Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hey, I'm Rye!
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And in today's video will be going over.
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A few different strategies we can use to implement universal
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design for learning and differentiated instruction in our classroom.
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Help create a more equitable environment for marginalized students.
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Today's focus will be on racialized women So quick Review
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on universal design for learning and differentiate instruction.
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Universal Design for learning is based off the theory of
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providing uh, equitable access to everybody.
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Originally based on an idea architecture er transposed over to
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education. It means that we're making changes that will help
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everybody but will make a more profound impact on, especially
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in marginalized groups or groups that are receiving enough support
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as is differentiated instruction is offering our instruction in different
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modes different modalities to better reach certain learners based on
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culture or their own experience.
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So a few examples of how you d l can
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help racialized women in the classroom one way always want
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to provide clear, descriptive and positive feedback.
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Uh, this is something that will help all students clear
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Feedback and detailed feedback is key for students to be
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able to internalize their lesson.
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And, uh, for that little bit of self reflection on
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the positivity.
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And this is a huge impact for racialized women who
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may not be used to having this positive feedback, especially
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from a position of power of critical person eso incorporating
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that positivity.
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Um, even when a student is struggling, that could make
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a huge difference in the students economic success.
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We also want to make ensure that the course material
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that we are using showcases a variety of cultures and
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genders. Uh, definite problem we see in society and education
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is that women, especially racialized women, don't see examples of
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themselves in leadership or main character roles.
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So it's very important to bring those aspects into our
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text, uh, into our course through the use of text.
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If we aren't comfortable choosing a text, we can also
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bring in guest speakers will be able to showcase, uh,
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show, get this for us, or provide the direction as
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to how we can incorporate it into our, uh, courses
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and curriculum moving on to differentiate instruction.
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Yeah, On the same note, weaken, seek out professional racialized
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women for support helping us as educators provide support for
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racialized women in our classroom that comes from an honest
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place in a place of knowing Andi also bring them
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into the guest speakers again.
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We don't see enough women, especially racialized women in positions
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of power.
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So having them come in and influence and deal, possibly
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be a role model for us Looking some of the
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racialized women that maybe in your class could make all
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the difference provide opportunity for gender resource access.
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So especially in shop environments, uh, myself, as a technology
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teacher, this is something that we've dealt with.
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Ah, lot also occurs in, uh, physical education.
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But some students may not be comfortable having performing certain
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tasks in a co ed environment, especially if it's the
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first time or new in the air where it was
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still getting used to.
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We're still breaking down some of these barriers.
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Uh, providing gender access to resources can give students an
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opportunity. Be comfortable reduced that cortisol level on, actually enable
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a deeper learning process.
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Okay, so I hope these examples of universal design for
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learning and differentiate instruction help you in your classroom.
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I know that they have helped me a lot on
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Thank you for listening.
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It was my pleasure, Miss.
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Here, Have a great day