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Hello. I'm Christopher Nunez.
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And from my presentation on digitization I chose online shopping.
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You might ask yourself what is it
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when you think of online shopping everyone automatically thinks
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amazon is the largest online shopping platform. There is right now
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and there's other people like walmart that see
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the benefits of having such a large presence
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that are increasingly putting effort into their online store to try to compete with
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companies like amazon.
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There's also there's also other platforms that
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most people don't think of when it comes to online shopping
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as Shopify
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which allows people to create their online website
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for their store
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to sell directly to the customer
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when thinking about online shopping.
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The characteristics of digitalization that come up our digital footprint
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like where externalities, economies of scale
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and algorithmic application which is also a I
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I'll start with dessert footprint.
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What is it?
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Well digital footprint is the data you leave behind after you have been online.
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In my case specifically from online shopping.
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So what data do you think you leave online when you shop?
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The biggest thing you leave
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is the credit card information,
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your personal identity
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as your name,
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first name and last name and your location
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because you need a place
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to get your goods after you buy them.
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So we leave these three huge important things
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that we would never give to a stranger.
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We give them online
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every single day without even thinking about it.
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These are some of the biggest things that
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we leave behind as our digital footprint.
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Next I'll talk about network externalities
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and what is it?
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Network externalities is when the valuable product to one user,
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depends on how many other users there are or using that product
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in these pictures. I illustrated an example from amazon
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which are little badges that they put on
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their products when you go on their online store
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one is # one bestseller and Amazon's choice.
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These two things
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increasing the effect,
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how likely you are to buy a product or not?
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When something is bad, number one bestseller you automatically flocked to because
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other people are using it.
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And that increases the value of the product because you think
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more people are using it because it is of higher quality.
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And same with Amazon's choice,
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you know when something has a badge that has amazon choice,
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you know a lot of people are using on it
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and there's high value placed on that product.
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Another aspect of network externalities
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is being able to leave reviews
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because these reviews let you know how many people have used it if they like it
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or not of its effective if it's any good and thus increasing the value of the product
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if a lot of people are using it
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and if they're giving it good ratings.
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Next. I'll talk about economies of scale,
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what is the economies of scale,
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constant scale is a saving and cost gained by an increase of level of production
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and when we think of this we think of things
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like Costco
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Costco wholesale selling, which is literally in their name
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that they buy in bulk to decrease
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the price that they give to themselves to buy. And for the consumer.
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We've seen this also on amazon
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do you usually find
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lower prices on their website?
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And Costco is doing the same thing. They have their online store where you could
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gain the benefits of lower
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sales price
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and not having to go in person about it.
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when you have a bigger production
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you save money
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and that's why more people tend to go with the bigger companies.
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And in this case
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online shopping
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goes hand in hand with it because of
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amazon has demonstrated how big it's gotten and the
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price to access their products has been
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increasing ever since.
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Lastly I'll talk about algorithmic application which is a hardware to say.
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But it also stands for a
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so what is it?
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It's the routines and decisions that were previously executed by humans
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that are now being done by algorithms or machine.
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So when we think of this
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we think of
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online shopping. Well that's everything. We don't have
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workers no more or we don't have
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people stocking. We don't have people
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on the check online. So you think it's everything. But also some of the main things
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that we've seen our customer service before.
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We think we used to think of people in cubicles just answering the phone all day.
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And now there's things of
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like chat box
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which is very prevalent in big online shopping stores like amazon for instance,
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the other day,
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a package said it was delivered but it wasn't in my
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front yard and all I had to do was go online,
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talk to their bodies
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and I got everything sorted out in minutes.
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And that's how much
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it has changed from before, where you had to call and wait and argue and this and that.
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Now it's done in minutes with no hassle
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and it's become
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very easy and something that's not tedious and
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it's almost enjoyable.
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And that was my presentation of online shopping.