- located in Hamilton and was established in 1887 Toronto
- more than 30000 student and 170000 alumni
- top 100 University world
- very beautiful
- has many kinds of foods which is fresh
- Debit Card system
- Starbucks and Tim Hortons
- many restaurant near McMaster
- very famous
- has another teaching system
- learn research and solve the question
- most advanced labs
- always have many lecture
WHAT mcmaster look like?
- Introduce McMaster
- Food of McMaster
- Location of McMaster
- Residence of McMaster
- Programs
all of picture and
- located in Hamilton which is a beautiful location
- Canada `s economic center
- ninth-biggest city and near the United states
- many places of public entertainment
- has 12 dormitories nearby school
- only 5 minutes from residence to school
- two types of residence !
- residence has kitchen that students can cook themselves
come from
McMaster University.ca
McMaster University Instagram
Programs :chemical and physical sciences