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Guru NanakGuru NanakWWGuru Nanak
The Life and Legacy of Guru NanakThe Life and Legacy of Guru NanakWWThe Life and Legacy of Guru Nanak
Copy of The Buddha - Siddhartha GautamaCopy of The Buddha - Siddhartha GautamaWWCopy of The Buddha - Siddhartha Gautama
Muslim Beliefs about AnimalsMuslim Beliefs about AnimalsWWMuslim Beliefs about Animals
Holy WarHoly WarWWHoly War
Euthanasia, Death and AfterlifeEuthanasia, Death and AfterlifeWWEuthanasia, Death and Afterlife
Hindu beliefs about the use of AnimalsHindu beliefs about the use of AnimalsWWHindu beliefs about the use of Animals
Prejudice and DiscriminationPrejudice and DiscriminationWWPrejudice and Discrimination
Just War TheoryJust War TheoryWWJust War Theory
Pollution, Use and Abuse of Animals, AbortionPollution, Use and Abuse of Animals, AbortionWWPollution, Use and Abuse of Animals, Abortion
Christian Attitudes towards AnimalsChristian Attitudes towards AnimalsWWChristian Attitudes towards Animals
Atonement, Judgement, Heaven and HellAtonement, Judgement, Heaven and HellWWAtonement, Judgement, Heaven and Hell
Weapons of Mass DestructionWeapons of Mass DestructionWWWeapons of Mass Destruction
Origins of the Universe, Value of the World, Use and Abuse of the EnvironmentOrigins of the Universe, Value of the World, Use and Abuse of the EnvironmentWWOrigins of the Universe, Value of the World, Use and Abuse of the Environment
Story of the Indian Mutiny 1857Story of the Indian Mutiny 1857WWStory of the Indian Mutiny 1857
Creation, Sin, SalvationCreation, Sin, SalvationWWCreation, Sin, Salvation
Biblical Teachings about WarBiblical Teachings about WarWWBiblical Teachings about War
Abolition: James RamsayAbolition: James RamsayWWAbolition: James Ramsay
Uses of animalsUses of animalsWWUses of animals
Trinity, Incarnation, Easter, AscensionTrinity, Incarnation, Easter, AscensionWWTrinity, Incarnation, Easter, Ascension
Violent protest and terrorismViolent protest and terrorismWWViolent protest and terrorism
Church Growth, Importance of the Worldwide Church, Persecution, PovertyChurch Growth, Importance of the Worldwide Church, Persecution, PovertyWWChurch Growth, Importance of the Worldwide Church, Persecution, Poverty
Humans vs AnimalsHumans vs AnimalsWWHumans vs Animals
Christian Beliefs Recap Part 1Christian Beliefs Recap Part 1WWChristian Beliefs Recap Part 1
Pre-Islamic ArabiaPre-Islamic ArabiaWWPre-Islamic Arabia
Peace and Conflict IntroPeace and Conflict IntroWWPeace and Conflict Intro
Festivals, Church in the Local Community and Mission and EvangelismFestivals, Church in the Local Community and Mission and EvangelismWWFestivals, Church in the Local Community and Mission and Evangelism
Using quotations effectively in 5 and 12 mark questionsUsing quotations effectively in 5 and 12 mark questionsWWUsing quotations effectively in 5 and 12 mark questions
Christian Practices - Baptism, Eucharist, PilgrimageChristian Practices - Baptism, Eucharist, PilgrimageWWChristian Practices - Baptism, Eucharist, Pilgrimage
Passover and Rosh HashanahPassover and Rosh HashanahWWPassover and Rosh Hashanah
Christian Practices: Forms of Worship; Prayer; SacramentsChristian Practices: Forms of Worship; Prayer; SacramentsWWChristian Practices: Forms of Worship; Prayer; Sacraments
Four AshramasFour AshramasWWFour Ashramas
Roles of Men and WomenRoles of Men and WomenWWRoles of Men and Women
Heaven and HellHeaven and HellWWHeaven and Hell
Bar/Bat MitzvahBar/Bat MitzvahWWBar/Bat Mitzvah
The TorahThe TorahWWThe Torah
Abraham and MosesAbraham and MosesWWAbraham and Moses
Nature of FamiliesNature of FamiliesWWNature of Families
Full Course Pre-PPE RevisionFull Course Pre-PPE RevisionWWFull Course Pre-PPE Revision
Divorce and RemarriageDivorce and RemarriageWWDivorce and Remarriage
Purpose of FamiliesPurpose of FamiliesWWPurpose of Families
Key Jewish PracticesKey Jewish PracticesWWKey Jewish Practices
What is Judaism?What is Judaism?WWWhat is Judaism?
Untitled PreziUntitled PreziWWUntitled Prezi
Relgious Teachings on MarriageRelgious Teachings on MarriageWWRelgious Teachings on Marriage
Creation in ChristianityCreation in ChristianityWWCreation in Christianity
Religious Attitudes to contraceptionReligious Attitudes to contraceptionWWReligious Attitudes to contraception
Hindu beliefs about GodHindu beliefs about GodWWHindu beliefs about God
Sex before and outside of marriageSex before and outside of marriageWWSex before and outside of marriage
Ascension of JesusAscension of JesusWWAscension of Jesus
Relationships and Families introRelationships and Families introWWRelationships and Families intro
Muslim ideas of GodMuslim ideas of GodWWMuslim ideas of God
Hindu DharmaHindu DharmaWWHindu Dharma
Human Sexuality in ReligionHuman Sexuality in ReligionWWHuman Sexuality in Religion
Easter WeekEaster WeekWWEaster Week
Jewish beliefs about GodJewish beliefs about GodWWJewish beliefs about God
Islam Assessment FeedbackIslam Assessment FeedbackWWIslam Assessment Feedback
Islam AssessmentIslam AssessmentWWIslam Assessment
Intro to Christianity AssessmentIntro to Christianity AssessmentWWIntro to Christianity Assessment
What is God like in Christianity?What is God like in Christianity?WWWhat is God like in Christianity?
Incarnation of JesusIncarnation of JesusWWIncarnation of Jesus
Angels, al-Qadr, AkhirahAngels, al-Qadr, AkhirahWWAngels, al-Qadr, Akhirah
Assessment FeedbackAssessment FeedbackWWAssessment Feedback
Al-Qadr and Human FreedomAl-Qadr and Human FreedomWWAl-Qadr and Human Freedom
Qur'an as a source of authority, Adam and Prophethood & NatuQur'an as a source of authority, Adam and Prophethood & NatuWWQur'an as a source of authority, Adam and Prophethood & Natu
What is Religion AssessmentWhat is Religion AssessmentWWWhat is Religion Assessment
Unanswered PrayersUnanswered PrayersWWUnanswered Prayers
The TrinityThe TrinityWWThe Trinity
Angels in IslamAngels in IslamWWAngels in Islam
The Nature of GodThe Nature of GodWWThe Nature of God
What is religious commitment?What is religious commitment?WWWhat is religious commitment?
The Nature of God in IslamThe Nature of God in IslamWWThe Nature of God in Islam
The Bible as the Word of GodThe Bible as the Word of GodWWThe Bible as the Word of God
Pre Islamic Arabia, Six Articles of Faith, Five Roots of UsuPre Islamic Arabia, Six Articles of Faith, Five Roots of UsuWWPre Islamic Arabia, Six Articles of Faith, Five Roots of Usu
Battle of HastingsBattle of HastingsWWBattle of Hastings
Introduction to World ReligionsIntroduction to World ReligionsWWIntroduction to World Religions
The Logical Problem of EvilThe Logical Problem of EvilWWThe Logical Problem of Evil
Adam and ProphethoodAdam and ProphethoodWWAdam and Prophethood
Anglo Saxon Presentation lessonAnglo Saxon Presentation lessonWWAnglo Saxon Presentation lesson
Christianity as a World FaithChristianity as a World FaithWWChristianity as a World Faith
What is religion?What is religion?WWWhat is religion?
Types of Religious ExperienceTypes of Religious ExperienceWWTypes of Religious Experience
Sources of Authority in IslamSources of Authority in IslamWWSources of Authority in Islam
Why Religious Studies?Why Religious Studies?WWWhy Religious Studies?
Bible IntroductionBible IntroductionWWBible Introduction
What are Ultimate Questions?What are Ultimate Questions?WWWhat are Ultimate Questions?
Welcome to REWelcome to REWWWelcome to RE
What is the niqab and why is Denmark the latest country to bWhat is the niqab and why is Denmark the latest country to bWWWhat is the niqab and why is Denmark the latest country to b
The Caste SystemThe Caste SystemWWThe Caste System
Judgement, Heaven and HellJudgement, Heaven and HellWWJudgement, Heaven and Hell
The MagdalenesThe MagdalenesWWThe Magdalenes
Creation, sin and salvationCreation, sin and salvationWWCreation, sin and salvation
Buddhism ConsolidationBuddhism ConsolidationWWBuddhism Consolidation
How does the Church respond to wealth inequality?How does the Church respond to wealth inequality?WWHow does the Church respond to wealth inequality?
Incarnation, Easter, AscensionIncarnation, Easter, AscensionWWIncarnation, Easter, Ascension
The Dalai LamaThe Dalai LamaWWThe Dalai Lama
How does the Church work to bring reconciliation?How does the Church work to bring reconciliation?WWHow does the Church work to bring reconciliation?
Mock results/feedback lessonMock results/feedback lessonWWMock results/feedback lesson
How does the church fight persecution?How does the church fight persecution?WWHow does the church fight persecution?
How do monks follow the rules of Buddhism?How do monks follow the rules of Buddhism?WWHow do monks follow the rules of Buddhism?
Nature of God, Trinity and IncarnationNature of God, Trinity and IncarnationWWNature of God, Trinity and Incarnation
The Church in the local communityThe Church in the local communityWWThe Church in the local community
What is the middleWhat is the middleWWWhat is the middle
What is the middle way?What is the middle way?WWWhat is the middle way?
Is the Christian Church growing or declining? Is the Christian Church growing or declining? WWIs the Christian Church growing or declining?
The Noble Eightfold PathThe Noble Eightfold PathWWThe Noble Eightfold Path
The Four Noble TruthsThe Four Noble TruthsWWThe Four Noble Truths
The Buddha - Siddhartha GautamaThe Buddha - Siddhartha GautamaWWThe Buddha - Siddhartha Gautama
Sikhism: The Life of Guru NanakSikhism: The Life of Guru NanakWWSikhism: The Life of Guru Nanak
2 - The Five Roots of Usul ad-Din2 - The Five Roots of Usul ad-DinWW2 - The Five Roots of Usul ad-Din
Divine Command TheoryDivine Command TheoryWWDivine Command Theory
Methods of ContraceptionMethods of ContraceptionWWMethods of Contraception
Background of Mark's GospelBackground of Mark's GospelWWBackground of Mark's Gospel
The rise of atheismThe rise of atheismWWThe rise of atheism
What is commitment?What is commitment?WWWhat is commitment?
Rites of passageRites of passageWWRites of passage
What does it mean to be human?What does it mean to be human?WWWhat does it mean to be human?
Can we identify religious people?Can we identify religious people?WWCan we identify religious people?
Religious CharitiesReligious CharitiesWWReligious Charities
Do Miracles prove the existence of God?Do Miracles prove the existence of God?WWDo Miracles prove the existence of God?
Religious attitudes to the rich and the poor 2.Religious attitudes to the rich and the poor 2.WWReligious attitudes to the rich and the poor 2.
What is the First Cause argument?What is the First Cause argument?WWWhat is the First Cause argument?
Did God design the universe?Did God design the universe?WWDid God design the universe?
Religious attitudes to the rich and the poor.Religious attitudes to the rich and the poor.WWReligious attitudes to the rich and the poor.
Is immortality linear in ChristianityIs immortality linear in ChristianityWWIs immortality linear in Christianity
Linear immortality in IslamLinear immortality in IslamWWLinear immortality in Islam
Is immortality linear in Judaism?Is immortality linear in Judaism?WWIs immortality linear in Judaism?
Is immortality linear?Is immortality linear?WWIs immortality linear?
Lottery winners' stories and religious attitudes to responsible use of prize moneyLottery winners' stories and religious attitudes to responsible use of prize moneyWWLottery winners' stories and religious attitudes to responsible use of prize money
Four Noble TruthsFour Noble TruthsWWFour Noble Truths