Audio Transcript Auto-generated
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the civic issue, I chose an addiction.
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Addiction is increasing issue because the amount of people trying
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to get through the pandemic with these the issues with
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drug control and rehabilitation centers.
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This timeline shows the increase of drug overdoses in America.
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Throughout the nine years in 2010, 38,329 drug overdoses occurred
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in America, and in 2019, 70,630 drug overdoses occurred in
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America. The study includes shows that the federal government has
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made no changes to suppress or trying to eliminate substance.
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Use our over those percentages.
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The American statistics.
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About 130 Americans die every single day from an opiate
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overdose. 21 million Americans have at least one addiction.
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Yeah, only 10% of them received treatment.
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Nearly 90% of people with an addition start to drink
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alcohol or used drugs before the age of E T.
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The teen hood.
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Many researchers have showed that addictions spring from early uses
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of drugs, such as If a person has been abusing
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drugs before the age of 18, they are more likely
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to continue abusing it till they need to yourself in
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2017, approximately 2.3 million Americans between the ages of 12
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and 17 started to drink alcohol.
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In 2018 25% of 10th graders and 39% of 12th
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graders admitted to drinking underage.
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The rate of teen drug overdose deaths in the United
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States climbed 90% from 2014 to 15, 3.1 per 100,000
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people. Now that number might seem surprisingly low, but it's
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3.7. Too many teams that have the access to drugs
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that could potentially kill them an overdose are the mental
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health ties.
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Nearly 50% of people in a drug rehab are diagnosed
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with mental health issues.
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Approximately 20% of Americans love depression are an anxiety disorder.
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Also have a substitution, for this shows the direct link
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between matter, health and addictions.
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In order to suppress the mental health, you need to
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suppress addictions in order to suppress addictions and your suppress
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mental health.
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The average cost of these centers admission to a rehab
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center, cost tens of thousands of dollars.
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This cost stresses the patient cell in in patient rehab,
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which is a program where you cannot leave the rehab
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said to, and you follow that strict 30 day program
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staying in that center for as long as you need
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to. These costs averagely 20,000 for a 30 day program,
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and this is just one of the costs.
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These costs are way higher than 20,000.
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An outpatient rehab is something where you can transfer in
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and out.
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You can go to work, go to school and do
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whatever you need to do, but you constantly check into
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the center these costs, obviously 10,000 to a three month
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program. This is also on one of the low end
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of the outpatient.
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Rehab impresses go a lot higher the medication, and these
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are not covered by health care.
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Our insurance, for example, a year learned methadone treatment for
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heroin users cost around $5000 all of which is out
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of pocket and not paid for by the government or
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insurance companies.
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All the amenities in these rehab centers are not free.
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These amenities include massages, acupuncture, swimming pools, tennis courts and
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large individual rules for the rehab patients to sit and
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relax more amenities a rehab center has, the more the
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center cost, there shouldn't be true.
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The more amenities are reacting to have more affordable and
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accessible. It should be for patients.
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If a patient has more access to amenities that will
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make them feel good, they'll have a higher rate of
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success in overcoming their addiction and not feeling.
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If there in the prison were saying if they can
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only afford a $5000 rehab center treatment, it will be
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like a dungeon there, just eating, sleeping, getting a little
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bit of treatment and recycling.
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They can't.
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They can't have access to any of these amenities because
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they can't afford the cons of the cause.
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Big price sex, just these patients.
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So if a patient is sitting trying to overcome their
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addiction, But they're stressed about that $20,000 bill that they
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have to pay after they get out, they're not going
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to be fully focused on Oh, I need to get
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better. I need to overcome his addiction and use all
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the help, use all the amenities.
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But they're going to be focusing on the fact that
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oh, I have this huge $20,000 bills to pay.
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It's gonna put me that I'm never gonna get out
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of it.
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And this this bill, and that just needs to stressing
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the re use of drugs because drugs is the only
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way they know how to cope with their mental health
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disorders. So it's just a continuing cycle of you're doing
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a job.
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You get addicted, you go to rehab, you stress out
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with the bills, you get back into drugs, you go
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through addiction rehab centers, and it just keeps over overlapping
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and keep the current.
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My overall goal is the lower rehab fast and make
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it more accessible.
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And to make a match drug Joseph start mandatory with
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every drug soul.
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My plan to lower cost is to cancel the rehab
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home red and make these houses government funded a huge
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cost of these $80,000 rehab places are that they have
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to be able to pay the rent for it.
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In order to do that, they have to charge their
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patients more.
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If the government funds these houses, they can cut off
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a substantial amount of money, making the rehab patients pay
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less for things that they need.
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Another proposal is to make healthier cover some costs.
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The rehabilitation now, not the things that they're not responsible
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for, like the furniture, the rent or the physical things
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inside the building.
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But the things that help the patients and the things
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that they're supposed to cover, such as the recovery medicine,
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stress and leaving programs and anything that relieves physical or
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mental stress.
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And my last proposal is to make addiction presentations monetary
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and school for grades 6 to 12.
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A lot of researchers showed that addiction springs from a
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youth and putting the thought of what you can possibly
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go through paying these $100,000 bills just because you're addicted
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to a substance used to take for fun in high
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school, where it's gonna put you in life and how
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much more stress you're gonna.
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I'm needing me.
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Put on yourself.
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This drug doses chart is going to be a scientific
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research development that shows how much of a drug a
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certain class of human can take.
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For example, a £140 male at the age of 23
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his Max dosage of ex drug is X M O.
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For example, his Max dosage of marijuana would be 40
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g per cent, But this this chart will be detailed
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for most 99% of people their age, their weight, the
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gender and everything that can factor into how much of
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a dosage of a drug prison contain.
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And this chart will be accessible to anyone anywhere, instead
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of trying to give them a lecture like, Oh, there's
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no is going to kill you.
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Watch how you use it and stuff like that that
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people most likely won't listen to you.
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Hand them a chart making them know, like Okay, this
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is This is the maximum that I can take.
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There will be more conscious of when when they need
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to stop and they won't get carried away like Oh,
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I forgot and stuff like that.
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The action for this plan is to start a petition
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for the federal government to fund rehab centers, a charity
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for the funding of the science research for the drug
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chart and to offer job for addiction presentations in school.
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If all goes well, these rehab centers will be more
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friendly and more accessible, more friendly and more accessible.
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Rehab center music patients will have a higher success rate
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of coming out of that addition center Without that addiction
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and less stress on the bills that they have to
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pay and less percentage of that relapse in the cycle
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of bills, stress, drugs, rehab and such.
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These are these patients won't be stressful.
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Any bills, and they'll be focused on being sober in
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the present time and in the rehab center.
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And this drug chart will lessen over the percentage because
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the maximum problems with that hand so the so the
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drug user is more cautious of what his maximum is.
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Uh huh, the charity will be added to by training
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a swell feature schools that will hold the addition presentation.
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For example, if I were to give this presentation to
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send what I would say, Okay, pay me $200 not
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we'll give the $200 to charity, and that money will
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go to the research to fund this drug chart.
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And in exchange for that $200 donation, we'll give you
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this presentation to all classes grade 9 to 10 whenever,
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however, wherever you want, and we'll also meet this charity
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available online and grocery local grocery stores.
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This petition will get the government's attention, which will force
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them to make a change.
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If they choose to ignore this petition, then they will
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be going to get the basic human needs and will
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most likely not before it in next year.
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The people are who vote in the government, and they're
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also who can overthrow the government, choosing to ignore human
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basic need.
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We'll just give the people more, more of a reason
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to not vote for you next time.
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In today's society, people do not usually believe things without
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proof of facts.
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Trying to make someone believe in addition is a real
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issue in the world without proof and facts is a
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hard thing to do.
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Presenting the facts helps people understand why rehab centers are
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in need of change and why the drug abuse needs
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to be changed in today's society.