Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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good morning students today for our devotional.
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We're going to be talking about fate and inner Bible.
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We're going to be focusing on Hebrews 11 which is
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also known as the whole of faith.
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Ah, some of you might have heard of the Hall
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of Fame.
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Um, but in Scripture, it's known as the whole of
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faith. And it lists, um, men and women throughout Scripture
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that I've just shown great faith in God.
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And then Hebrews 11.
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They're listed about how they showed their faith in God.
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And so he rues 11 1 actually kind of defines
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what faith it's that says now faith is confidence in
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what we hoped for and assurance about what we do
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not see.
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So I'm gonna kind of break this first down for
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our devotional today.
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And so first I wanted to talk about what confidence
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in what we hoped for kind of means.
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And so the word hope kind of means, like, we
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have confidence in what we believe in.
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And we have confidence in the promises of God and
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so in faith when you have faith, you are confident
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that what God says is true and what he is
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promising you is true that, um, your sins will be
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forgiven and that you will have eternal life.
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And then when he says assurance in our fate, I
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am certain and I am guaranteed I haven't assurance about
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my future in God because of his promises and the
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things that he states throughout Scripture that are his word
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in John 3 16 week, a lot of this snow
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this first have probably memorized it.
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But at the end of it, it says that whoever
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believes and believes is just another word for having faith.
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Whoever has faith in him in Jesus that he came
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and he died for your sins.
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They shall not perish but have eternal life.
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And that is a promise that guard gives us.
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That is a gift of salvation that he gives us.
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And so I know that I have confidence and that
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I have assurance in him and in my fate.
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And so, um, whenever we might doubt or, um not
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understand something in the Bible or we don't understand maybe
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something that we're going through a trial or something difficult
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in our family or in our life.
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Um, I just wanted to share that one to have
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faith. And, um, for me, what I've practiced whenever I
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felt, um maybe depressed or sad or, um defeated or
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overwhelmed, or like I didn't have a strong faith in
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God. In some moments, I have to pray to God
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and just bring it to him and say, I'm struggling
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right now with this, and I need your help.
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And I need you to, um really helped me through
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this. And I need to have faith in you right
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now and just trust in you and hope in you
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and have confidence that your promises are true.
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And, um, I do that through prayer.
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And I also do that through reading my Bible and
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re reading through the promises that God has for me.
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And, um, I also can share with somebody that I
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have, uh, confidence in, like my parents or close friends.
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Close believers I share with them whenever I feel overwhelmed,
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defeated, or I'm doubting.
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Um, I'm having a My faith feels a little, uh,
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on the low end.
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I share with them and I ask for prayer and
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I ask for encouragement from them, and they always come
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alongside me and remind me of God's promises and that
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I can rest.
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Sure, I can rest assured and I could be confident
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in him.
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And so that's one point I wanted to make another
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one was, Ah, have confidence when you're feeling weak and
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your faith or your doubting Um, it can be hard
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to have confidence that God is there with you.
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But I am.
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I encourage you to read your Bible in that moment,
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and sometimes that's the last thing we want to do
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when we, um, feel defeated.
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Or we feel like we don't understand why God is
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doing something in our lives.
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We don't understand why we're having to go through something
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difficult. We don't understand while why our family is going
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through hardship.
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And, um, you might just be questioning God and saying,
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You know, I don't understand why this is happening to
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me, and you might be losing some of that confidence
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that you have in him.
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And I just really encourage you to read your Bible,
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talk to others, share what you're going through prey, and,
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um, talk to me.
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I'm always here for you.
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If you need somebody to talk to, um and share
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with and I just encourage you today, Thio.
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If you're feeling anything like that, read your Bible share
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with your parents there.
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They love you and they want to take care of
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you, and they want to encourage you a swell.
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And so, uh, there was another point I wanted to
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make. And three just be assured of those promises again
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that God has for you.
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You are guaranteed those when you believe in you have
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faith in him and you are following in his path.
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You are guaranteed those promises.
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And, um, just read your Bible and remind yourself of
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the promises that God has given to you that he
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is gifted to you freely.
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And, um, yeah, just be assured a rest assured in
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that. And, um, your assignment today I want you to
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refer to your schedule You're gonna be doing like unscrambled
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today. It's pretty fun.
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And, um, you will need your bible for that assignment
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you're gonna be reading through Hebrews 11 for that assignment.
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And the last thing today I wanted to share with
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you guys that this weekend and through next weekend.
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If I don't get all of them done this weekend
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throughout the week, if you guys want me to write
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you a letter and make you a bookmark?
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I am going to be doing that.
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And so you have to get your parent's permission.
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No. Ask them if, um if they're okay with it.
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You send me your address through class.
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Joe. Joe, just message me your address, and I'm gonna
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be making some hammer and letters for you and some
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bookmarks for you to encourage you to be reading your
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Bible or to be reading some books this week.
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So, um, if you would like a handwritten letter for
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me, and I'm gonna be making some bookmarks already started
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making some for some of my friends that they've been
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asking for some.
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And so, if you would like one of those, just
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talk to your parents.
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Make sure you get their permission before you share your
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address with me.
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Um, so, yes, I wanted to do that for you
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and send you some letters of encouragement, um, to keep
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contact with you.
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And, um, if I send it to you and you
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want me, you want to send a letter back to
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me. I would love that as well.
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And I hope you guys have a blessed morning