hear the rest but ran off as fast as he could.
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He thought that if he could get to the town of bremen, he'd become a musician.
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A little way along he came upon a hunting dog lying in the road, panting, panting,
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means that he was going,
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why are you lying in the work and the road?
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Great grab hold as donkey, because I'm old and I can no longer hunt with my master.
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He was going to kill me, so I ran off.
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I don't know what I shall do.
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Well, said the donkey, I'm going to bremen to become a musician.
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Why not come to?
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I'll play the fiddle.
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You can beat the drums.
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So there's the donkey
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and there's the old dog.
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The dog jumped right up and off they went together.
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Soon they came to a cat sitting by the side of the road, her face looked.
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Three days of bad weather. What's bothering you, mistress, mustache liquor?
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Asked the donkey. Oh, answered the cat. I'm getting on in years.
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I'd rather sit by the fire than chasing any mice. So mistress wanted to drown me,
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but I figured it out before she got her sack and took off. Now, where can I go,
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come with us to bremen, Donkey said. We're starting a band
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after all. You sing in the night. What a great idea, purred the cat!
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So the three went on along the road until they came to a farm yard.
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There was a rooster sitting on the gate, crying with all his might,
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wow! That hurts the ear said Dog. Pierces the heart, said Cat. What's the matter?
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Ask Donkey.
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I've served this house for five years, calling up the sun.
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And now they want to serve me for sunday dinner,
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said rooster. All because I've gotten old.
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Hey, now redhead said donkey,
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come away with us to bremen.
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We're starting a band.
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You have a good voice,
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a loud voice. Anyway,
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I played the fiddle and dogged the drums.
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Cat will sing at night.
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You can sing during the day.
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So off they went towards bremen,
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but bremen was a long way steel.
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And they were just passing through a forest when the sun went down.
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So they tucked in for the night Donkey and dog laid down under a big tree.
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Cat climbed to the first branch where she stretched out and rooster flew
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right to the top of the tree where he would be for the rest
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for the first to see the sunrise.
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He looked around in all four directions and thought
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he saw a little light in the distance.
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Hey! Down below, rooster called to his new friends. There's a light ahead.
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That means a house.
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It'll be better to step sleep in comfort than out in the cold forest. They all agreed.
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So off they went until they came to the house, Donkey looked in the window,
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he saw a big table set with good things to eat and drink
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and several men sitting around and counting out gold and silver goblets,
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bags of coins and money boxes that they took out of sacks.
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What do you see? Gray horse? Asked Rooster.
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I see a table set with good things to eat, and drink,
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and roberts sitting there enjoying themselves.
- 04:58 - 05:03
Food, said Dog drinks, said Cat roberts, said the rooster.
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They all came to the window to see for themselves.
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Dog on donkeys, back, Cat on dogs, back and rooster on Cat's head.
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How can we get rid of them?
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They whispered to one another with our brave music, Donkey said.
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So donkey brayed, dog barked, cats screeched, rooster crowed.
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Then they scratched through the window into the room.
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The robbers thought the police had come.
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They jumped up at the terrible music and fled into the woods.
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The four hungry musicians seated themselves at the table and
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ate and ate and ate until there was nothing left.
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Then they put out the light
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look for somewhere to sleep.
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Donkey laid down outside the Hey Dog settled back by the back door.
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Cat found the hurt with his warm ashes, and rooster flew up to the roof beam
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tired from their long journey.
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They were soon asleep.
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When midnight came the robber saw that the light was no longer burning in the house.
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Everything seemed.
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So the captain said, shame on us. We were chased off too easily Henry.
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You must go back and see what's going on.
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So off they went
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He opened up the front door carefully. Everything was quiet.
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He went to stick a candle into the fire,
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but instead he mistook the cats glowing fiery eye for a
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live coal because cats can sleep with their eyes open,
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you know,
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Cat didn't think it was funny at all and jumped into Henry's face,
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spitting and scratching.
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Henry was horribly frightened and ran toward the back door,
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but dog jumped up and bit him on the leg when
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Henry tried to escape across the yard past the hip hop
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donkey gave him a nasty kick in the hind foot,
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awakened by the noise, Rooster cried loudly, cock a doodle doo.
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Henry ran back to the robbers and said,
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oh there's an awful witch sitting by the fire who scratched my
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face with her long fingernails and a man with a knife standing
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by the back door who stabbed me in the leg and a
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monster lying in the yard who struck me with an iron club.
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All the while. A judge called from on high. I want a piece of him too.
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I barely made it out alive.
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The animals were sitting and eating all the food,
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The robbers ran all the way past bremen and took the first boat to America.
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As for the four musicians,
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they like the house so well, they never left again
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for all. I know
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they're still
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Music can make robbers cry
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sing aloud
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and watch them fly.
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There are all the animals,
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the four musicians stacked up and they're the robbers aren't running off,
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so friends in that story.
- 07:59 - 08:01
They never made it to be musicians.
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They scared the robbers off. The robbers thought it was a witch.
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Now you're going to fill out your form
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- 08:11 - 08:13
Think of the characters that we saw
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the setting.
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When and where did it happen?
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What was the problem?
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And how was the problem solved?
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Remember pictures on this side
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sentences on this side.
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Can't wait to see all of your amazing work.