Who wants to go to heaven?
- Everybody!
- Going to heaven and being with Jesus is all of our goals. That is why we try to live a good life on earth, so that one day we can be with our father in heaven.
- This means, that we should all be good boys and girls and do what Jesus wants and asks of us, so that one day like all the saints, we can get crowns!
Whats Heaven?
- Heaven is the most beautiful place you can ever imagine. Only happiness and joy exists in heaven. There is no such thing as sadness or fear.
- In heaven is Jesus Christ, all the saints, angels and all the righteous people who have done good things in their life and followed Gods Commandments
- After his death, Anba Wanas went to heaven because he lived a pure and holy life.
- He was given a crown because of his love for Jesus Christ, and all the Good things he did.
Who is he?
- Anba Wanas was the only son of a poor christian family
- He was brought up to always pray and fast, and read the Holy Bible
- He was very simple
- He lived on the holy bread made at church "orban"
- He became martyr because he died for confessing his Christianity to the Roman Governor who tortured all Christians. He did not care because of his love for our Lord Jesus Christ.
Martyrs in Heaven
Anba Wanas