Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hello. My name is Ryan a lot with respect to
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our iterative process draft challenge which was applying a balanced
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work life ratio while still making a positive impact in
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our careers.
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We are Use the feedback from groups six um which
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included uh implementing a digital task list is previously discussed
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and you know, our group then really use this feedback
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to identify certain unknowns tensions in fears that we collectively
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discussed and agreed upon.
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Um and these collective patterns are as follows.
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Um Number one, How will employers respond?
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Um when you have a work like balance?
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Um and you've got folks working from home and so
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forth. Are the employers going to allow a certain amount
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of autonomy for the employees um to allow them to
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have this balance and successfully accomplished their work?
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Uh Number two, how will leadership respond?
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Um Yeah folks working from home and you have empty
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building spaces.
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Um Is there going to be a concern from leadership
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with respect to real estate not being used.
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And you know his leadership also going to be concerned
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about the accountability with respect to each of the employees.
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Um Also we'll leadership trust the employees.
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Um Are they going to assume the employees um are
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going to be able to manage their workloads effectively and
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do so responsibly?
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Um The 4th would be will there be certain quality
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control and quality assurance measures um that will be implemented?
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Um I don't know maybe you know weekly check ins?
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Um Daily check ins.
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Um This cell depends on the company um In the
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level of autonomy that's granted to each of the employees.
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Um One of the things that we discussed at length
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was also with respect to um leadership inevitably increased workload
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if for example the employees are Performing their work efficiently.
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In other words, if an employee finishes their workload in
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30 hours Um in a 40 hour work week, well
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then that cut into a 10 hour amount of time
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where employees could use that for quality time with their
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families. And then finally, how can can we use this
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model to enhance professional development with respect to the employees?
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Thank you.