Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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welcome to Cove in 19 training.
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This training has been designed for employers and workers in
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the construction industry to help keep themselves another safe while
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at work.
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The Learning Objective Self To gain a basic understanding of
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Corona virus on its symptoms.
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How to travel safely to and from work.
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Staying safe from Cove in 19 while on flight.
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What materials and resources you can use to help keep
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yourself on the other.
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Safe and importantly, what do we need to clean?
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Where on how so what are the symptoms of Kobe?
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19? Firstly, it's important to say that no work should
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be carried out by anyone who has any Corona virus
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symptoms. However mild.
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Anyone who's had symptoms within the last seven days or
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here as a member of their household is displayed.
- 01:00 - 01:02
Symptoms within the last 14 days should not be a
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work. Symptoms include a high temperature, a new and continuous
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cough on a loss or change to the sense of
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smell, the sense of taste.
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So how can we stay safe while on sites so
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construction continue as long as we're in accordance with social
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distance and guidelines where possible are set up by the
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government workers will be asked to obviously not end work
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if they have symptoms of Corona virus, and it's important
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to continue to monitor and follow the UK government guidelines.
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So what actions we need to take to keep safe?
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Firstly, the number of personnel on site may be reduced
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to adhere to social distancing measures.
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There simply may not be enough room to fit everybody
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on site at the same time, that being says your
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employer may start to stagger your starting finished time to
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reduce congestion on contact at all times.
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The number of sites, entry and exit points may be
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increased to enable social distancing.
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Everybody's not entering leaving the premises all at once, wciv
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signing from floor marking, so ensure that to Mr Distances
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it had to, especially in queuing on in busy areas.
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I'm not trying minimize the number of people in attendance
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at meetings and slight inductions.
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We need everyone to consider using virtual meetings, holding meetings
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outdoors, where possible, still adhering to that two meter social
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distance in guideline, if inside, we need to make sure
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the ventilation is increased is a good flow of ah
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through the building.
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If it's not possible, to undertake a work activity while
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maintaining a two meter distance, your employer needs to consider
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whether that activity needs to be done at all.
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There needs to be arrangements in place for the monitoring
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of the complaints on supervision of the team to make
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sure everybody's staying safe.
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Cleaning regimes need to be in hunts for commonly used
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areas on surfaces such as entry and exit points, reception
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offices, welfare, toilet facilities, access control areas, delivery areas and
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so on.
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Well done and screening a little bit more at the
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end of the training.
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So where drivers are required to exit the vehicle, they
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need to wash their hands or sanitizer hyung's before handling
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any materials on the site where possible workers need to
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be working back to back or side to side rather
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than face to face.
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This includes when they're eating.
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I'm not such on that a little bit later, so
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we're loading on offloading Arrangements on site would allow it
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all. Delivery drivers should maintain distancing by remaining in their
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vehicles. If possible, rearranged us to be enabled for them
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to be enabled to be done by one person or
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by maintaining the social distancing measures of two meters.
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And so the using screens or various separate people from
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each other, whatever ever you come and consider the alternative
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or additional mechanical aids to reduce the interface of workers
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between each other.
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So how can you stay safe while traveling to and
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from work, if possible, try not to share vehicles.
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Use your own vehicle if you come.
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This includes public transports.
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Traveling to and from work on your own in your
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in vehicle is the preferred method.
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If you do, you have to share a vehicle with
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anyone else.
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Make sure there's only two people in a six seater
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three and a nine seater, and that's two meters distance
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where possible between you.
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If it's necessary piece of travel trying to gain some
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internal screens for the vehicle so that that separation is
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maintain, please ensure the regular cleaning of vehicles in particular
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when different users are using the same vehicle one after
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the other.
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Make sure vehicles well ventilated to consider opening a window
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while traveling.
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When finishing your journey, recommend you wash your hands for
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at least 20 seconds.
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Will sanitize your hands as soon as possible, washing hands
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with soap and water is preferred.
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But if that's not possible, then you send hand sanitizer.
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Make sure you clean the vehicle where possible after each
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use as well.
- 06:00 - 06:02
Okay, so what materials you need on site to stay
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safe. It's over and above your usual PP.
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Gloves and face coverings can be used.
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We recommend as well that you can use plastic face
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screens that attacked your heart, tut and come down over
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your face.
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This is gonna physically stop any droplets struggling from you.
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What toward you from anyone else but also acts as
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a shield for any debris on site.
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You need lots of soap for the hand washing hand
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sanitizer to be used where washing hands properly isn't possible.
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They also need lots of disposable.
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Hansel's on a place to dispose of those without the
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use of hundreds, hundreds of universal that can exacerbate the
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virus and help it spread so it wants to be
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using ham.
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Paper cells were possible and also in place where possible.
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Using communication technologies for online meetings and trying not to
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meet face to face.
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Additional hand washing facilities are a biased, For example, pop
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up 100 cities on washing facilities in addition to the
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usual welfare facilities are all already on site.
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Consider spreading out these facilities over large sites so that
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accuse of people crowds are avoided.
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Allow for regular breaks to wash your hands.
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Please see the diagram of the right hand side the
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N. H s guidelines of House of Washington's properly.
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We need to ensure that adequate supplies of soap where
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soap isn't there.
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There's a reporting system in place to be able to
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get some.
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We'll send you freshwater disposable hand cells were necessary.
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I make sure these are top supple times in sense
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of hand sanitizer.
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Make sure this is a minimum of 60% alcohol.
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70% is even better.
- 08:00 - 08:02
But where hundreds, she facilities unavailable.
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Hm. Sanitize it needs to be used.
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Make sure the hand washing facilities are regularly clean was.
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Obviously this is gonna be a place where the virus
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is like likely to be more than anywhere else.
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And hunts.
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Cleaning procedures should be in place across the sites, particularly
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communal areas on a touch points, including procedures for cleaning
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at the end of each break on shift when new
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people are coming on site.
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If possible, encourage outdoor eating, supplying an outdoor eating area
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would be good or rearrangements of the current eating area.
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So making sure that workers can either sit back to
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back or side by side, all facing the same way
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with that two meter distancing, which will help the virus
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not to spread.
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It's what specific areas that we need to be.
- 08:59 - 09:04
Keep keeping clean entry exit points that includes Aldgate handles
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turnstiles clocking in and out points.
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Tops and washing facilities need to be cleaned.
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Hundreds of staircases, corridors, scuffles and what platforms, machinery and
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equipment controls.
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Also, any I T equipment, tools and equipment being used
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by more than one person.
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It's between in between each person.
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Any workstations or work benches are being used also needs
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to be clean on units in the welfare facility such
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like waves, refrigerators and castles, Food preparation and eating service
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is also need to be cleaned.
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Are making sure all chairs, seating areas, door handles, vending
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machines and payment devices are clean, too.
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It's also goes for locker rooms, everything in there on
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rubbish collection on storing points.
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The point of this slide.
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Everything needs to be cleaned thoroughly, regularly on in between
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each use by different people.
- 10:02 - 10:04
Okay, that concludes Cove in 19 training.
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Thanks for listening