Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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Hello, everyone.
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My name is Alicia Mike, and I'm an elementary education
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student at University of the Cumberland's.
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I'm super excited to be in the midst of my
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last semester before student teaching, and I'd love to tell
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you a little bit about me today to start off
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24 years old, and I live in Middlesboro, Kentucky, to
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the left of this slide, you'll see a photo of
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the welcome sign in Middlesborough and to the right that
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is a photo of a mural downtown that we are
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extremely proud of.
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It has many different graphics within the letters and shows
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photos of different things that represent our town and our
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community. Something interesting about me is that I'm recently married.
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My husband, Matthew, and I were married at my childhood
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church in Middlesborough on January 30th of this year to
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the left of the slide.
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I've included a photo from our wedding ceremony in the
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middle one from our reception, and to the right is
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a photo from our engagement photo shoot.
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Um, very blessed to have such a supportive husband and
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confidant. I'm proudly a Christian.
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My husband and I attend to Yellow Creek Baptist Church
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in Middlesborough, and it is my favorite place to be
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every Sunday on this slide.
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I've listed what I believe to be my core values.
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I believe in taking risks and learning from my mistakes.
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Also believe in leading by example, which is super important.
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As a future educator, I believe in being respectful to
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everyone, no matter their skin color, their financial situation there,
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gender, their religious affiliation.
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I just truly believe that everyone deserves to be respected.
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I believe in treating others the way you wish to
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be treated.
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I believe that there are no stupid questions, and I
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also believe that you're never too old to try something
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new. Lastly, and m bold on this slide I list.
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Pray, pray, pray.
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I know I've already said so, but I truly believe
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that there is so much power in praying over your
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problems and praying over your blessings.
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I work at Middlesborough Independent Schools.
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As a substitute teacher.
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I'm also going to be working at the school board
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this summer.
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I just accepted a job as the secretary at the
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school board, and I'm incredibly grateful for both of these
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opportunities when it comes to my hobbies.
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I love anything outside, whether it be on our family's
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farm, at the lake or in the mountains.
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Outside is my absolute favorite place to be, especially when
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it's warm.
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I love fishing, hunting, riding four wheelers.
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On this slide, I have photos of me participating in
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different outdoor activities to the left there, um, in a
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hunting shed and in the middle.
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I am on my Step Dad's boat on the lake,
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and me and my husband, Matthew, are also in that
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camo gear in the middle on a riding trip from
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Christmas, when it was super slowly and beautiful outside, and
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to the right is a photo of me and my
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mom at a botanical garden center.
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Family is everything to me, both mine and my husband's
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family. I love them so much, and I make up
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my whole heart.
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On this slide.
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I have photos of my brother in law, my cousins,
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my aunt, my parents, of course, and also my brother
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and sister.
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Some of the qualities I have that I think will
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make me a good teacher is that I'm caring and
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compassionate, also empathetic.
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I am responsible and respectful, and I remain calm in
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stressful situations.
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While it takes many qualities to make a great teacher,
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I believe that these are the best qualities I have
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within me that will make me a great educator.
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On this slide, I have photos of my inspiration for
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teaching. My brother is my number one inspiration and everything
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I do in life.
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He is severely disabled, but he has such a glorious
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outlook on life and life experiences.
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He is so respectful, so kind and so genuinely happy
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that it inspires me to be the best version of
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myself. I possibly can be.
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I also love watching him grow and learn, and from
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an early age, I've always enjoyed watching that and experiencing
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him learn new things, and I just would love to
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be that motivator.
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And that educator in that role model for Children as
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they are growing up and learning my mother is also
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a great inspiration to me.
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She always reminds me and encourages me that I can
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do anything I set my mind to as long as
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I have faith.
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And as long as I believe in myself and look
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to the Lord for everything in reference to my future
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career as an educator, these are some of my short
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term and long term goals.
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Short term.
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I would love to pass the Praxis to exam on
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the first try.
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I would also love to graduate college in December, and
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I look forward to that so very much I hope
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to get a job directly after that.
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As an elementary education teacher, I also put on here
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that my dream job would be third or fourth grade
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reading just because in my field experience, I have loved
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working with 3rd and 4th grade classrooms, and reading and
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writing is my favorite subject.
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In the long term, I hope to make a positive
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impact on my future students.
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I hope to have a class that is both well
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managed and well organized, and overall, I just want to
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have a classroom that is inter activism as possible and
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impactful as possible.
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Thank you all so much for allowing me to represent
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this school and this program.
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I hope that you have a great day and God
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