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Chapter 1
Current Time 0:00
Duration 4:03
- 2x
- 1.7x
- 1.5x
- 1.2x
- 1x, selected
- 100:00 - 00:49
1. What were the main events wordwide in that decade you chose?
- 200:49 - 01:03
2. choose a country you would like to facus the final term project.
- 301:03 - 01:27
3. Chosse a decade from XX century that you are interested in.
- 401:27 - 02:07
4. What were the the main events in that country in that decade you chose?
- 502:07 - 02:23
5. What is the main enviromental issue during this decade that you like to focus on?
- 602:23 - 04:03
comparative chart