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Good morning, Nate Smith here from Grace Community Fellowship.
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I just want to share a burst that I hope
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is encouraging to you today.
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We've been looking at Ephesians, Chapter One for all the
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ways that we are blessed as followers of Jesus Christ.
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Even in this time, that's a little bit difficult.
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And here is one way that we're definitely blessed.
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It's at a verse four.
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It says he chose us in him before the foundation
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of the world that we would be holy and blameless
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before him.
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If you're a follower of Jesus Christ, you are chosen.
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I am chosen and fat.
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We were chosen before the foundation of the world were
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chosen for a couple of very specific things.
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But what happens sometimes we're looking anniversay like this is
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we tend to get into theological discussions about predestination and
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things like that.
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I'm not gonna talk at all about that because I
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think we missed his point.
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When we get into those kind of discussions.
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His point is that you are chosen.
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If you're a follower of Jesus Christ, you are chosen
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in your chosen for two very, very cool things.
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One is you're chosen to be holy, which means to
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be set apart for God's purposes, that you are part
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of this elite kingdom force that that that's purpose on
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this earth is to bring glory to God.
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You have purpose here, and that's to glorify God with
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every ounce of your being in every moment of your
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day. You are part of this this force that glorifies
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God with everything that we are.
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And secondly, you and I were blameless.
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That means anything that we've done wrong in the past,
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anything we might have done currently anything that we will
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do in the future.
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We will never be held accountable for that.
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We will never be blamed for that.
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We're completely off the hook for those things.
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I don't know about you, but that makes me have
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a real sense of how much I am blessed.
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How fortunate I am in Christ.
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And regardless of the circumstances around us, those things never
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change and see you next time