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Hi team.
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Welcome to our first group meeting.
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My name is Bryn Mawr.
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In your manager in the graphic design company that you
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are now part of and for our starting meeting.
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I wanted to use this time for all of you
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to get to know me and know how I got
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to the position I am in today.
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Before I got to the management rolling in today, it
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took a lot of hard work and many years of
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dedication and many parts of my life.
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But that first step that I took in the first
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place that the hard work had to start was decided
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to go back to college.
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Going to college after high school was a tough decision.
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But when I'm sure you're all familiar with and I
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know the feeling whenever I say I felt like I
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had to do it, even though I didn't have an
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exact idea of what I wanted to dio but decided
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to go to college after years of being away was
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actually much easier.
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Of course, I had to consider the fact that I
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didn't have it's much help with scholarships or my parents
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to help with paying for things But when I know
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I still wanted to go back to school, even with
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those additional challenges that I wasn't presented with initially, I
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know it was still the right move for me.
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However, those hurdles were still very impactful of my decision
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on where I wanted to go to school.
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I did want to go somewhere that would give me
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the best education but would not put me into major
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debt that could ruin the benefits of me getting that
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degree at all.
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It was also very important for me that I stayed
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in Florida as much as it would have been great
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to travel to a different state for school, Not only
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can it sometimes be five or times are even more
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expensive to go to an out of state school, but
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also leaving the state at the time would have taken
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me away from my job, which was my income that
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was supporting me through schooling as well as paying for
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that schooling and the loans that it did need to
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take out for school.
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So that was something else really important for me and
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with this many schools is their arm or in Florida.
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It did take a lot of time to sift through
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and compare them to find which one would best suit
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me. Ultimately, it came down Thio, UCF, University of Central
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Florida and Valencia because they both had campuses that I
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could easily commute Thio.
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They had a lot of great opportunities, like the different
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labs that were presented for me and online courses as
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well, which I think everybody during that era is really
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comfortable with because of co vid.
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So with that, um, it was something that I had
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to think a lot about, but ultimately it was a
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pretty easy decision for me.
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I had initially going for an A at Valencia when
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I first went to college right out of high school,
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and it left a great impression on my mind.
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I had a great time and I benefited a lot,
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even though it was just a general education.
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So even though both of the classes for me both
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of the colleges, had Thekla passes, I needed to take
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and were in a reasonable amount of distance for me,
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it volunteer was just the best fit.
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It was also a fraction of the price compared to
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U. C F so as nice as you CF is.
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Volunteer was just the one for me, and I'm so
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happy that it did work out the way that it
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did after graduating from Valencia.
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Those two years of doing all the classes to get
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my degree, I was finally able to start searching for
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design companies who fit my lifestyle and health a bit
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blessing values that I did.
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It was pretty important to me and I was looking
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for company who gave back caring for the community and
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the employees as well.
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I wanted to make sure the place I was joining
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have the same values and made sense for me because
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I was planning to be a part of that company
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for a very long time, if not the rest of
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my life.
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I I was also happy to be in a place
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after graduating that I could move virtually anywhere.
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I wanted to from my job, and it was a
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very lucky position to be in, and I'm so happy
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I put the work in for myself because I was
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on that career path that allowed me to travel all
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over now, and I've always wanted to be able to
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leave Florida.
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Honestly, I have been waiting for that opportunity for a
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long time.
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Thio explore an adventure.
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So once I graduated, it was the first thing I
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did. And I'm so happy that I had that opportunity.
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And I'm so happy to say that I finally found
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the job that I am in today.
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Um, it was a lot of hard work.
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10 years of hard, hard work.
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But I'm finally here, and I'm so thankful for that
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journey. And I'm happy to be here.
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Is your manager today.