Audio Transcript Auto-generated
- 00:01 - 00:04
so crossing over is the first event that leads toa
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genetic variation in the sperm, and the egg on as
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a result, causes genetic variation in the living organisms that
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undergo sexual reproduction, such as humans.
- 00:16 - 00:19
Now what is the second event that happens in yours
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is one.
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In the first division.
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It's the independent assortment.
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Assortment means arrangement or organization.
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So during independent assortment the chromosomes during metaphors when they
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want to separate, they separate in a random fashion.
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Remember that we are speaking about 46 chromosomes separating 23
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to 1 cell until 23 to the other side.
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The separation it has no ruled, unlike my toes is
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the chromosomes at one side would stay at one side,
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and the chromosomes at the other side will move to
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one side.
- 00:58 - 01:00
No, the separation in Moses.
- 01:01 - 01:04
It happens in the random fashion, and there is infinite
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possibilities off how this separation is going to happen.
- 01:09 - 01:12
And again, independent assortment that happens during an a phase
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one in the first division of during Moses contribute as
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well. So the genetic variation that is one off to,
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in addition to crossing over, that leads to changes among
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living organisms that undergoes sexual production.
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So if you look at this image, you can see
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here we are speaking only about three chromosomes.
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These three chromosomes have 64 different ways off separation.
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Okay, if you check the color, I can make for
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different ways off separation of chromosomes.
- 01:48 - 01:51
Imagine. We have 46 chromosomes.
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How many possible divisions we might have?
- 01:56 - 01:57
It's a lot.
- 01:58 - 02:04
So crossing over and independent assortment are two events that
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lead to genetic variation on.
- 02:06 - 02:08
They happened during the first stage off.
- 02:10 - 02:15
So this is an overlook, Um, Overall, look on yourselves.
- 02:15 - 02:19
As we said, divided into two stages is one, and
- 02:19 - 02:23
we also stow is one includes pro fes meta face
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on a face and tell a face on.
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This division is called reduction and Division because it allows
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for the reduction of the number of chromosomes in each
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daughter cell.
- 02:34 - 02:36
As a result, at the end of this cell, I'm
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going to have at the end of this division, I'm
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going to have to cells each having 23 chromosomes.
- 02:43 - 02:46
The second division is Moses to also we call it
- 02:46 - 02:47
the equation.
- 02:47 - 02:51
Allow division on dhe muses to resembles my toes is
- 02:51 - 02:53
where the two daughter cells.
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Each one having 23 will undergo one more division, resulting
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in four cells.
- 02:59 - 03:02
Okay. And again, here we have pro face meta face
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and a face on tele face.
- 03:04 - 03:08
It's very important to know that the way neurosis starts
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is the same as my sources starts.
- 03:11 - 03:14
What I mean is there is interface here and there.
- 03:15 - 03:18
So germ cells must undergo interface at the beginning.
- 03:19 - 03:23
In the go nuts or the reproductive organs, they have
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to undergo G one s G to D n.
- 03:26 - 03:26
A must be copied.
- 03:27 - 03:28
They have to prepare correct mistakes.
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All the steps during interface must be done.
- 03:32 - 03:36
Now, after that will start in a pro phase one
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profit phase one and phase one to phase one.
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After that directly, it will move toe Sisto with no
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interface. So there is one interface and two divisions.
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As a result, I will have four daughter cells.
- 03:58 - 04:00
In order to understand the horses, we have to look
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at each phase alone, starting with the pro face improve
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phase. There is, um there is binding off chromosomes.
- 04:11 - 04:13
That doesn't happen in my toes is called synapses.
- 04:14 - 04:22
Synapses means the parent, the paternal and maternal chromosomes the
- 04:22 - 04:27
line up together as home awards This image.
- 04:28 - 04:31
It's not common in my horses and my horses.
- 04:32 - 04:36
Chromosomes. They don't match together or they don't pair together.
- 04:38 - 04:43
This sparing will cause the formation off something called T
- 04:43 - 04:47
trot. The track is having four kilometers beside each other.
- 04:47 - 04:51
I mean one chromosome onto chromosome, each having two parameters
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so four kilometers beside each other.
- 04:54 - 04:54
This is important.
- 04:55 - 05:00
Why it's important in order for crossing over toe happen.
- 05:00 - 05:03
So for crossing over toe happen, the chromosome must be
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very close to each other.
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For this reason, this stuff happens during pro phase one,
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which is the first phase in Moses, and this is
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called synapses synapses off chromosomes.
- 05:15 - 05:18
As a result, they will be able to undergo crossing
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over. Now, after crossing over is done.
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Other events in pro phase one are similar to my
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toes is where the nuclear membrane disappears that spindle fibers
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are formed from the century roles.
- 05:33 - 05:35
Then we moved to the second phase, which is meta
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meta phase one.
- 05:37 - 05:40
During meta phase one, the chromosomes line up in the
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middle, but they don't line beside each other the line
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up above each other.
- 05:46 - 05:50
What? I mean is after the formation off the Tetra
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or the four Chromatis or the two homologous chromosomes.
- 05:54 - 05:55
Together they will.
- 05:56 - 06:00
They will line up as purse above each other in
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the equatorial plate or in the center of the self.
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For this reason, during any phase, the separation will be
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for the chromosomes, not for the parameters.
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As a result, in this example, we have six chromosomes
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in the cells.
- 06:15 - 06:18
Three chromosomes will move to one side on other three
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will move to the other side.
- 06:21 - 06:22
And again remember, during NFS.
- 06:23 - 06:27
One independent assortment takes place, so the division off the
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chromosomes is very random on.
- 06:30 - 06:33
It's not based on a constant or certain rules, so
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the paternal and the maternal chromosomes are B will be
- 06:37 - 06:39
separated in a mixed virgin.
- 06:40 - 06:44
I might have in oneself more paternal chromosomes and the
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other son.
- 06:44 - 06:49
More maternal chromosomes on this will justify the fact that
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sometimes you have traits more trades coming between you and
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your father, and sometimes you have more trades coming between
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you and your mother.
- 06:56 - 07:00
Because the sperms can carry mixed information, it's not exactly
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half 50% 52% from your father.
- 07:04 - 07:06
Due to the fact off we have crossing over and
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we have independent assortment.
- 07:08 - 07:11
But when we mean half the number of chromosomes, yes,
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it's 23 from here, 23 from there.
- 07:13 - 07:15
But this chromosomes might be recombinant chromosomes.
- 07:16 - 07:19
It means the same chromosome that you're getting from your
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father is having a segment from your grandfather.
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A segment from your grandmother.
- 07:25 - 07:27
So there is a combination between the information.
- 07:33 - 07:38
So by the end off is one I'm having after
- 07:38 - 07:42
tele face and psychokinesis two cells, each one having one
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on chromosome.
- 07:44 - 07:45
What I mean by one and chromosome.
- 07:46 - 07:47
It means 23 chromosomes.
- 07:48 - 07:52
Okay, now, after that, uses to will happen directly after
- 07:52 - 07:54
Moses, one on DME uses to.
- 07:54 - 07:57
As we said earlier, it's similar to my sources.
- 07:57 - 08:01
So these two cells, now each cell carrying 23 chromosomes,
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are going to undergo pro fes meta phase and a
- 08:06 - 08:06
face to face.
- 08:07 - 08:09
The chromosomes will line up in the middle.
- 08:09 - 08:11
Chromatic DS will separate on.
- 08:11 - 08:13
They will result with four cells.
- 08:13 - 08:17
So this is my horses to pro face to Meta
- 08:18 - 08:19
Phase two and phase two and telephones too.
- 08:19 - 08:22
And again, if you look at this events, you'll remember
- 08:22 - 08:22
my tonsils.
- 08:23 - 08:26
The difference between uses one and two is very clear
- 08:27 - 08:32
where during meta Phase one in Moses, one chromosomes line
- 08:32 - 08:34
up as birth on a nanophase.
- 08:34 - 08:35
One chroma.
- 08:36 - 08:37
Chromosomes separate.
- 08:38 - 08:42
Where else in New York says toe chromosomes lined up
- 08:42 - 08:44
beside each other on cremated separate.
- 08:45 - 08:49
So the number of chromosomes and pro phase to its
- 08:49 - 08:52
A three and interface to onside.
- 08:52 - 08:54
The kindness is the number will remain three.
- 08:54 - 08:55
In this example.
- 08:56 - 08:57
In our body, it's going to be 23.
- 08:58 - 09:00
So is one reduction of division.
- 09:01 - 09:02
It reduces the number of chromosomes.
- 09:04 - 09:06
It keeps the number as it is, but it will
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for four cells, each cell having single cremated or 23
- 09:12 - 09:13
single car models.
- 09:13 - 09:16
As a result, I'm having four help Lloyd cells with
- 09:17 - 09:21
23 number off chromosomes, each chromosome a single cremated.
- 09:24 - 09:30
Now this a gruff explains the content off DNA, Third
- 09:30 - 09:31
Division or per Moses.
- 09:32 - 09:35
If you look at this graph way can see 12354
- 09:38 - 09:41
and five, we can see three different values for DNA
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number one, it's the content or the amount of the
- 09:45 - 09:48
A N G one before the is copied.
- 09:49 - 09:53
Two is the content of the A After us phase
- 09:53 - 09:56
during interface when the when the DNA is copied.
- 09:56 - 09:58
So we have doubled the amount of DNA.
- 09:58 - 10:05
Three. It's the first division when when Moses one splits.
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This information the chromosomes into two cells on dhe during
- 10:09 - 10:14
55 Actually, it's me also is to when sister promoted
- 10:14 - 10:15
separate during your sister.
- 10:16 - 10:21
So if I start with a number off our number
- 10:21 - 10:24
of chromosomes and one, I will end up having half
- 10:24 - 10:25
off it.
- 10:25 - 10:28
And four, It means if I have 46 I would
- 10:28 - 10:28
have 23.
- 10:29 - 10:32
Now, this is the graph form uses.
- 10:33 - 10:36
The graph for my sources will be different because my
- 10:36 - 10:39
sources will end up having the same amount, same content
- 10:39 - 10:42
off DNA at the beginning and at the end of
- 10:42 - 10:42
the division.
- 10:48 - 10:55
So in this model we can see the different phases
- 10:56 - 11:00
off different places off on each phase.
- 11:01 - 11:04
It has its obvious events happening in each one off
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these faces.
- 11:06 - 11:11
At the end, we are forming here for for cells
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that are employed, each self having half number of chromosomes.
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It means 23 chromosomes okay again says it's the cell
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division that occurs on commits or sex sells.
- 11:26 - 11:28
It will result in the reduction of the number of
- 11:28 - 11:33
chromosomes. It will result in genetic variation due to crossing
- 11:33 - 11:36
over and do toe independent assortment.
- 11:37 - 11:41
Without Moses, the continuation off species won't be able to
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happen because to maintain the number of chromosomes and a
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species the spur must carry.
- 11:47 - 11:50
Have the number of chromosomes on the egg must carry
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Have the number of chromosomes.
- 11:51 - 11:55
In addition to that, these cells that are produced the
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sperm or that they will carry each time different information,
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different genetic makeup.
- 12:03 - 12:04
That's it for me.
- 12:04 - 12:05
AOSIS. Thank you for watching.